Chapter 11 Wanda

From the moment the helicopter was shot down, the whole world seemed to have been pressed the start button, and the sound of explosions one after another quickly sounded in New York City.

The sky in New York City instantly became chaotic, billowing black smoke filled it.Flames licked the building's exterior walls, blanketing large areas in thick smoke.Sirens and people's exclamations mixed together to form a symphony of panic.

The sound of explosions echoed continuously in the streets of the city, like bursts of thunder echoing in people's ears.As the explosion occurred, flames and black smoke continued to rise, dyeing the sky red.Thick smog shrouded the entire city, blocking out sunlight and making the day dark.

"Oh my god, I've really never seen New York like this, not even when the Skrulls invaded."

Pietro, who was carried on his shoulders, looked at a collapsing office building a hundred meters away and lamented, and he could even faintly hear the screams coming from inside.

Normally, he would have rushed in to save people, but this time was different, not only because his leg was injured and unable to run, but also because he felt a little confused.

It's not supposed to be like this, when you used to fight those villains, usually the heroes win first, then the villains go to jail and then escape, everyone stretches and starts all over again.

But today was suddenly different. He was infected by the virus and turned into a man-eating maniac. To be honest, Pietro was not very familiar with Mystique, but seeing her look like that was still a bit sad. Injury to its kind.

"You say... can we survive this crisis?"

Quicksilver couldn't help but ask the man who carried him on his shoulders. In his opinion, it was obvious that this Asian man who suddenly appeared had any precognitive abilities.

"Hard to say."

Bai Ye shook his head. Although he prevented Kuaiyin from turning into a zombie, it is still unknown how effective it would be.

And the main purpose of doing this is to slow down the spread of the zombie virus, not to eliminate it. Bai Ye only needs this world to resist destruction before he finds a way to leave.

"However, I—"

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly felt a strong external squeeze, as if an invisible force was ruthlessly oppressing his brain, causing him to feel severe pain.His head seemed to be squeezed by this force, which made him unbearable.

"Ho ho!" He groaned in pain uncontrollably, with a tremor in his voice.Bai Ye's eyes gradually became bloodshot, and bloodshots appeared around his pupils.

As the pain intensified, Bai Ye's eyes gradually became bloodshot, and bloodshot threads spread rapidly in the whites of his eyes, gradually dyeing his perspective red.

Bai Ye tried to press the eyelids with trembling hands, hoping to relieve some pressure, but it was just an ineffective effort.He understood that this squeezing feeling came from the external forces around him, and he could only be freed if he found a way to fight against this force.

who is it!

At the same time, Bai Ye gradually noticed that the breath he exhaled turned red.This left him even more shocked and confused.He stared at the breath he exhaled, watching the red breath slowly dissipate, and more questions arose in his heart.

He began to think about the meaning of this red breath.Could this be some kind of reaction, a manifestation of supernatural power?Or did something unusual change with his body?These questions were entangled in Bai Ye's mind and kept churning.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, as if he had thought of something, and then shouted with all his strength: "Wanda! I know it's you! Don't squeeze my head if you don't want Pietro to die!"

Just as Bai Ye's voice fell, the strong squeezing feeling suddenly subsided like a tide.He felt the pressure in his head lift instantly, as if an invisible barrier had been broken.

His forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and hot sweat dripped from the corners of his forehead.He felt his body dripping with sweat, his wet clothes clinging to him.Unbearably tired, as if after a fierce battle.

He bent down and spat out a mouthful of blood, with a bitter taste of rust in his mouth.

Bai Ye wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, the oppression of his thoughts put a severe burden on his body, and even caused his mouth to bleed.

"Put down Pietro, you filthy one! You're not a zombie!" Scarlet Witch walked out of the corner across the street in surprise, and then she was surprised to find that Bai Ye was not a zombie.She quickly realized what she had done just now, and came over to apologize to Bai Ye.

There was guilt in her voice: "I'm really sorry! I misunderstood you just now. I only sensed that Pietro was near me and was tied up. I didn't expect it."

"I thought you were some zombie who wanted to pack Pietro away!"

Bai Ye smiled wryly, he didn't expect that his previous action of carrying Kuaiyin for convenience almost caused his head to explode, really.

"Wanda! I'm glad you're okay, I thought you were infected too."

Pietro, who was carried on his shoulders, shouted in surprise.

"The wound on your leg and these ropes?"

Wanda turned to look at Pietro, said worriedly, and raised her hands at the same time, trying to untie the ropes and newspapers with her thoughts.

"No, don't untie it for me, just listen to me."

Soon, Pietro explained to Wanda the ins and outs of all this, including the injury to his leg at the beginning and the Mystique just now. Then he asked:

"Wanda, what happened to them, we should contact the other Avengers now!"

When Wanda heard Quicksilver ask about the Avengers, her eyes couldn't help but moisten.She bit her lower lip gently, trying to hold back the emotions welling up in her heart, but tears eventually slid down her cheeks.

"Colonel America sent an SOS signal on the Avengers line, asking all members of the assembly roster to assemble at the Avengers House."

"But who would have thought that he was the first group of people to be infected and turned into zombies. When we reacted, the vast majority of the members on the list were infected."

"And I took advantage of a chance to escape God. She-Hulk, Hercules, Iron Fist, all of them"

As she spoke, she burst into tears.

Pietro opened his mouth, not knowing what to say to comfort his sister. He had been protected by Bai Ye at the beginning of the crisis, so he had never seen the colonel and the others turn into zombies.

He didn't dare to imagine those teammates who were once close to each other turned into those monsters, and finally didn't say anything, just remained silent.

"Hey! What are you all crying about? With me, Hero Ash, here, why worry about not solving this crisis?"

Only the buzz of a chainsaw was heard, and a brown-haired man wearing overalls walked out from where Wanda walked out, holding the chain saw that had just been opened in his hand.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew who this person was.

Ash Williams, the male protagonist who plays with ghosts, travels in multiple parallel universes, and is also the male protagonist in the original plot of Zombie Heroes vs. Dark Legion.

He is also the number one troublemaker in heaven.

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