Return to Splendid

Chapter 035 Something's Not Right

The data collection was successfully completed and the reward unexpectedly increased. Xing Yi decided to comfort himself.

There is a mutton noodle restaurant on the north gate. The store owner operates it by himself. He is sweating on his forehead, his hands are busy, and he moves quickly. He scalds the noodles first, picks them up with a colander, puts them in a bowl, catches the mutton slices with three fingers, and puts them in a bowl. Pour a ladle of hot soup on the cover, place it on the counter, and ask diners to serve it themselves.

The cash box is right next to it. When eating customer-serve noodles, you throw the money in first. If you need change, you rummage through it. When you take the change, don't forget to hold it up for him to take a look.

There are two small square tables with eight seats. There are about ten diners, but two of them have no seats, so they have to squat out and eat on the roadside curb.

After all, it has a homely taste, with a lot of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and more coriander to suppress the smell. It feels good, but the quantity is a bit too small.

A diner came. His face was sallow and his movements were slow. He looked like a patient. There was no seat, so he stood and said, "Boss, give me half a bowl."

The store owner shook his head and said, "Half a bowl is not enough. If it's just one bowl, you can eat as much as you want."

The patient said: "The main reason is that I just had a gastrectomy and I couldn't eat too much. I could only eat half a bowl."

"Just throw out the rest."

Several diners raised their heads, some looking at the store and some at the patients.

The patient turned around slowly, sighed, looked longingly at everyone's bowls, and prepared to walk away.

Xing Yi spoke: "Wait a minute."

He stood up, asked the patient to sit down, and said, "I'll find a way for you."

He walked over and paid for another bowl, and said to the shopkeeper: "One bowl is not enough for me, please give me another half bowl."

"Half a bowl?" The store owner was stunned.

He explained: "You can have a whole bowl, and he and I will share it."

Then he stepped over, took a pair of bowls and chopsticks, put them in front of the patient, brought the bowl of powder over, gave half of it to the patient, and said, "You don't need to throw away this half, I can just eat it."

There were only three or four pieces left on each side of the mutton, so he simply gave them all to the patient.

The patient gave him the half bowl of money, but he hesitated and accepted it.

The patient nodded: "You are a good person, and good people have a safe life."

All the diners next to me saw it, some nodded and some gave thumbs up.

Xing Yi just smiled.

The store owner was a little embarrassed and said, "You have really taught me a lesson by doing this. I apologize first, but you can see it. I am really overwhelmed, so I need to consider hiring a helper."

Xing Yi said: "The mutton powder tastes good. It would be better if it could meet the different needs of different people. You can add powder, add meat, or double it."

"I have clearly marked the price now. One bowl is one bowl. This bowl is less and the other bowl is more. We all eat together. If you see that you have more and others have less, doesn't it feel unfair?"

"Fairness is not your explanation. It seems that you came from a state-owned hotel and are used to sharing the meal equally."

"Yes, don't you know? This second brother Yao comes from the second state-owned store."


"Ha ha."

The diners started laughing.

The shopkeeper blushed and turned away quickly.

Little did he know that as history progresses and the economy develops, people's income increases year by year, more and more people come out to eat, and business becomes booming.At that time, it was not difficult for diners to add meat. Not only meat, but also tripe, intestines, heart, kidneys, lungs, and feet. They could also make a family photo.

Then there will be no more unfair remarks like his.If you don't learn to adapt to progress, how can a small store be stable and develop?

It's just that the location of this small store will be used as land for the construction of a teachers' community in a few years. I don't know where the small store will be moved, and I don't know if there will be any chance to participate in the competition.

Seeing that the store is busy, you have no intention to listen to him, and if you tell him about the future, he may not believe it, so that's it. If you persist like this, you won't be able to last long.

After leaving the shop, I walked along a familiar path for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, I turned to Miaoerwan and returned to Guangming Hotel.

On the wall behind the counter, there are several paintings, all of which are large animals, tigers, lions, and horses. The tiger is distinguished by its markings, the lion’s steel teeth are white and tinged with yellow, and the horse’s mane is like A row of upright steel needles.

He also noticed the signature on several paintings: Wei Junlong, painted when he was 13 years old.

Wei Zhenghai came over, admired the painting and said, "My painting is not good, please give me some advice."

"How old is your son?"

"16 years old."

"In high school?"

"Not until next year."

"Do you still draw now?"

"During this period, I suddenly fell in love with sketching and was outside almost every day."

"Sketching is a very important step."

"I don't know how long he can persist. In the long run, let him apply for the Academy of Fine Arts."

"You can urge him not to give up easily. His basic skills are still very good. Perseverance is the most important thing. Many people who could have become painters have failed in the middle because they did not persist well."

"Thank you for your compliment. I will definitely persist. I hope that, as you said, even if I can't become a painter in the future, I can still hold art training classes at home to solve the employment problem."

He nodded: "This idea is very practical."

I think back to when I was in middle school, I had thought about applying for the art department, hoping to become a painter in the future.

How did things change later? Why didn't I apply for the Fine Arts Department? What happened in my original intention? What happened during this period? I vaguely felt that it was a bit unusual, but I couldn't figure it out.

Just like the plot often seen in movies, intermittent or selective amnesia.

He picked up the brush and used it twice. Wei Zhenghai looked at it and was stunned, saying: "Oh, you are a great painter, you can paint so well. I want my son to become your teacher."

He took a step back and looked, looked left and then again. He was so accustomed to it that even he didn't believe it. It could be described as the power of his pen, which can be described as flowing freely and penetrating the back of the paper.

I was rushed into the cave by the flood, and then came out of the pump well. As I entered and exited, my life underwent a subversive change, and my favorite skills also made a qualitative leap. It was really extraordinary.

"Sure, he will bring him to see me one day when he comes back."

Boss Wei and his son never imagined that a sika deer would come here in a few years, let alone what impact it would have on the peaceful and peaceful Welfare Hotel here.

The sika deer was lost one year before the North Street greening project started. That year his son was in the first grade. According to this calculation, from now to then, it will be at least seven or eight years. By then, the boss will be in his early twenties and tall. A young man.

Now, if you reveal it to Boss Wei early, what will happen to him?Don't believe it at all?Not sure what to say?Shocked?

What I have to do now is to find a small notebook and write down in advance all the things that will happen in the future, not only the hotel, but also other things that can be remembered. Then calculate the time and make arrangements at the right time. Take action when it's time to take action.

Before going upstairs, I stretched my head and took a look at the three-person room. I saw that the two guests from other provinces had not returned yet.

Wei Zhenghai told him: "They will leave early tomorrow."

I want to wait for them to come back and have a few more words.No matter what, after living in the same room, they are still roommates.

Wei Zhenghai unscrewed the kettle and went upstairs to open the door for him.

"I have my reasons why I want to live in this room."

Wei Zhenghai seemed to know what he was thinking: "It's good to live here. When you look up, you can see the city gate entrance in the distance."

"Yes, that's why I want to live in this room. I can see the pass every day."

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