Return to Splendid

Chapter 057 The Difficult Scoundrel

Dong Huashan asked Qi Guisheng to get another drink.

Xing Yi took advantage of this time to tell him about the annual review of the sand and gravel yard submitted by Yue Xin.

Dong Huashan asked: "What? Do you have any dealings with people from the County Mine Management Office?"

"No, he is a friend of mine. He is responsible for this specific work. Hearing that I was coming here, he also wanted to come. If he has something to do at home and he can't come, he entrusted me to come over and let you know. Just get it done earlier. .”

Dong Huashan had a thought in his mind, this enterprise is reviewed every year and requires money every year, more than 1000. Is it easy in the village?

He picked up the glass and took a sip: "Your friend has something to do at home and doesn't come. Maybe he is deliberately avoiding it and doesn't want to talk about these things. What should I say? You don't know that rural work is not easy to do. The boss Thousands of threads, one needle below, no matter where people come from, they have to receive and make arrangements. It’s so busy that I’m so busy, so if I have to catch up at the last minute, I have to ask the people who come to do things to help me, so I’m asking you to stop by now. Take it, help go to the county mining management office when you go back, and get this matter sorted. On behalf of all the villagers, I would like to thank you in advance."

Xing Yi said: "Although I have such a friend, I have never been to the Mine Management Office and I am not familiar with the people there."

"You can go find this friend of yours when you go back and leave it to him, okay?"

"But he is not in the county. He has something to do and has gone home. If he doesn't come back within two or three days, this matter cannot be delayed."

Dong Huashan: "Why, your friend is not a local?"

"Yes, he's from another county. He came here after graduating from a technical secondary school."

"It doesn't matter if you don't look for him. I have to ask you to take action. You are a literate person. You can see the signs hanging on the door at a glance. We illiterate and semi-literate people can't figure out what they are after standing in front of the signs for a long time. If you don't count anything, it will be difficult to get things done."


"Stop trying to shirk it. A talented person like you, with a majestic appearance and majestic appearance, will attract attention wherever you go, and people will take a high look at you. The doorman doesn't know what level of superior you are, so he comes. You will raise your butt to greet us. You should reach out your hand and give us a hand."

Speaking of which, Xing Yi couldn't refuse anymore.

The two bottles of wine were almost finished. Hang Shikai's eyes began to turn red, his head and shoulders began to shake, and his eyes gradually became confused.

Her wandering eyes peeked at Teacher Zhang from time to time, but Teacher Zhang ignored him. She put the bowl aside first, and when Teacher Zhou finished eating, they left the table together and returned to the girls' room.

Hang Shikai's eyes followed them, and he opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't. His abdomen was very swollen, so he gritted his teeth and persisted. After three or four minutes, his body suddenly straightened up, and he stood up in a hurry and said to wash his hands. He was shaking. I went and came back ten minutes later, holding on to the door frame and saying painfully: "What kind of medicine did you give me?"

Dong Huashan said: "Who would give what kind of medicine? We all eat and drink the same, and everything is fine. It's just your intestines and stomach that are rotten."

"My gastrointestinal condition is not very good. If I eat spicy, cold or fried food, I will have problems."

Qi Guisheng said: "You ate too much peanuts. I forgot to tell you that the peanuts are not fresh. They have been fried for several days."

"Ouch, you've killed someone."

"How did I know that your gastrointestinal condition was not good? I often keep peanuts like this for dozens of days, and there is nothing wrong with eating them."

I went to the back twice in succession. I found myself hunched over, pale-faced, humming, and had no energy to speak.

Seeing that his condition was not good, Xing Yi told Dong Huashan to find some medicine: "Otetracycline or chloramphenicol will do."

Dong Huashan shook his head and said: "There is no shortage of anything in this reception room, but there is a shortage of medicine."

"Then go to someone else's house and look for it."

Dong Huashan asked Qi Guisheng to find him.

Went around and came back empty-handed.

During this period, within half an hour, he went to the toilet three more times. When he came out, his face was even more ugly, and his forehead was wet, as if he had just been caught in the rain. He took a step towards the sofa, which was as difficult as carrying more than a hundred kilograms of weight. Half a step He took half a step over and fell on the sofa, not wanting to get up.

Xing Yi called Qi Guisheng and helped him to the bed in the male reception room.

But he refused to go and said, "I'll leave the bed for you to sleep on. I'll be right here."

"This sofa is not easy to sleep on."

"Sleep well, I'm used to it."

Qi Guisheng said: "It's up to you. This wall is close to the women's room and it's very lively."

Xing Yi brought the quilt to cover him, but he kept humming. The situation was not good. If he was not sent to the hospital in time, the consequences would be more serious.

Xing Yi asked Qi Guisheng: "Who has a car in the village?"

Qi Guisheng said: "We only have motorcycles, and Wu Xingyou just bought one."

"Motorcycles are fine, too. Please ask him to help."

Qi Guisheng went to call Wu Xingyou.

Wu Xingyou said that he had just learned how to drive, but he was worried that his skills would not be up to par.

Qi Guisheng said that it’s okay to bring someone with you.

Wu Xingyou said that he should sit still.

Hang Shikai shook his head desperately and couldn't straighten his waist. How could we talk steadily?

Gritting his teeth, he said, "I can't move. Brother Xing, for the sake of our second meeting, please extend your hand to help me and buy me some medicine."

Qi Guisheng shook his head: "People in Shangyan Village have strong stomachs and very few people have diarrhea. If you want to buy medicine, you have to go to the rural health center."

Dong Huashan assigned Wu Xingyou to leave as soon as possible.

Wu Xingyou twisted his body: "I can drive a motorcycle, but I can't buy medicine because I can't read."

Qi Guisheng said: "It doesn't matter if you are illiterate. Explain the situation clearly to the doctor and the doctor will prescribe it."

"I can't tell, how about you go with me."

Qi Guisheng shrank back: "My eyesight is not good. I seem to have glaucoma. I can't see the car lights. When the car lights shine on me, I become blind and can't see a step."

Hang Shikai begged to Xing Yi: "Brother Xing, Teacher Xing, just take action. You know everything. Look at my situation, tell the doctor thoroughly, and ask him to prescribe the right medicine. Oops, I'm so cold now."

Teacher Zhou heard the news and brought the hot water bottle over.

Hang Shikai pushed back with both hands: "No, leave it to Teacher Zhang. Her feet are more important than my belly."

"Teacher Zhang's feet are feeling better. She sent them to you."

"Then I'll accept her kindness, thank you." Hang Shikai picked up the hot water bottle and brought it close to his nose, took a deep smell, then put it on his abdomen and held it tightly.

At this time, he is still thinking about others so much that people who can't see clearly think he is very righteous.

Only the devil knows.

Xing Yi frowned slightly and said, "Okay, that's it, I have to go there. Accountant Qi, please work harder, boil some water, and give him a hot compress for a while."

The motorcycle arrived at the rural health center in half an hour. The door was closed and no one was inside.

They went to the police station, woke up the policeman on duty, and explained the situation.

"I just want you to follow us and watch me climb in through the transom window to open the door and get the medicine, just to prove it."

The police followed them somewhat reluctantly.

Only Wu Xingyou, a small man, could fit through the window, so he climbed in and opened the door first, but it was locked from behind.

To find the doctor on duty, no one knows where he lives.

There was no other way. Xing Yi guided Wu Xingyou to open the medicine cabinet and told him: "The green ones, the yellow ones, and the white ones, pick up a dozen of them...and the white little bag."

Wu Xingyou climbed out of the window, and Xing Yi spread out the medicine and asked the police to count it. He handed him ten yuan and asked him to transfer it on his behalf.

Breaking up with the police, the motorcycle sped all the way. When he came back, he saw Hang Shikai lying on the bed, his eyes closed tightly, and his face was as white as paper.

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