The zoo has arrived...

As the gray train stopped in front of the zoo, the players who came here got off the train one after another and stared at the area in front of them that was wrapped in strange power.

With the experience of home and Tianshan,

Players know better that this so-called zoo is completely different from the previous two strange rules.

Compared with the first two games where we were initially exposed to the mirror world and understood the relationship between the strange, the black mist, and the end, this strange story called the Zoo is more like a game arranged by a mysterious being.

Completing this game will reveal the truth about the black mist erosion, and failure...

Will be swallowed by the evil god!



"I can clearly feel..."

"The sky above the zoo is covered by a mysterious force, and the scope of this force's influence is constantly expanding..."

Fortunately, the seven people selected this time are all ghost masters.

They can sense the strangeness of the zoo through the fluctuations of their own strange power. It is this initial perception that makes them break out in cold sweat! !

just because of,

What exists deep inside this zoo is so shocking!

The moment they used the strange power, they could clearly feel the strangeness they were carrying trembling and fearing! ! ! !

Apart from the difference in strength, what is more important is the suppression of blood.

Mortals and evil spirits,

You are never qualified to peek at the gods.

If you want to see the throne of God, you must die!


At this moment, everyone, including Liu Chi, heard their cell phone ringtones suddenly ring.

They all received a text message from the Mirror World.

The message content is as follows:

[This used to be the largest zoo in the city, receiving an endless stream of tourists every day, but unfortunately...since the 'Black Mist Incident', weirdness has grown. 】

[We quickly used force to seal off the zoo area and tried to cut off its spread. 】

【But we failed...】

Sure enough, contacting the zoo means getting deeper answers!

This may be one of the starting points of the black fog.

under their erosion.

Enron's mirror world began to be continuously corrupted. Whether it was his small home, the Tianshan Scenic Area built later, or the distant college, they were all eroded by this force.

Everything that was usually peaceful and peaceful has changed.

Jiangcheng is no longer as prosperous and peaceful as it used to be. People came into contact with the black mist and recognized gods with a higher level of life!

And the creatures in the mirror world also discovered the strangeness at the moment when the strangeness grew.

They used tactics to try to stop its spread.

But unfortunately...

In the end it ended in failure.

[The zoo is located in the northwest corner of Jiangcheng. Since the blockade operation was launched, all routes to the zoo have been blocked. 】

[However, the organization discovered that many people still get lost and appear in the zoo every day! 】

[After our investigators conducted in-depth exploration, they discovered that...the reason why they arrived at the zoo was entirely dependent on a gray train coming from the black fog...]

[Dear citizen friends, please pay attention! 】

[If you are unfortunate enough to arrive in a blocked area on a black train, please follow the correct rules. 】

At this point, the content of the text message ends.

Several people looked at each other.

Subconsciously swallowed.

No matter in the rules and strange stories of home or Tianshan, players have not come into contact with the so-called organization of the mirror world.

But the moment they arrived in front of the zoo, they all received text messages from the organization... This alone is enough to illustrate the horror of the zoo!

"We have no way out, let's go in."

Just when everyone was debating whether to set foot in the zoo, someone in the team suddenly said.

And his voice quickly attracted everyone's attention.

There is no way out...

What does it mean?

Isn't there a platform behind them?

As long as we wait for the gray train to come over, can't we take the gray train and leave again?

Maybe they will go to a new ghost story zone, but... no matter what the ghost story zone is, it can't be as scary as a zoo, right?


When they turned around with this idea in mind, the ghost masters were surprised to find...

Where is the platform behind?

There is clearly a world covered by endless falling snow! !

In the words of the organization...that place should be the deepest part corroded by the black mist! !

There is only a dead end to get there! !

We can only move forward.

Everyone took a deep breath and looked towards the zoo.

It was also at this moment that the torches on both sides of the zoo gate suddenly lit up, and the faint light showed everyone the clear way to enter.

【Welcome to Zoo/Evil God Game. 】

[You will have close contact with the evil god in this game, and when you contact him, you will get everything. 】


[You still need to get out of here alive, otherwise, all the truth you obtained will turn into falsehood...]

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