Chapter 79 Stickman

The engine of the red off-road vehicle roared across the street, galloping past against the wind, and there was a spider web stripe on each side of the hood, attracting passers-by's frequent glances.

In the end, the off-road vehicle slowly stopped in front of an auto repair shop, and the door opened to let the two expressionless people below.

"I've heard this engine sound eight hundred times, Clint, you." Hawkeye's ex-wife Tonya was wearing work clothes, holding a rag to wipe the oil on her hands, and said as she walked out of the garage.

Just walking to the garage, the only people who got on and off the familiar off-road vehicle were the people who went out with him before.

Reminiscent of Clint's farewell appearance before leaving, combined with the heavy expressions of the two in front of her, she understood what happened within a few seconds.


Tonya let out a cry of despair, her vision blurred and her surroundings became distorted.

Ultron VIII heard Tonya's call and immediately reacted. It rushed out of the garage and held her firmly with both arms to prevent her from knocking her head.

"Tonya, how are you?" Ultron VIII asked anxiously, worry and concern in the electronic voice.

Although its various scanning instruments indicated that the life of the woman in front of it was not in danger, its human nature module was urging it to say greetings.

Tonya's consciousness is still chaotic, but she can feel someone calling her name by her side, she struggles to open her eyes, and sees a mechanical head in her blurred vision.

While wiping her tears, she said out of breath: "Why are you so stupid, you still go to take revenge when you are old, now it's all right, you died outside without even getting a body back."

After choking a few times, she could no longer control her emotions, and she cried sincerely: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

"Tonya." Ultron lowered his electronic eyebrows, looking a little sad, "Clint just pursued his beliefs."

Even though Clint is his ex-husband brother, it stands to reason that the two should not be incompatible, at least they should be like strangers.

But in the past few years, Ashley has been very noisy, beating people or setting fires, both of which are worrying about Ultron's central processing unit. In the end, the eagle eye jumps out to spend money or rely on contacts to make peace.

After going back and forth, the ex-husband and the incumbent shook hands and made peace, and even became good friends.

Now that Clint's revenge is gone, it makes him very sad.

".What is this doing?"

Frank, who was carrying a big bag, looked at the crying man and machine in the garage and touched his head, not knowing why.

Bai Ye rolled her eyes, went up to Tonya and Ultron and said, "The old man is not dead."

Before the two of them could react, he pressed a wad of money and a car key on the counter and said, "He won't be back for the next two days. Check the car for us and fill it up with gas."

The two people who were crying together looked at Bai Ye in shock. Tonya stood up, picked up the money and car keys, wiped the corners of her eyes and asked doubtfully: "Are you sure he is okay?"

It's no wonder she misunderstood, Clint is usually very fond of this won spider car baby, and spends more time with him than with his daughter.

It was the first time today that I saw people and cars separated, and I was really nervous.


Bai Ye hummed, then walked to the door of the hotel opposite the auto repair shop, and looked up at the window of the third room on the second floor.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, causing his clothes to flutter slightly.He lowered his head and found that there was a piece of paper in his hand.

Spread out the note, with two simple words written on it: yes.

He smiled and walked into the hotel with Frank through the door, ignoring the front desk aunt who was reading the newspaper, and she didn't seem interested in them either.

The two walked past the front desk and headed straight for the stairs.

Bai Ye stopped in front of the door of the third room, did not knock on the door, but turned the handle directly, and the door opened with a click.

The first time the door opened, I saw a silver-haired man leaning against the wall, twisting the Rubik's Cube in his hand. Surprisingly, the Rubik's Cube was turned into a blurry afterimage in his hand.

The man raised his head, first smiled at the two people at the door, and then began to complain.

"The place you're talking about is too remote, do you know? What is the 'Himalayas area'? And the Wall of Chastity Monastery. My God."

Pietro's complaints behind were automatically filtered out by Bai Ye, and he turned his head to look at an old man in a brown cassock who was sitting by the bed with his back to the door.

"Stick old man?" Bai Ye asked tentatively.

The old man turned around slowly. He was wearing a pair of red blind glasses. He was obviously a blind man. He suddenly laughed: "You don't have to be so blind, Bai Ye. Just call me Matt."

When he smiled, the wrinkles on his face became more obvious, but the kindness and warmth in his smile made people feel reassured.

This is Matt Murdock, the Hell's Kitchen lawyer who survived Hero Fall 43 years ago and Bullseye 39 years ago.

Of course, what more people are familiar with is his other identity and name, Daredevil.

"I have already talked with Quicksilver, and he told me a lot of things, including how you escaped from another universe and your plans to bring order to this universe, so I want to know."

As he spoke, his glasses slipped halfway down, and his pair of cloudy and blind eyes looked straight at Bai Ye: "Are you here to save my world, or are you using it as a springboard to go to the next universe?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, this was not what he expected, but it was not so surprising when it came from the old man's mouth.

Yes, Stick, not Daredevil.

Although Matt still has a Daredevil lining under his cassock, his traces as a hero have become less and less over the past few decades, becoming more like a reclusive monk. Hear about the world.

Even though Hawkeye found him in the original plot and wanted Daredevil to come back, Stickman only taught him the ability to listen and argue, hoping that Clint would learn to let go.

But did Matt himself really let go?

If he really wanted to forget the past, why would he still be wearing the Daredevil suit?

The stick man just figured it out, even if those villains were killed, they would not be able to save the world with half a foot in the coffin.

Bai Ye thought about it, and stroked his chin, but the stick man came before him, he definitely didn't come to teach him how to let go, if that's the case, he just stayed in the monastery.

What Gunsou needs is proof that they and their group have the ability and willingness to change the world.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye glanced at Pietro, then approached the gray-haired old man, looked directly into his eyes and said:

"Do you remember Magneto?"

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