Chapter 74 - Captain Hydra

The few people continued to walk in the black passage and looked around. It was unusually quiet here. No Hydra soldiers rushed out, and there was no taunting sound from Baron Zemo.

Clint breathed a sigh of relief, he really didn't want to hear another word from Zemodo about his past.

The emergency lighting under the wall flickered faintly from time to time, but this light made the entire passage look even more eerie.

After walking an unknown distance, the dark passage finally changed. The lights above suddenly turned on, which made people uncomfortable.

The entire passage was suddenly filled with bright light, and Wanda and Hawkeye involuntarily became alert, ready to deal with the battle.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "Look ahead."

A bunch of indicator lights the size of glass beads suddenly lit up on the wall at the corner in front of them, and they gradually formed a string of flashing red arrows, as if they were guiding everyone forward.

Looking at each other, they walked over.

"crack clap"

Rounding the corner, there was a sound of a mechanical lock turning.

A heavy metal door is slowly opening. As the gap in the door widens, Bai Ye looks in through it, and can vaguely see that the space behind the door is very spacious, which seems to be some kind of arena.

However, at the same moment when the door opened, a large amount of blood suddenly gushed out from the crack of the door, quickly covering the ground, exuding a strong smell of iron, making the already dull corridor even more suffocating.

Wanda's mood suddenly became heavy, and she felt a little uneasy and depressed.

"This is." She whispered to herself, raised one hand and used her thoughts to act as a mop, dragging the blood behind her, and soon there was only a layer of blood that was gradually solidified on the ground in front of them.

At this time, the door has been fully opened, and a huge figure stands at the other end of the room behind the door.

Looking at that figure, Bai Ye had a rather strange look on his face and said, "Uh, is it you? Bain?"

It's not that he suddenly lost his head and couldn't tell whether he was traveling through DC or Marvel.

It's just that the man in front of him only wore a pair of black tights and was bare-chested, with two green potion jars stuck on his back. He was almost three meters tall, with muscles all over his body. The sense of déjà vu was too serious.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the man refuted incoherently: "Long live Nine-Headed Snake! Captain Hydra!"

The blood vessels in his face twitched, and then, as if to confirm his words, he raised the Hydra shield on his arm and proudly showed it around.

"I take back what I said, Bain is much smarter than you." Bai Ye said expressionlessly, then walked into the open door and looked around.

This is an extremely spacious laboratory, but part of it is used as an arena. In the corner, you can still see the experimental equipment in operation. Looking up, there are several experimenters in white coats observing. here.

Nearly a hundred corpses were piled up on the ground, and the scene was tragic.

Among them, only a dozen or so corpses seemed to have been killed by people. The other corpses died in strange shapes. Most of their heads were covered with swollen sarcoma, and pus was constantly oozing from the cracked skin surface.

The worst one looked like a piece of melted ice sculpture. The upper body was almost intact, but starting from the waist, it melted into blood and flowed all over the ground.

This is exactly what it looks like after gene collapse in various weird laboratories. Bai Ye looked at these disgusting things and marveled.

Looking at the appearance of those corpses, it probably won't take more than half an hour. I'm afraid that these poor people were injected with experimental medicine urgently after his group entered the X weapon factory.

A blue holographic projection suddenly appeared in the center of the venue, attracting everyone's attention.As the projection gradually solidified, a man wearing a purple mask appeared, it was Baron Zemo.

The moment Clint saw him, he was furious and raised the bow and arrow in his hand.

The projection of Baron Zemo stood quietly in the venue. He was wearing a gorgeous fur coat and slowly looked towards Bai Ye. His face was covered by a mask, making his expression unclear.

"I have never met you. Are you one of the countless people who want to be a hero over the years?"

"I have to admit, you are doing much better than those people who don't know their last names when they put on a tight suit."

"And you, Barton." Zemo in the holographic image lost interest in Bai Ye, looked at the gloomy old archer on the other side and said, "I've never looked at you, you've always been a clown in a circus .”

Clint's face became even uglier, but he didn't say anything.

Because he actually worked in the circus in his early years.

In the end, he looked at Wanda, and finally there was some change in his indifferent tone. He asked in confusion, "Are you Maximov's descendant? Sorry, I can't remember what she looks like."

Before Wanda could answer, the holographic image suddenly disappeared, and Zemo's voice came from all directions: "Enough gossip, my captain, kill them."

The Hydra captain roared and rushed towards Bai Ye who was closest to him without hesitation. His muscles were tensed like an angry lion, trying to tear Bai Ye into pieces.

But Bai Ye just dodged and nimbly dodged the attack, causing him to miss and hit the ground.


The arrow was fired at the Hydra captain, but the sharp arrow only left tiny traces of blood on his skin.

The Hydra captain barely suffered any damage, but instead turned his head angrily and glared at Hawkeye.

The latter gasped, grabbed the bow and took two steps back.

"You, you, you, are you insulting me? Captain Coco will not be defeated by a few arrows!"

His angry eyes were getting redder and redder, so red that they even glowed, and his violent emotions filled his body with a fiery aura.

"Something's wrong."

Bai Ye frowned, grabbed the old man who was still regretting that the arrow failed to hurt the Hydra captain, and retreated behind Wanda.

He yelled, "Wanda, Shield!"

Wanda, who was about to step forward to fight, heard this and immediately condensed a bright red energy shield, covering the three of them.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa——' the bright red lasers shot out of his eyes, hitting Wanda's shield directly.

Wanda felt the impact on the shield and frowned slightly, but it was not because of the power of the laser.She turned her head to look at Bai Ye, and whispered, "Why do I feel that the laser light he shoots is a bit like Cyclops?"

She raised another finger, and a drop of blood floated from the shoulder of the still roaring Hydra captain - the arrow shot by Eagle Eye still had some effect.

After floating upward for a few centimeters, the blood drop exploded and turned into a mysterious little magic pattern that disappeared into the air.

Feeling the results of the magical investigation, Wanda said in surprise: "Is he a mutant?"

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