Return to Splendid

Chapter 051 Everyone wants to engage in real estate

Hang Shikai didn't want to go through the mountains and valleys the most. He wanted to travel around the country by train and plane. He plausibly said: "Why is it so complicated? Just call Tan Zhida and ask him to transfer people back."

Ji Dewan said: "You don't understand. The irrigation project was arranged by Sun Guoxi. Not to mention Tan Zhida, not even his uncle Tan Yongli can change it. Only when the village blocks it and does not agree to the construction can the matter be resolved."

Hang Shikai thought of another question: "You don't know the inside story. Tan Yongli has already planned to turn the company's ship."

"Which way did he turn?"

"He wants to change his career. He no longer wants to go into road and bridge construction. He wants to engage in real estate or coal."

This news surprised Ji Dewan and asked anxiously: "He also wants to engage in real estate?"

Hang Shikai told the source of the news.

"A few days ago, I attended a friend's wedding. While having a drink, Tan Yongli and Lu Xiuzhen sat together and said that there was a coal mine owner who wanted to transfer the mine because something happened at home. Tan Yongli asked Lu Xiuzhen about his account. Lu Xiuzhen didn't say how much money she had. She dipped it in water and wrote it on the tablecloth. Tan Yongli frowned and asked how long it would take to get it all together. He raised three fingers. It couldn't be three thousand, it should be thirty thousand. Lu Xiuzhen Ask Tan Yongli, is he quitting real estate? Tan Yongli said that he needed two architects, but it was difficult to find them for a while... But Lu Xiuzhen said that real estate is a dawn industry... I happened to be sitting on the other end, back to back with them. I was wearing They didn't notice the cap and sunglasses. I also heard them discussing how to deal with Sun Guoxi."

Ji Dewan said: "This news is good for me, very good. Just like that, you have to look for opportunities to continue to spy and get more information. But for now, you should ignore this and concentrate on doing what I have given you. Things are done.”

"I don't want to take care of it. They haven't agreed to my request for purchasing. I feel uncomfortable."

"You are wrong about this. Don't you understand my intention? Now I want to strangle their necks. When they ask me for help, it will be better then. By then, what you want to do is not up to me. ?”

"I can't wait until your second round of contracting is done. I don't know what will happen."

"What happened? If something happens, it depends on how I operate? No matter what, you just do what I say. I will make arrangements for you when the time comes. If you think I haven't succeeded in contracting now, nothing will happen. No, if you don’t want to follow me, that’s fine, then you can make your own decision on what you want to do.”

"Didn't you say that the position of deputy general manager is beckoning to you?"

"You'll see when the time comes, it won't take more than three years."

"Three years? That's too far away."

"Uh! You..." What Ji Dewan looked down upon most about Hang Shikai was that he only focused on the present and was short-sighted. What big things could he accomplish with this?

Ji Dewan lowered his face and said, "Don't you just make some efforts and do nothing, just sit back and enjoy the results? Stop talking so much, and quickly find a way to convey it to them, reveal it to them, and stop them from building that irrigation station."

Although Hang Shikai no longer refused, he did not go to Tan Yongli. Instead, he went directly to Tan Zhida. They were all in the same age group. There was no generation gap and it was easy to communicate. Most importantly, Tan Zhida would have to replace his uncle sooner or later. He was ambitious and vicious. This Everyone in the company can see clearly.

Tan Zhida was not at work, so he called his home in the district. He answered the call and said, "You little bastard, don't be ignorant and call him casually."

Hang Xiaokai said: "You call me random nicknames again, I'm going to be angry."

"Would I know if someone didn't shout? Tell me, what's the matter?"

"You shout and shout, but no one will answer you."

"Speak or not?"

"I said, I won't disturb you unless it's urgent. Now I'm looking for you everywhere. It's indeed something."

"If you fart, let it go."

"This matter can't be explained over the phone. We need to discuss it in person. Do you want to go for double promotion tonight?"

"I don't have time to listen to your nagging. I have to meet someone now."

"Who do you want to meet? Is she the prospective mother-in-law?"

"If you say anything else, I'll beat you up!" He hung up the phone.

Tan Zhida received a call during lunch. His mother told him that Cui Yingying's (Cui Yunying) mother had come to the house. She was in tears and had runny nose, telling her that her daughter was not in good mood and physical condition, and was going to send her to the hospital.But she didn't want anyone to give it to her, she just said she would wait for you to come back.

Tan Zhida's mother couldn't bear this. If her future daughter-in-law's health condition was [-]% related to something, she called her son to urge her to come back quickly and finish what she had done.

Of course Tan Zhida knew that Cui Yunying was pregnant.

Tan Zhida and Cui Yunying met in junior high school, but their relationship developed in high school, which aroused opposition from their families. The two vowed never to separate, stole the family's money, and rented a house outside for more than a month.

Her mother had a qi disease and went to the old Chinese medicine doctor on West Street more than ten times. She prescribed more than ten prescriptions and adjusted them for more than half a year, but without any effect.

Later, the situation changed. Cui Yunying had a cousin who was overseas. Her mother was allowed to go abroad and stayed for a few more days, and then came back after accepting part of the inheritance.

I don’t know how much the inheritance is, but my mother is restless, planning to go there at an appropriate time.

One day, a guest came, who was a good friend of the girl's mother. He spoke very unreasonably and spoke arrogantly.

"Your family lives in a compound, and the Cui family lives in an alley. There is a huge gap."

Mother Tan smiled faintly: "There are always differences between people. Just like Yingying's mother and I, we are the same age. I am taller and she is slightly shorter. My hair is black. Yingying's mother's hair is slightly whiter. Point, what's the point? It won't have any impact on the friendship between the two of us, will it?"

Not long after, I met the girl in a store, buying a fur coat with her mother.

The meeting was quite warm, and he answered all the questions asked. The furs were also touched by the hands here, and he did not show the arrogance of the rich at all.

Mother Tan thought, the girl looks pretty good, and with that fur, she looks very noble. Forget it, don't object anymore. When they play to a certain extent, I will come forward to get engaged.

I told my son with a smile, but unexpectedly he twisted his neck and said, "I'm dating someone else, let's leave the Cui family alone for now."

Tan's mother was shocked and went to the school to check. She soon found out that her son had fallen in love with the class beauty and was pursuing her.

That flower has a nice name, Jiang Mengxin, and she is really beautiful. When I asked about it, I found that the family was just average. Her father worked as a worker and her mother taught, and they relied on wages to support the family. This condition was not good compared to Cui Yingying's family. That inheritance exists Banks can't use up the interest alone. The gap is really too big.

The mother was worried. If her son got obsessed with this, he would be angry in the future. She mobilized her aunts and sisters who were playing together to take turns doing ideological work.

"It doesn't matter if you are beautiful, whether it looks good or not, you must have basic conditions to live your life in the future."

"Cui Yingying is so well-behaved, well-educated, gentle, polite and generous, which is very rare."

"The two have been together since childhood. They are childhood sweethearts and have a deep love. All the older aunts are envious to death."

Soon a miracle happened. The son turned around and looked back. His aunts and sisters saw him and Cui Yingying together again, and they all came forward to please and take credit.

The mother's anxious heart was finally relieved.

On this day, Cui Yunying's mother came. When she entered the door, she said: "Our family has Yunying. She can't control herself and does stupid things. What should I do? I haven't officially arrived at your house yet..."

Mother Tan sat her down, made good tea, and whispered: "One slap can't make a difference. It's not all your daughter's fault. My son is also responsible. Don't worry, the matter will be solved. I'll do it right away." Call him and ask him to come back immediately to discuss it."

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