Chapter 13 177A Black Street

Wanda and Bai Ye walked along the street silently, her mind was disturbed by what happened to Ash.She still has doubts about the authenticity of the Book of the Dead.

Gradually, she couldn't help asking Bai Ye tentatively.

"That... about the Book of the Dead, isn't Ash making it up?" Wanda asked cautiously.

"I only said that what Ash said was nonsense, but I didn't say that he told lies."

Bai Ye said with a smile, and then added: "There is probably a Book of Death in this world, but it should be different from what Ash and you imagine."

She nodded thoughtfully, expressing her understanding of Bai Ye's answer.

"By the way, I forgot to ask your name." Suddenly, Wanda remembered this important question and asked with a smile.

"My name is Bai Ye, and Pietro hasn't spoken since the beginning, did you do it?"

As he said that, Bai Ye's eyes drifted to the guy floating behind the two of them, and he rubbed his shoulders. From the very beginning, he handed Kuaiyin to the Scarlet Witch. Using her power of thought to lift a person was better than using his shoulders to resist. It saves a lot of effort.

Wanda nodded, "Pietro has lost blood and needs to rest, and he can't be of much help for the time being. It's best to let him sleep for a while."

As if to confirm Wanda's words and to prove that he was still alive, a tractor-like snoring suddenly sounded from behind the two of them.

"Speaking of which, I haven't officially thanked you yet. Thank you for saving Pietro's life. He has been reckless. If he were left alone in this doomsday world, he might have fallen into the mouth of the zombies."

Wanda said, lowering her head slightly, expressing her deep gratitude.

Well, to be precise, it should be someone else who fell into his mouth, Bai Ye secretly slandered, then shook his head slightly, opened his mouth and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so polite, I am saving myself by saving him."

"You are really too modest." Wanda stared at Bai Ye and smiled again.

She has lived with Pietro since she was a child, and whoever saved her brother can't thank him enough.

Bai Ye waved his hand lightly again, and was about to say something when he looked up and said, "Oh, we're here."

The Victorian-style double doors at 177A Black Street present a solemn and ancient atmosphere.The carvings on the door frame are meticulous and exquisite, as if telling historical stories.The golden doorknob is decorated with ornate patterns, revealing an elegance and sophistication.

However, when Bai Ye and Wanda approached the gate, their eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the blood stains on the white steps at the gate.The blood spread from the doorknob, flowing down, staining the entire steps red, like an evil mark.

The blood stains formed a sharp contrast on the pure white steps, which was strong and terrifying.Their dripping traces were like bright red rose petals on the steps, giving off an unsettling aura.

Both Bai Ye and Wanda's expressions changed slightly. Someone, or a corpse could attack Doctor Strange's Holy of Holies. It stands to reason that there should be a magic circle protecting it.

The two exchanged silent glances, conveying a tacit alertness to each other.

Regardless of whether the invading Sanctuary is a human or a zombie, he should know some degree of magic.

"Do you know protection spells? Seraph's shield or something?" Bai Ye touched his chin, trying to recall what he had seen in the comics, and then asked.

Wanda smiled and replied, "Of course." Then she made a finger print and activated the magic with a few phrases.

A layer of pale yellow light flashed from the two of them. This is the Shield of Seraphim, the Shield of Seraph. Every mage must imagine a sense of security when releasing this spell.

Maybe it's a warm house, maybe it's a self-defense weapon, it's different for each person, but as long as it can be associated with a sense of security, it's fine.

Recalling the information in his memory and feeling the warm sense of security on his body, Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction.

Looking at the calm and composed Bai Ye in front of her, Wanda felt a little surprised in her heart. She didn't expect Bai Ye to know a lot of magic knowledge, which surprised her more or less.

"Let's go in, there seems to be something moving inside?"

Pressing lightly on the shield, Bai Ye stepped forward and pushed open the blood-stained door, and almost at the same moment, the sound isolated by the door rushed into his ears.

"Please, stop resisting, Wang! I really don't want to hurt you, but I'm so hungry!"

"Each bite of meat makes me hungrier, and the hungrier I get, the more I want to eat!"

The druid master who was infected into a zombie screamed wildly, and with a clap of his hands, he released several fireballs the size of tires and flew forward.

His voice was full of despair and pain.His once majestic blue cloak was now stained with blood, no longer showing the splendor and sanctity of the past.

The blood stains formed bright red patches on the cloak, in sharp contrast to the color of the cloak itself.

And his Mediterranean hairstyle, which had few hairs, was even more of a mess at the moment, scattered on his forehead and cheeks, looking lifeless.Blood seeped down his hair, forming bloody red streams.

Looking to the side again, I saw a bald man who was even more serious, and the bald man who could be called a bald man was swipe quickly with his only remaining hand, forming a complicated gesture, and there was a mysterious wave in the air. energy of.

These energies wrapped around the king, forming a defensive barrier full of runes, emitting blue light.Those fireballs hit the defensive barrier in an instant, making a huge explosion and raging flames.

In an instant, the runes on the barrier fell to the ground, and the entire barrier was also crumbling.

There were beads of sweat on the bald forehead, and the veins on his forehead were prominent. His physical strength and willpower were rapidly depleting.But even so, he still held on to the defensive formation and tried his best to resist the attack of the Druid Master.

He closed his eyes and prayed silently in his heart: "Dr. Strange, I know you can hear me. Please come as soon as possible, we need your help. I can't hold on for too long, the sanctuary needs you Guidelines."

Wang now only hopes that Dr. Strange can feel his call and appear in front of him as soon as possible. Only Strange's magic and wisdom can reverse the desperate situation in front of him.

Otherwise, he could only be reduced to the belly of this former friend.

Continuing to persevere, the king used his last strength to maintain the defensive formation, while praying silently in his heart, looking forward to the arrival of reinforcements.He knew that as long as Strange came, they would be able to turn the tide of the battle and turn this crisis into a breeze.

Another group of flames condensed in the hands of Master Druid, and this fire was bigger and more violent than before. If there was another fire, the king's barrier that was already on the verge of collapse would be absolutely irresistible.

At this critical moment, a loud shout was heard throughout the sanctuary: "Stop it quickly, Master Druid! I have found an antidote to the zombies, and you can be freed from the pain of hunger!" "

Bai Ye's voice broke the tense atmosphere on the battlefield, and everyone turned to look at him.Even Wanda stared at Bai Ye dumbfounded, not expecting that he could provide the antidote.

When Master Druid heard Bai Ye's call, he showed a painful and confused expression.He reluctantly stopped his frenzied attacks and stared at Bai Ye, a glimmer of hope seemed to flash in his blood-red eyes.

Bai Ye briefly exchanged glances with him, then took out a small bottle of potion.The potion exudes a faint blue light, and it seems that there is a kind of redemptive power flowing in it.

He carefully placed the potion on the ground, took half a step back, and said with deep sympathy in his tone: "This is the antidote, Master Druid. It can help you get rid of the zombie curse and restore your sanity and humanity."

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