The fear from ten years ago swept over me again, but it spread throughout my body.

She still remembered clearly that it was her tenth birthday party. Although many children came to celebrate her, she still felt a little bored, so she took a piece of cake and ran to the swimming pool.She ran too fast and bumped into someone. The cream on the cake got on the person's black suit, and then she was mercilessly thrown into the swimming pool.

And the person who threw her into the swimming pool was none other than the man in front of her.

If Qiao Jingxuan hadn't saved her at that time, she might have drowned in it.

From then on, she became afraid of water.As time went by, she overcame this fear, but she never dared to swim.

But suddenly, cold fingertips with a slight tobacco smell touched Xiang Pea's right cheek. She felt pain and instinctively shrank back.Her watery eyes looked at the man who made such a strange move. Why was he touching her face?

Mo Huanting felt something flash in his mind. Before he could grab it, his hand made a move. After seeing her eyes, his hand froze in embarrassment and asked softly, "It hurts." Doesn’t it hurt?”

"Fortunately, it doesn't hurt much." When Xiang Wan answered, he took two or three steps back.

The feeling just now was very subtle, as if his actions were gentle.

How could he be gentle to her?

Mo Huanting stared at the girl in front of him, his eyes darkened, "I asked you to go through those things, not because I want to pry into your vagina, but don't you think it's weird?"

Xiang Wan raised her eyes and met the pair of light gray eyes directly, and was sucked in immediately. She quickly turned her head away, "I don't quite understand what you mean, strange? What do you mean...?" "

"Regarding the car accident two years ago, based on Jiang Yuan herself, she couldn't be so ruthless and risk her life to keep a man. You can think about it, after you are released from prison, the person whose attitude toward you will change the fastest Who is planning all this and who can get the greatest benefit? Isn't this a very simple question? You have been with your grandfather for so long, and you should be able to guess it as long as you learn [-]% of your grandfather's cunning and calculating skills." Mo Huanting spoke in a relaxed tone, giving Xiang Wan the feeling that he was talking about everyday things.

As soon as he said this, all the messy information in Xiang Wan's mind suddenly came to mind.

After being released from prison, she actually did not go home immediately. Instead, she went to a remote town in Rongcheng, where she worked as a dishwasher in a noodle restaurant.

Afterwards, it was Wu Guishan who went there to find her, told her that her grandfather was critically ill and asked her to return to Rongcheng immediately.

After that, she started running around, visiting other families that she had good relations with the Xiang family one by one, but she was rejected ruthlessly or got some ambiguous answers.

As for the banks, they have already decided not to call on Xiang's loan. In addition to Xiang's automatic declaration of bankruptcy and liquidation of assets, they probably don't want to deal with Xiang anymore.

She had thought that although Xiang was in many difficulties now, it was not really hopeless yet.According to Uncle Wu, before his grandfather became critically ill, he was still managing several large projects. As long as those projects were completed and then opened, working capital would naturally be injected.

Now, the difficulty lies in this.

Could it be that the biggest beneficiary is...?

After that person popped up in her mind, Xiang Wan was a little surprised. She raised her pretty brows and looked at Mo Huanting, "You mean it's my uncle who is behind this?"

-End of this chapter-

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