Chapter 58 Wasteland

40 years ago.

The weather in New York City was fine that day, with a maximum temperature of 26 degrees and southwesterly winds. It was a good day for outings.

The Thunderbolts, a hand-picked team of super-powered criminals who promise to use their powers to complete the world's worst missions, are somewhat similar to DC's Suicide Squad.

Atlas, he is basically a giant with more corrupt morals.

A warbling bird that uses sound to fight like Shinyin, but she has the ability to create solid sound energy to attack enemies.

The moonstone known as the Trumpet Ms. Marvel, she can fly and emit energy.

X-Machine wearing high-tech armor, formerly known as the Beetle.

Citizen V, who wears a V-shaped metal mask on his face, has been named in the Watkins family for three generations.

This team was going to Las Vegas with the Avengers for the first time that day to deal with villains. They wanted to prove their worth in this operation and prove that they had changed their past.

At the intersection of Broadway Street and Seventh Avenue, bustling citizens gathered in front of the classic Times Square screen.

People stood in front of this eye-catching landmark, watching intently the urgent news that had just appeared on the TV on the big screen.

Between light and shadow, Thor and the Absorber fought fiercely, and their figures jumped out of the screen, making people feel like they were in an epic adventure.

It's just that many people glanced at it and left in a hurry to do their own business.

Because everything looks the same as usual, Thanos, Galactus, and aliens of all colors failed to kill those heroes, and today will not be any different.

Until they attack at dusk.

The first to fall was an aerospace aircraft carrier. It broke through the clouds at an extremely fast speed, rolled in the air, exploded and disintegrated continuously.

The armor broke instantly under the high temperature and pressure, and the fragments scattered in the air, turning into balls of burning flames.In its path, the air is momentarily drawn away, creating a vast vacuum.

In the end, it directly hit Times Square, several high-rise buildings around were instantly collapsed by the powerful impact, and half of the city was instantly wrapped in thick dust and smog.

The setting sun had already begun to set in the west, and the soft afterglow sprinkled on the gradually darkened city. On the silent streets, the surviving citizens had yet to recover from their shock.

what happened?Where is our hero?Why couldn't they stop this from happening?

After a while, they returned to reality and began to cry and scream. As long as this happened, the superheroes would fly out as usual and save the world.

When the roar of the engine came from a distance, they looked up to the sky, and a group of fighter planes appeared on the distant skyline, their black silhouettes looming against the setting sun.

At the beginning, those fighter planes were just vague black shadows, distant and small. The citizens guessed their identities, and with hope in their hearts, cheers filled the streets.

As the fighter plane approached, the joy in their eyes was gradually replaced by gloom. Seeing the bloody red Hydra logo on the fighter plane's fuselage, fear quickly spread in their hearts.

The cheers stopped abruptly and were replaced by dead silence.

The last rays of the setting sun sprinkled on the ground through the gaps in the black fighter wings, like the last faint light of hope.However, blocked by these fighter planes, the light became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared.

"The Red Skull united all the villains he could contact, the Sinister Six, the Brotherhood, and the Demolition Squad to overwhelm the superheroes with their numbers and intelligence superiority."

"The Thunderbolt team betrayed the Avengers. They helped Baron Zemo, who was disguised as Citizen V, hack into the Avengers' computer system, and then killed several Avengers with their own hands, just to survive."

"I remember that War Machine seemed to be killed after being hacked into the system? It's been too long to remember."

"Thor was killed by Absorbers, Captain America was strangled by Red Skull on the steps of Congress"

"In short, on that day, the villains killed all the heroes in the world, and then divided up the world and turned the world into wasteland."

The bearded man wearing the collar let out a long breath, and looked flatteringly at the man in front of him: "Huh—how, how about my historical achievements?"

Bai Ye smiled and put the muzzle of the gun on Jamie's forehead, "[-] points, but let's add another question, do you have the current map?"

"Yes, yes! On Jamie with the purple straps!" he yelled hastily.

The punisher had shot all the clones on the ground at this time. He glanced coldly at the last Jamie, and then searched for the map on Zi Tiedai's body.

After looking at it carefully, Frank nodded to Bai Ye, indicating that there was nothing wrong with this thing.

Although some of the specially marked locations above gave him a very bad feeling, what about Osborne City, Hammerfell City, and Hulk's Land?

"Dude, I've told you everything I know, but where did you come from, and you don't even know these things?"

Jamie, who was sitting on the rock, glanced at Jamie at his feet, and Jamie around him, and said to Bai Ye with a wry smile.

Although the days when those superheroes existed are as far away as myths and legends, everyone knows how the world became like this back then.

Today, the Madrox gang just killed a few people as usual, bought more goods, and then went to the bar to have a good time. They have been doing this kind of work for more than ten years, but they did not expect to be kicked on the iron plate.

But this kind of thing is not unusual in this world. When Magneto killed his children and joined the Red Skull, he claimed to make mutants great again. The result?

There should be no more than fifty mutants in this world now, or maybe even fewer.

In addition, why did the silver-haired man and the red-haired woman in front of him look more and more familiar? Thinking about the pain in the clone's head, he couldn't help covering his forehead.

In the past 40 years, the Madrox Gang has been constantly replicating themselves in order to ensure their status in the wasteland. Their thoughts and memories have been torn apart bit by bit because of this abuse of mutant abilities.

But the most damning thing is that X-Men Jamie from 40 years ago!

In order to save his friends, he tore himself apart, and then forced those clones who were unwilling to split to split to fight Hydra, and finally made the number of bad Jamies far more than good Jamies fall to Hydra.

Originally, our Lord Skeleton planned to clear out the clones when the overall situation was decided, but these guys killed one and ten of them popped up, and they were still mutants being covered by Magneto. At the same time, they didn't have any big ambitions, so they just went with it. They left and eventually formed what is now the Madrox Gang.

"En." Bai Ye didn't answer, but took the map and looked at it carefully.

When Doctor Doom teleported them into this world, he didn't come with a functioning teleporter. Is that okay?This is not good.

The Earth-807128 universe, which is the wasteland world where Bai Ye and others are now located, has a timeline that is further back than the 40 zombie universe 2149 years ago, but not too much.

The wasteland universe is definitely not a place suitable for living and working in peace and contentment. The vast majority of people here are living the days in "Mad Max", with insufficient food and clothing, and fighting for clean water.

Magneto, Doctor Doom, and even Dr. Lizard who worked hard on Day of the Fall of Heroes all got a territory allotted by the Red Skull, with the exception of the Hulk.

The way Banner in this universe gets territory is a little different.

Thanks to book friend 20210703174725178 for the 500-point reward, and book friend 20230619191846443 for the 100-point reward.

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