Return to Splendid

Chapter 053 The kitchen knife represents my heart

At noon, he continued working by the river ditch. Yue Xin came. He had nothing to do today and wanted to fulfill his previous promise to see how Xing Yi carried out his work.

"I came here specifically to tell you something today. Tomorrow is a good day. People in our group are going to climb the Phoenix Tunnel. You are invited to participate."

Xing Yi knew that Fenghuang Datun was a high hillside in the northeastern part of the county. It was named because the top of the hill was relatively flat and covered with thick thatch.

"What's your group?"

"Nature observation team. Nature is full of mystery and profundity. It is not something that we ordinary people can study clearly. We provide experts with our sensory understanding through collection and observation."

"What a good thing this is. Who initiated it, was it you?"

"We all jointly initiated it. When we go there, we have to pass by Shangyan Village. A group of people walked by laughing and joking. You don't know it, and I am inside. It would be a big regret not to invite you."

Xing Yi thought about it. The original plan was to return to the city tomorrow afternoon, spend the day after tomorrow to find a way to find 1000 yuan, and meet with Yang Linxiang in the evening. Yang Linxiang also had the 1000 yuan. Together, he would have to get up very early the day after tomorrow and arrive at the stadium early. .

If I go to Datun tomorrow and there is no car when I come back in the afternoon, I will have to go back to the county the day after tomorrow. I can get home before noon, which is still in time, but I have to decline the time to meet Yang Linxiang. I hope he can raise the money.

So he readily agreed to Yue Xin.

"You don't need to bring anything. There are girls in our group. The fried rice noodles and herbal tea are all arranged by them."

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Xing Yi was waiting at the edge of the village. A group of people came meandering towards them. More than a hundred meters away, Xing Yi saw two female teachers inside. They were both very good-looking, with elegant posture and good temperament.One of them was more beautiful. When I looked closer, I felt familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.

Since it was Yue Xin who invited me, I could only say hello to him first and get to know other people through him. This is reasonable and should be the case.

Yue Xin pointed out from afar and told the teachers about his situation. He came closer and introduced his companions one by one.

The male teachers are Tang Baoliang and Zhang Lianxi, and the female teachers are Zhou Yuexian and Zhang Siyi.

"Oh, hello." Xing Yi greeted them generously, "I'm very happy to join your team and climb Phoenix Tunnel together. Thank you."

After saying hello, everyone walked together. Xing Yi quietly pulled Yue Xin back and asked him softly: "Does this teacher Zhang have any relatives in the city?"

Yue Xin said: "Yes, Mr. Sun from Hongda Road and Bridge Company is his uncle."

"Oh, no wonder." Xing Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong?" Yue Xin asked, "Do you know her uncle?"

"We know each other, and I feel very similar. Sure enough..."

Yue Xin wanted to say something else. Xing Yi seemed to see something in the grass on the roadside, so he squatted down to look for it. Teacher Tang in front shouted: "Yue Xin, come quickly, there are butterflies here."

Yue Xin ran away.

Xing Yi picked off a piece of grass and chewed it.

The first time he saw Teacher Zhang, he was shocked inside.

We should have met before, where were we?After a few seconds, he remembered that in his previous life, he had

When the car was taking Mr. Sun's relatives back to the countryside.

He took the car keys from Mo Tongfu and drove to the south street entrance. A woman stood in front of him and asked, "Are you Master Mo?"

He said: "No, my name is Xing Yi. Master Mo has something to do and asked me to see you off."

The woman introduced herself: "My name is Zhang Siyi, and this is my mother."

They rarely talked on the road, except for one or two short questions and answers from time to time. Xing Yi found out that her mother was Mr. Sun's sister, and when she heard that her brother was sick and hospitalized, she came to visit.

Her mother was nearly seventy years old and had white hair. She rarely rode in the car and felt very uncomfortable. Zhang Siyi asked Xing Yi to drive as slowly as possible.

At that time, Zhang Siyi couldn't tell how old she was, but based on his mother's age, she was in her 40s, but she couldn't tell, so she thought she was only in her 30s.

He was nearly 50 years old at that time, and his son Xing Yuanchi was also over [-] and was entering college.

That was the first time I met mother and daughter, and it was also the only time in my previous life.

The time sequence changes to this life, I have just returned to my hometown. I was found by Director Su, and I helped Hongda Company to develop data. My fate with the company began. I met Yue Xin on the way to Shangyan Village and was invited to go to the beautiful Fenghuang Datun Road. By mistake, he met Zhang Siyi.

In the reincarnation of heaven, everything has changed. In front of me is a young and beautiful girl in her twenties.You can recognize it from the appearance and outline. Even at that age, he is still handsome and elegant.

She works as a teacher in a rural school, lives in the countryside with her mother, serves rural children, and is not fooled by the prosperity of the city. This is not an ordinary belief and persistence.

Xing Yi further thought that after completing the irrigation station, he would join Hongda Company. This was entirely possible. Needless to say, Director Su could regard himself as a recommender and was very happy about it. As for General Manager Sun, the irrigation station was completed. Well, the long-pending problem has been solved. Is there anything happier than this?

In that case, he would have the opportunity to mention Zhang Siyi in front of Manager Sun in the future, and ask Manager Sun to come forward and arrange a small change for his niece's future. Wouldn't that be a bad idea?

My uncle is the boss of the company, and he was also the person in charge of the maintenance work area before. He will know a few friends more or less, and tell them that everyone helps each other completely. What does this mean?

So he looked at Zhang Siyi a few more times from behind and said to himself, Zhang Siyi, you should have been mentally prepared. A beautiful, kind and knowledgeable person like you should go to the county seat to teach in the No. [-] Middle School and the No. [-] Middle School in that county. That's where you can show your talents and make greater contributions.

The village is far away behind, the sun is shining overhead, and white clouds are floating in the sky. It rained last night, and there is a dry, cool smell in the air, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Yue Xin greeted from the front. He also served as a photographer in the nature group. He had a camera and was very skilled. He took many photos and was selected to be displayed in the school window.

The group of people in front of us, because they have the same interests, study nature, get close to nature, study nature, and live in harmony with nature, are doing great things. Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together. This statement is fully proved here.

After going up to Shanliangzi, they began to go alone, and they both distanced themselves. Yue Xin and Xing Yi were close, and they began to inquire about private secrets: "Teacher Xing is not married yet, is he?"

Xing Yi smiled and said: "What? Can you see it?"

Yue Xin said: "You go to the village and stay for two days, focusing on your work. This situation is very illustrative. I would like to ask again, do you have a girlfriend now?"

Xing Yi smiled, winked, and made a move that Yue Xin couldn't guess.

"Seeing you smile like that, I knew it, but I haven't yet. This is strange. How come a person with such a handsome appearance and talent like you doesn't have a girlfriend? Oh, I know, you have high standards."

"You're wrong. I've just been transferred from the factory. The landing procedures haven't been completed yet, so I can't disperse my energy, so it's not too late."

"That means you didn't meet the right person in the factory."

"The ratio of men to women in the factory is seriously imbalanced. When a girl appears, everyone rushes to chase her. The scene is spectacular." Xing Yi chuckled.

"Now that you've been transferred here, just look for her here. The girls here are much nicer."

"Yes, it seems like this is going to happen."

"Do we have to look for it in the city?"

"This doesn't exist. It depends on whether there is fate. It's the same in the city and in the country."

"Well, you asked me just now whether Teacher Zhang has any relatives in the city. What do you mean..."

"Ah, I'm just asking casually."

"Hey, how about our geography teacher? She is one of the best in our area. She must have good looks and talent. Several people want to make her decision."

Xing Yi looked up and saw that the two female teachers were talking about something, which made them laugh. They both lowered their heads and bent over, laughing like silver bells.

Yue Xin gave him a look and said, "How about it? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Do you want me to hold the line?"

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