Quickly wear: How can I break my host’s hobby of making complaints?

Chapter 47 The strong woman who was forced to get married (20)

Sister Chen was tired from tying, so she stopped, took out a wet wipe from the side and wiped her hands, then took out her mobile phone and made a call.

Sister Chen: "Well, yes, it's me...why else? Isn't it because the new guy you recruited disobeyed discipline, made me angry, and even injured one of my men...what, he came here by fooling me? You're too early to get started. If you don't explain it to me clearly, why is there such a big reaction? Okay, okay, send me some thugs, I'm going to lock this kid up and rub his energy away."

After a while, several big men in black came and took Hao Jian away.

They took Hao Jian to a place that looked like an underground prison, and then left.

The space here is very small and there is nothing around. They locked Hao Jian before leaving so that Hao Jian could not escape.

He was very tired and in pain. After being thrown to the ground, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

I don't know how much time passed before he woke up from his drowsiness.

He sorted out the thoughts in his mind bit by bit and began to think deeply about who he had met. Didn't he just sign a contract with a company?Why did it become what it is now?

He couldn't help but move his lips that were so dry that they burst into skin, and shouted into the darkness: "Is there anyone there?"

No one answered.

Hao Jian asked several more times, but no one answered. There was no sound here, which made him feel a little scared.

"Is there anyone? Help!" Hao Jian shouted in a broken voice.

Suddenly there was a coughing sound in the distance.

Hearing the cough, Hao Jian's face showed a smile. It turned out that there were other sounds here, but the cough was too weak. If you didn't listen carefully, you couldn't hear it clearly, but he was sure that his ears I did hear a voice other than his.

He wanted to look towards the source of the sound, but it was pitch dark with no lights and he couldn't see anything. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He said, "Can you talk to me?"

Hao Jian prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the other party would respond to him.

After the coughing ended, an old voice came from the distance: "I advise you... you should talk less, cough cough cough, and save more energy."

Hearing this, Hao Jian couldn't help but ask why, but the old man opposite did not reply to him.

Later he found out that the meal was delivered only once every three days, and there were no dishes, only steamed buns and a bowl of water. It could be said that it was a relief for him.

He didn't know how many days had passed, but he was hungry and thirsty now, and now he felt like he could swallow any urine.

At this time, a strong sense of fear arose in his heart. He wanted to live, he didn't want to die here like this.

Slowly, the old man also told him some things, and he also understood his current situation.

The company he signed was ostensibly an entertainment company, but in fact it had a very large underground organization that mainly engaged in illegal and undisciplined transactions.

At this time, he began to regret in his heart. He should not have signed the contract out of hand.

However, the contract has been signed, and there is no way to regret it now. The only way is to find a way to escape as soon as possible. But from the current situation, it seems that escaping is not an easy task. If he can leave here alive, it will be okay. If He stayed here without even a glimmer of hope.

These were all told to him by the old man. It is said that the old man was the former second-in-command of the organization and was imprisoned here for betraying the organization. The old man did not mention why he betrayed the organization.

But these are not important to Hao Jian. The most important thing now is to find a way to get out of here.

He began to recall what had happened before, and maybe he had the chance to leave here only if he took the initiative to surrender.

So when a strong man in black brought him food, he expressed his desire to see Sister Chen and said that he knew he was wrong and would not dare to do so again.

"Humph!" The strong man sneered, stopped talking, turned around and left. He had no doubts.

After the strong man left, Hao Jian hurriedly ate, not daring to waste time as he was about to starve to death.

After eating and drinking, Hao Jian continued to lie on the ground with his eyes closed and rest, waiting for the thugs to come again and take him away.

He waited for about half a month before thugs came and took him away.

Seeing the light again, Hao Jian was extremely excited.

Even though the sun stung his eyes, he had never wanted light so much because he finally left that damn place.

Walking on the road outside, Hao Jian felt like he was surviving a disaster...

(Although I am generating electricity for love every day, I still ask the little cuties (?-w-`) to remind me of more updates~)

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