Return to Splendid

Chapter 028 Gestures plus lip reading

Hu Yanli's music bag started playing, so she took out her phone and checked the buttons. It was from Ji Meifang in the department. She nodded to Xing Yi and said, "Wait a moment." Then she turned to answer the call.

Ji Meifang told her: "You are still outside. Come back quickly. The old man named Dai has come to see you. He is very anxious, crying and making trouble. If you don't come to see her, something will happen."

"Oh my God!" Hu Yanli jumped up suddenly.

The elderly woman surnamed Dai originally belonged to a comprehensive trading company. Due to poor health, she had been recuperating at home for a long time. When she reached the retirement age and went to the work unit to go through the formalities, the work unit had been canceled and she couldn't find anyone for a while. She became anxious. Sun Guoxi was kind-hearted and agreed to transfer her to the company. Her procedures were transferred to Hongda Company, and the company stamped it on behalf of her... The specific procedures were handed over to Hu Yanli.

It turned out that I had made an appointment with her to do it today, but because I saw Xing Yi at the engineering office, I put all my energy here and forgot about it.

The time limit for processing is only today. If the procedures are not submitted to the Insurance Section of the County Personnel and Labor Bureau before 02:30 in the afternoon, the application will no longer be accepted.

The conversation could not continue. Hu Yanli came back and asked Xing Yi: "Tell me your mobile phone number."

Xing Yi said: "I don't have a mobile phone yet."

"How come you don't have one? Go and buy one quickly. If you do, let me know. Remember my number first. Hurry up."

After he finished memorizing it, she said: "This is the end of our meeting today. Remember, quickly think of a way to say hello to Tan Zhida. Since you are old classmates, everything will be much easier. You can start from him. , people like him are easy to deal with, I don’t need to say more about this, you know. That’s it, you have made an agreement with him, hurry up and tell me, I will not check off your name for the time being, and hurry up to buy a mobile phone, buy Call me as soon as possible, I'll wait for your news."

Walking outside the door, he turned back and added: "Also, let me tell you, I am just an ordinary worker in the Personnel and Labor Department, not an assistant. I remind you again, if you yell again, I will be rude to you. .”

Xing Yi hurried away without waiting for a reply.

Xing Yi stared at Hu Yanli's back, but what appeared in his mind was Ni Shuzhen. At that time, she was using a sky blue mobile phone.

Later, Ni Shuzhen always liked blue mobile phones, but she couldn't find them anywhere. When the latest touch-screen mobile phones arrived, she still never saw the color she liked.

Ni Shuzhen likes the color of the blue sky to the point of being almost obsessed with it. Most of the objects in her home have this element in their color composition.

Although the conditions were not very good at that time, their little family had always been very warm and happy.

He has been with her for 25 years, and together they raised a little boy, whom they named Yuanchi.I was pregnant in ten months, but due to busy work and insufficient rest, the fetus did not develop well and was congenitally weak. The child went to work when he was one month old, and he was not well taken care of during the lactation period. The child could not walk at one year old and could not speak clearly at two years old.

She regretted it deeply. Later, when her work was adjusted and there was a slight gap, she had the opportunity to double down on her love for her son. From the time her son received enlightenment, she spared no effort to accompany him, care for him, and educate him, from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, until In high school, she often forgot about food and sleep. She was still reading books and solving problems in the middle of the night, and tutored her children carefully the next day.

Ni Shuzhen still doesn’t know what will happen to her fate and what kind of life the future will bring to her.Everything, everything, what has happened, what is about to happen, and what has not happened in the future is possible and there is time to adjust and change.

What she didn't expect was that a man who was ready and determined to make her happy for the rest of her life had already come to her side and was about to stand in front of her.

From now on, he must take action, approach her, combine with her, love her, make her happy, jointly shoulder the responsibility of building a warm family, carefully nurture a healthy and excellent child, and carefully raise the child. grow up.

Half of a child's talent is developed, and the flowers blooming on the child's face are the flowers watered by the two of them's hard work.

Aunt Qiu worked hard for this marriage. At that time, my mother wrote letters more than once and made long-distance calls, repeatedly saying that Aunt Qiu had come to ask many times, when will you come back, and would she arrange to meet her in time? noodle.

He completely obeyed his mother, took special leave to visit family, chose a sunny day, carried gifts, and under the leadership of Aunt Qiu, he wanted to step into the threshold of a strange family... The owner of that family had a very bad temper, even if Even the son-in-law whom both mother and daughter liked, it was difficult to see a smile on his face.

The problem with my father-in-law is that he has a stubborn personality and can't think straight when things happen. The store he runs alone suffered a sudden inventory, and he was asked to sign a supply list afterwards. He refused to sign, which allowed the matter to escalate to the top.

He had sufficient reasons to carry out a surprise attack without notifying him of his presence, which was clearly an attempt to harass people.If I am not present and there is a shortage of supplies and commodities, who is responsible?

He thought that if he refused to sign, nothing could be done to him.Little did he know that they didn't care about him, so they sealed the store with two seals and an official seal, and told him to go home and wait for the processing notice.

At that time, the supply and marketing cooperative was facing restructuring and was developing rapidly. He went home and was bored for half a month. Then he got sick and went to the hospital for half a month. He went home to rest and recuperate for two months. In such a short period of time, he The agricultural supplies company where he worked has withdrawn from the stage of history.

His outcome was that he contacted his employer to handle the transfer. Before he went to work at his new employer, the Insurance Section of the District Personnel and Labor Bureau received a monthly living allowance of 120 yuan.

Which unit would accept a person who is over fifty years old?

It was at this time that Xing Yi entered that house...

That happened in the past life, let it drift slowly in your memory.Nowadays, everything has changed, including the time, place and method of meeting.

He decided to leave now and no longer wait for Hu Yanli. He corrected his target, the business office of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau, and walked towards it.

Hu Yanli said that they had been to the factory and there was a photo of him in the window, so they should be familiar with him.

It has been three days since I returned to Jinxiu. As time approaches, my desire to meet becomes stronger and my mood becomes more uncontrollable.

However, according to Ni Shuzhen's character (anything can change, but her shy, tolerant and gentle character cannot change) after meeting, even if she doesn't know him yet, she will treat him like any customer and politely ask: " What's up?"

That's okay, just start from a stranger, take the initiative to answer the call, and say: "Yes, give me a call."

Next, there are many topics to talk about. You can ask about stamps. When will this year’s annual book arrive?

The annual stamp album has a special meaning to Ni Shuzhen. She has been collecting it since 1992. The annual album containing stamps of the twelve zodiac animals is her favorite.In other words, based on time calculation, the annual volume in her hand is now close to half, at least five volumes.

He was very familiar with the blue-grey building of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau. He stepped onto the steps at the door of the business office, his steps gentle, fearing to scare the people inside.

There was a lot of movement in the business room. Some people spoke loudly, while others spoke softly, explaining to customers, but the customers continued to speak loudly and became angry.

The customer was arrogant and Ni Shuzhen was bullied. Xing Yi couldn't help but stride in without thinking too much.

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