Return to Splendid

Chapter 012 Look at the sky upstream

To be honest, Xing Yi is not worried that Boss Liu will not accept him, because he knows that Boss Liu is an enthusiastic person.

There was such an incident. One morning, when they got up early, there was a person huddled next to the ash outlet of their stove. An old man over 50 years old was sick, weak and unsteady. Boss Liu quickly asked someone to send him to the hospital. He was admitted to hospital and had soup and meals delivered to him every day.

The old man was cured and understood that he was from another province and had a wife and a daughter at home. Because of poverty, his wife couldn't bear it and eloped with others with her child.He searched everywhere, wandered here, and fell ill.Seeing that he was helpless, Boss Liu temporarily took him in and asked him to help look after the backyard.

A few years later, his daughter found him. She got married and had children. The man supported him in picking up his father-in-law, kowtowed to Boss Liu, and picked up his father.

For several years, people often mentioned this on the street.

Boss Liu gave Xing Yi a small blue and white floral apron and a pair of dark gray sleeves, and took him to the kitchen.

After washing for more than an hour, at 01:30 noon, Boss Liu asked him to leave the kitchen and come to the restaurant to sit and drink tea and rest.

Xing Yi saw a corner of the backyard. The cement floor disappeared there, and the wet soil was covered with weeds.

He knelt down to take a look, then came back and asked Boss Liu, "Does this place belong to your home?"

Boss Liu said: "Originally, I didn't belong, but because I was left behind, I didn't care about anything. The family said, it's difficult to plant anything, and it's not appropriate to carry manure through your house. Forget it, it's just as big as a palm. You can take it and pile up some sundries, or you can temporarily set up a stove when there are many people. We also know that their family is not doing well, so we must not ask for it in vain, so we asked someone to write a piece of paper for 500 yuan. Bought it."

The corner is not big, only about thirty square meters.

Boss Liu said: "After a while, find someone to come and take a look, build a simple warehouse and stack some sundries."

Xing Yi said: "No, it's not necessary to build a house. There is water below."

Boss Liu said: "I don't care whether there is water or not below. I only know that the grass was eaten by chickens and it grew wildly the next day and recovered as before."

"Does the hotel use tap water now?"

"It's tap water."

"How much does a meal cost?"

"Wu Jiao, we use more than two tons of water a day."

"Two tons of water costs one yuan. Sixty tons a month costs 30 yuan."

"Most people don't use a ton of water in a month, so we are a large household. The problem is that it is not normal. During holidays and during critical times, the water supply will be cut off. It is really annoying."

"Just dig a well there and build a five-ton water storage tank, and the entire hotel will not have to worry about water."

"Are you saying that it is really possible to install a machine to lift water from the ground?"

"of course can."

"Can you do it?"

"what do you say?"

"I believe that you can tell at a glance that there is underground water there, so I believe you. It would be great if you could help us with this."

At this time, a woman came in. Boss Liu called her Aunt Gan. He asked her to sit down and asked her what she wanted to eat.

Aunt Gan said: "I like your Changwang Noodles, but I don't want to eat other people's noodles no matter how good they are."

Boss Liu personally brought noodles to Aunt Gan. Seeing the paper tip protruding from the mouth of the cloth bag she was carrying, he asked her about the lawsuit with concern.

Aunt Gan mixed it with chopsticks a few times, picked up the noodles and put them in her mouth. She chewed them twice and swallowed them happily. She said, "I have contacted Attorney Fan and promised to help, but he is too busy and has to queue up. There is still something to do." Anxious, I said I was anxious, but there were others who were more anxious than me, so there was nothing I could do."

Boss Liu asked: "How many days will it take to queue up?"

"He said it would be at least three days later."

"Three days is not a long time."

"Chief, I can't wait here. I'll be nervous all day long."

"What should we do? Give him more money?"

"It's not about money. Attorney Fan treats everyone the same."

"Oh, how much does it cost to write this complaint of yours?"

"300 dollars."

"Oh, quite a few."

"It sounds like a lot, but when you think about it, the house has been repossessed for tens of thousands, so what does it cost compared to this little money?"

"It's right to think so."

"Don't you have a younger brother? Will he come back to participate?"

"I wrote him a letter, but he was very busy and couldn't come. He said, if my sister has the ability, she can go ahead and handle it. After the house is settled and the judgment is returned, she will handle it. He won't come to argue with her. .”

"It's understandable and reasonable for your brother to think this way."

"There are many people who care about it. Those who know the inside story have said that this ancestral business cannot be allowed to be taken over by outsiders. This lawsuit will definitely be won. Just use some money."

Boss Liu is enthusiastic, and Aunt Gan also hopes that someone will listen to her, and is willing to share her accumulated thoughts with those who like to listen.While eating and talking, he looked towards Xing Yi.

Xing Yi heard what they discussed, and thought to himself, paper, pen and ink only cost two or three cents, and writing a few words would cost so much, which is equivalent to one and a half months' salary in the factory. This is too huge a profit.

"Auntie, the main business you mentioned should be an old house. How many square meters does it have?"

Xing Yi came out to pour swill into the gutter and walked up to talk to Aunt Gan.

"Yes, it's an old house, it's been there for many years."

Aunt Gan looked at him and hesitated to speak.

"Are you still living there? How big is the area?"

He asked with a smile, showing great interest in the old house.

Aunt Gan saw his clothes, sleeves and waist and knew that he was working here. She smiled and nodded and answered: "Two floors, four rooms, mainly a courtyard. There are chicken pens, toilets and a tree in the middle. The redbud tree is old, equivalent to an old man of seven or eighty years."

"Where is that, which street?"

"Jianguo Road was formerly called County Government Street."

"In the middle or on both ends?"

"A little in the middle, there is a well next to it."

"Then, is it Sifangjing?"

"Yes, the wellhead is right next to our window."

Xing Yi chuckled. He knew that in another 20 years, that street would be transformed into a historical and cultural tourist district. The facades of the houses on both sides of the street would be renovated according to the styles of hundreds of years ago. The first floor would be used as shops and clubs, and the second floor would be used as shops and clubs. The building is a hotel, with stone paved streets, a theater, a square, a tea room, a chess and card room, and a small river to bring in fresh water from outside the city. Especially near the Sifang Well in the middle, it is a hot spot...

As for how to compensate the original owners of this street, two methods are adopted, leaving them to choose. One is to continue to retain them, but according to a unified plan. After the repairs are completed, they will mainly carry out activities to welcome tourists and provide snacks. , engage in literary and artistic activities, paper-cut paintings, etc., and the income belongs to yourself; the second option is to move out and live by yourself, leave the empty house to the cultural and art company for trusteeship, buy shares at a discounted price of the house, and receive dividends at the end of the year.

"Since it is my family's ancestral property, I must take it back. It will be of great benefit in the future." Xing Yi said.

Aunt Gan looked at him with wide eyes, "I don't know how much benefit it will bring. Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it. The location of your house and the future development prospects of this area. In the future, the value is likely to increase, and it will increase exponentially."

Xing Yi said it with confidence.

Aunt Gan listened in rapt attention and blinked hard: "That's great, I really want to borrow your good words."

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