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Chapter 62 The strong woman who was forced to get married (35)

Han Dabao's matter was settled by Han Yimo not long after.

Although she did not donate a teaching building to Han Dabao's school, she did donate a batch of teaching equipment to the school and asked her assistant to give Xiaozhang a document. In it were recordings of their previous conversations and some of his personal information. Black history.

When he saw these things, Xiaozhang was so frightened that he almost peed his pants. Fortunately, he did not call the police afterwards. If he had, his job would no longer be guaranteed.

As for the child's family on the other side, Han Yimo sent her lawyer to visit her.

The lawyer showed them some specific test reports on the child's physical condition, and told them how the attending physician they bribed was now laid off.

By the way, I did some popular science about the specific criminal penalties for fraud. After hearing this, the family suddenly felt at a loss.

After thinking about it for a while, the couple took the initiative to reconcile with Han Dabao.

They looked anxious, as if they were afraid that if they said this too late, they would be regarded as fraudsters and thrown into jail.

After everything was over, Han Yimo's life gradually returned to peace. She went abroad to visit her two elders and found that they were happy every day and adapted to life there.

The two of them looked much younger and more energetic than when they first went there, which made her very happy.

Originally, she wanted to take them back to China after they recovered well in the hospital. Now that they are doing well abroad, she will wait until they want to come back and then pick them back up.

Han Yimo hired an acting CEO to manage the original owner's company, and she personally began to delve into her old business.

Because she discovered that this world is more advanced than the previous world's scientific research results.

During her research, she discovered a strange phenomenon. She seemed to know the step-by-step steps from birth, but she was sure that these were things she had not mastered before. This reminded her of her previous headaches. She felt that these two What should be the connection between...

On her 38th birthday, she created ani, whose full name is artificial intelligence, which is artificial intelligence.

As for its uses, it is very broad. It can be applied to various fields in life. It can cooperate with other software to imitate humans and perform actual operations according to the conditions set by humans.

Due to the current limited technology of the robot, Han Yimo can only position it as an app software first.

She thought that maybe with the advancement of science and technology tomorrow, everything would be artificially intelligent, and she would fight for this dream throughout her life.

Although the research and development of ani brought her great success, gradually, different voices began to appear around her.

Some people at home and abroad began to unite to criticize her.

They first hired some unscrupulous media and scarf influencers to criticize her software:

Later, they spent money to hire many trolls to attack her fan team.

The most egregious thing is that they began to attack her identity as a woman, and their words became increasingly ugly:

''Isn't it good for a woman to just stay at home and take care of her husband and raise her children?She is so nice, she even comes out to develop some software. ''

''No matter how good she is in academia, it's useless. As a woman, she doesn't even have her own children and men. It's really sad. ''

''I hear so many of you saying she's awesome, but why do I feel like that's not the case?What if she relied on men all the way?Who knows whether the thing was developed by her or stolen from someone else's work?I saw that she was in the news before, and her photo looked like that of a foxy girl, but she didn't get married at such an old age. Isn't it because she is a loser and no one dares to marry her? ''

''I was her college classmate. We lived in the same dormitory at that time. I know her affairs best. When she was in school, she had an affair with a rich second generation, and later she became pregnant with his child. The rich second generation didn't want her, so she directly I took her to have the child aborted. It was said that it seemed to have hurt her body and she would never be able to have children again. After the two separated, the rich second generation gave her a lot of money. It was because of this money that she was able to build the building when she was in college. company. ''


And they have only one purpose for doing this.

That is, to use the influence of public opinion to first discredit her public image among the Chinese people.

Then he further destroyed her company, which is in line with the saying, "Every man is not responsible, but he is guilty of having a treasure in his possession."

When she developed scientific research results, and when she led her motherland to greater glory, she inevitably touched the cheese of other countries.

In fact, Han Yimo had already anticipated this incident, so she didn't take it to heart.

Unfortunately, she was not in a hurry, but the people around her were more anxious than the others, such as Han Dazhuang, the assistants around her, and Han's father and mother who were far away abroad.

Although Han's father and mother are far abroad, they have the habit of reading newspapers every day.

When the situation intensified and they could see a lot of false information criticizing Han Yimo in newspapers in foreign countries, they couldn't sit still.

The two old people didn't want to be like this every day. They were worried about their only baby daughter, so they bought plane tickets and decided to return home immediately.

At the moment when they were about to register, an accident happened. The airport security personnel and a group of security guards detained the couple and refused them to leave the country for unfounded reasons. This gave the couple a hard time.

The assistant immediately reported the incident to Han Yimo.

Han Yimo knew that "Chou Country" did not want her parents to return to China, just to further control her. She began to regret that she did not take Han's father and mother back to China as soon as possible. If the two old people were there, If something went wrong, she was ready to blow up the "Ugly Country".

As she expected, it didn't take long for her to receive an olive branch from the "Ugly Country". This intention couldn't be more obvious.

She directly asked the country for help and reported the ugly face of the "Ugly Country". The country immediately initiated negotiations with the "Ugly Country". After constant negotiations between the two parties, Han's father and mother were finally sent back to the country.

After the couple returned home, they looked at their daughter in front of them and felt filled with emotion.

They will also be afraid when they cannot return to their motherland, but fortunately, the motherland has not given up on its people.

They tried to enlighten Han Yimo. Although they knew that her heart was strong enough, they were still afraid that she would not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion and do something like a white-haired person giving a black-haired person a favor.

Hearing that her parents were so concerned about her, Han Yimo's nose actually felt a little sore. At first, she had an indifferent attitude toward these unfounded things.

But this time, she was really angry, not only because these people hurt her parents and made them worry about her, but also because of the despicable behavior of the "Ugly Country".

She decided to give an interview to a TV station to clarify certain things.

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