It was already past three o'clock in the morning after we had a late-night snack in the space. After packing up the dishes and chopsticks, they left the space together and went back to their rooms to rest.

next day

When Yan Shu woke up, it was already three in the morning. Jiang Ci and Yan Huai went to the academy early in the morning. Yan Wen and Yan Wu also got up at dawn and followed Wu Ming to do a set of combo boxing.

Yan Shu was so impressed by their admiration that he also stayed up until late at night before falling asleep. However, some of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, while she seemed to have been sucked dry, and her whole body was languid.

She got up and went to the space bathroom to wash up and apply some skin care products for basic care. At the age of seventeen, collagen is the most abundant. In addition, she has been using Lingquan water to wash her face for a long time. She also developed her own daily skin care. product, so the skin is so tender that it can really squeeze out water.

After applying the water cream, Yan Shu applied another layer of sunscreen. This sunscreen is her latest development. When applied to the face, the skin will appear moist and translucent, like an egg with its shell removed. The most important thing is that The sun protection effect is extremely good. The weather is about to get hotter, and the launch of sunscreen this season should become a hot summer item.

She made more than two hundred tubes this time and planned to take time today to send them to Rouge Shop for shopkeeper Tong to promote them.

After packing herself up, Yan Shu went to the warehouse and took down two exquisite iron boxes from a row of neatly arranged shelves. Inside were placed the calming tea she mixed with tea leaves and herbs picked from Lingshan Mountain. Sleep works wonders.

She once accidentally learned from Sister Xu that Xu suffered from chronic insomnia in his later years. This soothing tea can soothe the mind and help sleep, strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. Long-term drinking can completely improve it.

In Xu's later years, as the future head of the Xu family, the bigger the business, the greater the pressure on him, and nothing else would be as good as giving health to him.

In addition, the gift prepared for the second master of the Xu family was liquor. On the way to escape from the famine, she saw how much the second master Xu drank. He was a drunkard all day long. The purity of the wine in this era was very low and the color was relatively turbid. It is difficult for people who like to drink not to love high-purity liquor, so it is more appropriate to give Mr. Xu a drink.

What Mrs. Xu gave here was a ginseng and a Ganoderma lucidum. These two herbs were inferior in the space, but when they were taken outside, they were extremely rare and top-quality.

The gifts she prepared are all available in this era, but the ones she brought out were of better quality. If Xu's family asked, they could make up an excuse to excuse them. It was really hard to take out the fruits and melons in the space. This season Not to mention the fruits, many fruits are grown in the subtropics. She will not take out things that have never been seen before in this era.

Taking the gifts back to his room, Yan Shu called Aunt Zhao to find some exquisite boxes.

Aunt Zhao saw the few gifts Yan Shu put on the table and immediately understood what she meant.

"Wait a moment, madam. There are many exquisite boxes in the warehouse. I will go and get them for you right now."

After Aunt Zhao left, Yan Shu heard people talking and laughing in the front yard. She curiously walked out of her yard and came to the open space in the front yard where she saw Yan Wen, Yan Wu and Wu Ming making gestures together.

"Little sister is awake?"

"Miss Yan!"

When several people saw Yan Shu, they all looked at her, and Yan Shu walked over with a smile.

"You guys started practicing martial arts early in the morning. Why are you still practicing now that the sun is beating down on you? Brother, go back to your room and change some clothes. Let's pack up and get ready to go to the Xu Mansion. Second Brother, do you want to go with us?"

Yan Wu shook his head like a rattle: "I don't understand anything, so I won't join in the fun. Wuming is teaching me Qing Kung. It's such a good opportunity that I have to practice more frequently. By the way, little sister, weren't you also clamoring to learn Qing Kung before? ? Why not practice with us?"

"Okay, I see that you are all very energetic, maybe it is related to your daily exercise. I will practice with you from tomorrow on. Wuming, you are the best in martial arts among us. From now on, you will teach us personally. "

Wuming cupped his hands and said, "I accept your orders."

Yan Shu looked at Yan Wen: "Brother, the gifts for the Xu family are ready. Go and change your clothes and then come back to the room with me. If there is anything missing, we will make up for it."

"Little sister, just watch and prepare. You know this better than me."

Yan Shu smiled and said: "Since eldest brother trusts me so much, then he will do what I want."

"it is good."

Thinking that he would see Xu Shuangxue soon, Yan Wen couldn't hide the smile in his eyes. He ran back to the room and changed into a new spring dress Liu Wenniang made for him. The material was fine cotton. Liu Wenniang's embroidery was good, and there were embroidery on it Wearing patterns of the same color, the whole outfit is no worse than the three or four robes in a tailor shop.

When Yan Wen got dressed and walked up to Yan Shu, Yan Shu's eyes also lit up.

"It looks good. The blue color matches my brother's complexion very well."

Yan Wu was also amazed and said: "Brother, these clothes look a bit bookish on you, and you are almost catching up with Erlang and Lao San."

Yan Wen scratched his head in embarrassment, "My mother's craftsmanship is good. Little sister, is it really okay for me to wear this dress?"

Yan Shu sincerely praised: "Don't worry, the eldest brother is not bad looking. Putting on these bright clothes, he has a more elegant temperament. Just like the second brother said, he has a bit more bookishness."

After hearing Yan Shu's praise, Yan Wen's nervous heart was relieved.

The brother and sister returned to the backyard as company, and Aunt Zhao had already delivered the box.

"Madam, do you think this box is okay?"

Yan Shu took a look and nodded with satisfaction.

"The box is very beautiful and the size is right. Brother, can you see how the gifts are prepared?"

Yan Wen looked at the things on the table, including ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, liquor, tea, and the skin care products developed by my little sister. These things were all taken out of my little sister's space, and they were incomparable to the ordinary products outside.

"Little sister, these are too expensive. I'm afraid it won't take me long to pay back the money."

Yan Shu asked Nanny Zhao to step aside first, and she looked at Yan Wen with a smile.

"Brother, these things are indeed valuable in the eyes of outsiders, but you also know that I have a lot of things in my space. How much do we need for our own family? If you feel you owe me, help me farm well in the future."

Yan Wen's eyes were filled with emotion and he nodded solemnly.

"Well, big brother will definitely help you take care of those hundreds of acres of farmland."

"It's getting late, let's go. I also want to buy some snacks that Sister Xu likes to eat and bring them to her."

"Okay, let's go."

The brother and sister left Jiang Mansion together with gifts. One of Ying San and Ah Fu drove the car, and the other secretly protected them.

The carriage stopped in front of a shop. Yan Shu and Yan Wen got off the carriage and entered this very famous pastry shop.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the front.

"Get out of the way of the carriage ahead!"

Yan Shu stopped when he heard the sound and turned to look at the person who yelled.

The man was riding on a tall brown horse, and his whole person exuded a chilling and chilling aura. He was wearing black attire, and behind him was a carriage, with dozens of guards on both sides and behind the carriage.

Yan Shu took one look at the person who came and judged in his mind that the leader should be the head guard, and the person sitting on the carriage was the person they wanted to protect.

This street is a main road in Xinyang Prefecture. The road is very wide, and even three carriages can pass side by side. However, this team has a large number of people, and they are arrogant, so they think that others should make way for them.

Yan Shu thought for a moment and winked at Ah Fu.

In today's chaotic situation, it is better to do less than to do more.

Ah Fu understood this and led the carriage into a side alley, making way for the motorcade.

In the carriage, Yuan An originally closed his eyes to rest, but he seemed to sense something, and a pair of gray and cold eyes suddenly opened.

He felt a very abundant spiritual energy surrounding him, which he had never felt in the capital. This Xinyang Mansion was truly a place of crouching tigers, hidden dragons.

When Yuan An curiously picked up the curtains and looked outside, brother and sister Yan Shu and Yan Wen had already entered the pastry shop.

"Stop!" Yuan An ordered in a deep voice, and the driver immediately stopped the carriage.

The leading guard turned his horse and came to the carriage, asking in a deep voice: "Taoist Priest, what do you want to buy?"

Yuan An shook his head. He raised his hand to lift the curtain with a whisk and bowed out of the carriage. When he got down to the ground, he looked carefully around the people passing by.

The aura still exists, but the crowds coming and going nearby don't notice anything special.

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