Chapter 31 Arrival

Why are you just looking, Odin?

Seeing the blond man drinking heavily in front of him, Bai Ye was startled, and asked silently in his heart.

As the protector of the Nine Realms, why didn't this bad old man, Odin, take action in this crisis?

This can be said to be one of the biggest doubts in the original plot. Even if we take a step back, Odin has become disheartened and no longer interested in using force, but when his son and his subordinates are chased and bitten by zombies, he at least It is also possible to let Heimdall open the Rainbow Bridge and bring back the Asgardians in Midgard.

But he did nothing. Hogan, Volstagg and Fandral, as the three kind-hearted and upright warriors in the hearts of the Asgardian people, naturally entered the battlefield as soon as the zombie crisis broke out, but in the original In the plot, he didn't get help from Asgard until his death.

Not to mention Thor, as the future god-king of Asgard, being infected into a flesh-eating zombie is simply a great shame and humiliation.

The Avengers just ate and ate and ate all the way, and the aliens from all walks of life exclaimed: We encountered fucking zombies!

Odin still did nothing until Thor was incinerated by Steve's misfired cosmic power.

You must know that although Odin in the comics is also a bad old man, he is different from the one in the movie universe who sticks to the golden throne almost every day from beginning to end. Although his beard is white, he does not look old at all. state.

He can pick his shoulders, he can punch his hands, and he still has the heart of a ten-year-old woman who is a master of the night. How can such a strong man shrink back in the face of the end of the world?

Thor grinned widely and raised his eyebrows slightly. He shook the beer can and said, "Huh? No, I don't know!"

His silly smile was full of innocence and carelessness, just like a child's. His smile was contagious and filled the entire cabin, making the atmosphere suddenly cheerful.

Seeing Thor's silly smile, Bai Ye couldn't help but laugh.He was infected by Thor and felt a childlike innocence that he had never experienced since he grew up. Damn it!

Bai Ye looked at Thor's smirk, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch involuntarily. He tried hard to control his expression, and forced a smile.

He suddenly understood why almost every Loki looked at Thor as if he were a retard.

"By the way, where is Loki?"

Hearing this, Thor finally became more serious. He swallowed a few more sips of wine, scratched his hair and said, "I haven't seen Loki for a long time, at least a year or two, but my brother is very smart. , Illusion is also very good, he will definitely turn danger into good luck."

Bai Ye shook his head, and basically got no useful information from Thor. At this stage, Thor could only hold three things in his mind: a hammer, a woman, and wine.

But since it is said to be basic, there is still a little useful information.

Loki was gone.

This point is worth thinking about. Not every Loki in the universe can become the god of the story at the end of time. Most Lokis are just a liar who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

But Loki doesn't know how to predict, so how did he know to hide?

Recalling the major event of Origin of Fear, Odin of the main universe even had the idea of ​​"blowing up the earth and running away with Asgard", but he did this to protect Thor from being killed by the big snake. .

Odin in the 616 universe is undoubtedly a good father and cares about his son.

So what if the Odin of this universe doesn't care so much about his son, but cares more about Asgard?

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but look at Thor with a hint of sympathy.

If this conjecture is correct, then Thor may have been regarded as an abandoned son by Odin early on, just like a gecko's broken tail when escaping, throwing away the useless part to preserve his own safety.

Although this damages a good son who can fight and drink, Asgardians have a very long lifespan. Maybe they can't hide in a certain mysterious dimension and wait for the life in the entire universe, including those zombies, to die, and then start anew. Go back to the material universe and try to dominate again!

At that time, Galactus is dead, the Avengers are gone, all interstellar empires collapsed due to the invasion of zombie heroes, and the new life in the entire universe is still rolling around in pots of life soup. The vast expanse of white land is so clean.

And Asgard, who had preserved his power for centuries, reappeared in the universe at this time, sowing the seeds of faith wherever primitive life sprouted, and in one fell swoop became the greatest being in the entire universe.

The more he thought about it, the more he was right, Bai Ye couldn't help but sighed, how could we mess up this universe with such a cowardly person, ah no, God?

Just as Bai Ye was deep in thought, a reminder from a pilot interrupted his thoughts: "Ladies and gentlemen, Latovilla is here!" Hearing this, Bai Ye immediately stood up from his seat, and immediately Others also gathered by the window one after another, exclaiming incessantly.

However, what they saw was completely different from what they expected.The streets of Latovilia were empty of zombies, like a dead wasteland.There are no bloodthirsty monsters or raging demons, just quiet streets and lush vegetation.

Because this only means that there are far more dangerous existences here than those superpower zombies.

He glanced at the shifting expressions of the others and knew they realized it too.Although there were no zombies on the ground, they could all feel a vague sense of unease.


"This is the control tower of the capital of Latovilla, please... Zizi your aircraft number, otherwise... Zizi shot down"

Suddenly, the communication system was connected, and a voice came from the control tower claiming to be Latovilla, demanding that the people on the Quin-jet fighter plane report their names immediately.

This sudden communication made the people on the Quin-jet fighter tense and alert for a while.

Bai Ye immediately stepped forward and grabbed the communicator, and responded: "We are agents from S.H.I.E.L.D., please inform us of the landing order or other necessary information."

There was silence on the tower side, and after a brief silence, another voice came, revealing a trace of dissatisfaction and depression in the voice: ". Latovilla will take strict action against any aircraft that enters the airspace without authorization. You have 30 seconds to time, immediately adjust the flight direction and leave our airspace."

Rolling his eyes, Bai Ye responded:

"Tower, we are agents from S.H.I.E.L.D. We have been tasked to lead the Invisible Lady Susan to Latovilla to carry out key operations. Our mission is to get in touch with the local leaders and implement a cooperation plan."

After finishing speaking, he put down the walkie-talkie and looked at Fort Doum, which was faintly visible in the distance with a relaxed face, it was so beautiful.

And the pilot stared at the numbers on the timer, full of anxiety and tension.His palms were sweating from gripping the control lever tightly, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.Every second felt like a long, brutal torture.

Thirty seconds were coming, and he felt that time seemed to be slow and heavy, and his eyes were fixed on the window, looking for any signs, for fear that once the time passed, missiles would be launched towards them.

His heart rate quickened and his breathing became short of breath.He swallowed hard, trying to ease his nervousness.But in any case, he couldn't avoid the fear and anxiety in his heart.

At this time, a hoarse person who seemed to have some electronic tuning in it suddenly said in the communication channel:

"Land down, Doom has given us permission."

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