Strange Tales of Rules: I, the ultimate villain in horror

Chapter 56 Getting more and more contradictory

"I think...the notice that appeared at step 2600 is more like a primer!!"

Looking at Qin Gang resting in the pavilion, Xing Qiyou frowned slightly.

The warning appearing here is so strange! !

Put yourself in someone else's shoes, if he was a scenic spot staff member helping the mountain ghost, would he add so many warnings at step 2600?

The answer is no! !

Because the more warnings the scenic area staff add, the more obvious it will be for tourists who mistakenly enter here...

There are contradictions in the warnings here! !

This is not a good thing.

Although this is in line with the premise of strange rules, if players subconsciously ignore the contradictions of the rules, wouldn't it be more likely to get lost?

Why do the staff at the scenic spot go to extra trouble?

Without the additional warning of Step 2600, perhaps Qin Gang would never have realized the conflict was arising.

"There must be something strange in this!"

Standing at the front of the venue, Li Ya looked very heavy.

He and Xing Qiyou had the same idea.

Neither thought... Guys in the Mountain would make it easy for players to realize they were stuck in a rules loop! !

The cost is always relative.

Since the guy in the mountain can make players realize that they have fallen into a strange circle of rules, there must be a plan, and what he plans... is most likely a trap that will kill the players! !

"Qin Gang also knows that... there was a warning on the previous sign saying 'Do not carry fire, tool kits and other dangerous tools up the mountain', but at step 2600 it was clearly stated... If the player encounters a problem that cannot be solved, If you have any problems, you can use a lighter to light a torch to seek help from the Tianshan villagers."

"Whether this warning is right or wrong, isn't its appearance an indirect reminder to players?"

Someone in the special operations team quickly reacted.

Ever since the five players came to the Tianshan ticket office at the same time, the contradictions in Tianshan Weird Tales have actually appeared, but they are not obvious! !

The contradiction between warnings and warnings requires players to unlock and discover them by themselves.

This is very unfriendly to Qin Gang.

But these invisible and unobvious contradictions...all disappear when the player reaches the 2600-step milestone! !

The appearance of wooden notice boards allows players to react quickly.

If something unexpected happens, there must be something wrong! !

Li Ya knew very well that the guys in the mountains would not allow players to get clues easily.

Behind this clue, there must be a bigger ghost hidden! !

Just a pity...

Based on the information collected now, it is impossible to deduce the truth behind it.

Players can only keep going.

"However, this wooden sign also provides a lot of useful information, such as the fact that patrol officers and villagers are temporarily unable to enter the hiking trail."

"Of course, the most important information... is the villagers' own remedies, go to Tianchi!!"

"Tianchi is a very famous scenic spot in Tianshan Mountain."

The intelligence officer of the special operations team slowly said that among the information he uploaded to all members, there was a characteristic map of Zhang Tianshan! !

At the beginning of the live broadcast.

Players gathered at the ticket office of the scenic spot and obtained the mountaineering map of the Tianshan Mountain Scenic Area.

The intelligence department immediately made a backup copy of the map.

"This is a map of the Tianshan Scenic Area. It briefly records the corresponding location of Tianchi and some myths and legends."

"Everyone can take a look first."

"By the way, if you still remember...the drink Xu Hai took from the tour bus master was produced in Tianchi."

This sudden reminder made everyone in the special operations team react.

Even Li Ya quickly checked the information on Tianchi.

Through the map of the scenic spot, everyone quickly saw some content about Tianchi.

Tianshan Tianchi ---

Tianchi is the three most popular scenic spots in the scenic area. It is located halfway up Tianshan Mountain and has 4800 steps of hiking trails.

Tianchi is 44 meters wide and [-] meters deep.

Tianchi also has an alternative myth and legend... According to legend, the gods of Tianshan were not transformed by mortals who climbed to the top, but an eternal dragon that lived in Tianchi itself, so Tianchi is also called Longtan.

Because the gods live here, Tianchi is protected by blessings, and its water has the effect of exorcising evil spirits and praying for blessings.

If someone is troubled by forest ghosts.

There may be time confusion, spatial overlap, disorientation, or the feeling that someone is following you behind.

You can come to Tianchi and drink the water to dispel evil spirits.

This is a brief introduction to the location and myths and legends of Tianchi on the scenic spot map.

But all the members of the special operations frowned.

Another contradiction...

According to the intelligence obtained by the special operations team in the past, the gods in the mountains should be the evil warriors who climbed to the top of the mountain! !

Could it be that the information they received was wrong?

impossible! !

If the information they receive is wrong, it will be impossible to deduce the truth behind the strange rules.

There is no legend about reaching the top and becoming a god, so what is Mr. Jia’s purpose in establishing the scenic spot... spending money for charity?

Therefore, the legend of the Dragon God can be directly denied! !

It's's worth thinking about whether Tianchi water is a fault-tolerant opportunity for players...

"If the villagers are listed as the righteous camp."

"Then the Tianchi water they used to purify the pollution is also right. It is most likely the player's fault tolerance for purifying the pollution!!"

Soon someone said.

"One more thing is certain. On the sign in front, there are warnings of 'deep forest danger' and 'deep water danger'."

"The danger of deep forest has been proved to be wrong, so the danger of deep water appearing with it is very likely to be a false warning."

"It looks like Tianchi water may indeed be fault-tolerant!!"

In the venue, someone added.

Tianshan is such a strange story. Once you have clues, you can follow the beginning to the ending! !

This is the difficulty of ghost stories, but also the simplicity of it! !

"Then here comes the problem."

At this time, there was a burst of confusion in the venue, and Xing Qiqiu asked in confusion: "If Tianchi water can really reduce pollution, does the purpose of Xu Hai taking the Tianchi drink become suspicious?"

"It's the same as why Fengmen stayed on the hiking trail and got all the correct information."

"For what purpose did Xu Hai accept the drink?"

"Is there a possibility that Xu Hai knew from the beginning that the pool water can reduce its pollution, so he discussed it with the driver in advance and took the drink?"

"Based on his first experience of going to the mirror world, and then accepting gifts from strange NPCs, many players in the same industry will relax their vigilance..."

"The possibility of him succeeding is even greater."

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