Return to Splendid

Chapter 072 Investors from other provinces

Seeing the money, Xing Yi was very surprised: "What's the matter with you taking out so much money?"

Yang Linxiang from Komi said: "Hey, it's all your fault. You can predict things like a god. And I am also destined. Just one short time, these money will not be ours."

He took the tea cup, took a big sip, smacked his lips, and started talking, his eyes shining.

"Yesterday, I rushed my mother to the regional hospital. After half a day of examination and two bottles of liquid, my mother's condition began to improve. The doctor told us that the patient needs to be quiet and there can't be too many people in the ward. At the same time, we asked I promptly prepared 3000 yuan as an advance payment. After some discussion, we decided that my father and sister would stay in the hospital, and I would go home to collect the money and send it over early the next morning.

"I came back and found the 3000 yuan that my mother had saved from the bottom of the box. Throughout the night, I started to toss in my heart. I thought about it. The lottery will be sold early tomorrow morning. If I take out [-] yuan from it, I will buy it as you said. A box of lottery tickets, if you win the jackpot, not only can you pay for your mother's medical expenses, but you can also buy nutritional supplements, open a bottle of oxygen and put it next to the hospital bed, and you can also take this opportunity to give your father a physical examination.

"But if I don't win, my mother's medical expenses will be wasted this time. If I can't pay the medical expenses, then my son is really unfilial. The whole night, I slept for two hours at most, and at dawn , the whole person was in a daze, and his mind was like a basin of mush.

"Originally we were going directly to the station, but somehow, by some strange combination of circumstances, we didn't listen to the greetings at our feet, and unknowingly we arrived at the entrance of the stadium, where the table had been set up, the staff also came in, and the lottery delivery car was entering the stadium. Many people followed closely behind.

"At that moment, I was confused. I can't remember whether I was pushed around or if I left on my own. Anyway, I went in, and the 3000 yuan was divided into two groups. I had one thousand yuan on my body and two thousand yuan in my hand.

"I have thought about it. If I don't win, I will explain to my parents when I go back. The money was borrowed by a good friend of mine. My good friend's mother is also sick and needs money for surgery urgently..."

Xing Yi interjected: "Do you have a good friend?"

"No, I'm talking about you."

"I didn't say my mother was going to have an operation. You are really good at making it up."

"Yes, if I deceived my parents like this, it would prove that my conscience is greatly damaged, but to be honest, I am too obsessed with the lottery. I don't know why I still do it at this time. I met you and got to know you. How should I put it? In fact, I have always doubted you and did not believe what you said.

"Doubt is doubtful, but I am still encouraged by your words. You said, if you don't go, you won't have a chance. Dare to think, dare to try, dare to be the first. No matter what, I must believe you once and use this. It's a gamble, and even if it doesn't work out, I still got to know someone."

"Have you met someone who will deceive you?" Xing Yi said.

Yang Linxiang waved his hand and smiled: "Mr. I also analyzed that if there were too many people, the chance would be small, so I changed my position to seven groups. When I came to group seven, there were already six people in line, so I ranked seventh. This is just like what you said. I am still thinking, if you If you are right, you will be a god."

Yang Linxiang's face was full of joy, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water, licked his lips and said: "There is an aunt in front of me, she is sixth, I am seventh, there is no problem at all.

"The staff came, carrying a heavy wooden box, and in front of everyone, they used a screwdriver to open it and took out the box containing the lottery tickets. At that time, my heart was beating hard.

"When the sale was about to start, another aunt came, she was a little fat, and she pushed in front of me as soon as she came. I said, how could you do this? You didn't come earlier, but now that you are here, you have to push in front of me. , why didn’t you go to the first place or the second place, but why did you go to the seventh place?

"She pointed to the aunt who was ranked sixth and said, I don't care whether she is seventh or eighth, I just want to be with her. We are good sisters and we share blessings and misfortunes.

"After arguing with them for a few times, I lost my temper because everyone in the queue was looking at me and laughing at me. Some people said, "Young man, it's natural to take a step back. It's not easy to see someone who is dozens of years older." , just let it go. Some people said, if they are willing, I can let them. No one can guarantee which group and which box the prize is in, don't you think so?

"The line was a bit chaotic. The staff stood on the stools and shouted, and everyone stood in line again. At that time, my mind was a little confused. Should I give in or not? I didn't know what to do? I was pushed back by them. I didn't have the courage to argue with them any more, and with the sound of the gong, the lottery tickets started to be sold."

"Wait a minute." Xing Yi raised a finger, "You mean, you fell back one place. You were originally ranked seventh, but after being pushed a few times by them, you became eighth?"

"Yes, that's it."

"No, no, why am I so confused just listening to this?" Xing Yi scratched his head, frowned and tried his best to think, and then looked at the money in Yang Linxiang's hand, feeling that something must have gone wrong.

"I'm not saying you are confused. I was confused at the time. I can't even remember how I took the money out or how I received a box of lottery tickets. I just subconsciously took the box of lottery tickets, left the team, and walked out."

"What box number did you get?"

"Oh, I told you not to rush in. If you interrupt like this casually, I'm confused by you and I don't know how to continue."

Xing Yi nodded and said nothing.


Yang Linxiang was very proud and continued: "I walked to a place with few people. I should have been excited, but instead I felt at a loss. In the crowded place behind me, people kept scratching out prizes. There were rice cookers and cassette players. I listened. Listen carefully, the grand prize has not appeared for a long time. But no matter what, let’s scratch one out and take a look.”

"When I was about to open the box, I heard someone shouting, "Don't panic, young man." I looked back and saw that it was the fat aunt who had just jumped in the queue. She was panting and said to me, "I've been looking for you everywhere, but you are here, young man, hurry up." Tell me, have you started scratching your lottery tickets?"

"I didn't want to pay attention to her, so I squeezed the unopened lottery box tightly, turned away, and was about to walk away, but she grabbed me and said, come on, come on, good boy, I saw it, you haven't started yet, This is great. Let me discuss it with you. You see, I also bought a box with the same quantity as yours. Now I want the two of us to exchange it.

"I stared at her hard and said, what can I change? Do I need one or two more cards in this box? She said, no, that's it. It's fine for me, but my old man, he is superstitious. That's great. Ask me why I didn't buy a number with three 8's and quickly go find someone to exchange it. Who should I go to? There's only the person behind me, and that's you.

"You are behind me in line. What I bought is 701~800. What you got must be 801~900. There must be the number 888 in it. Young man, help me. Our old man is old and stubborn. He keeps saying that he wants to be lucky, but he is not in good health and has many diseases. Anyway, please think about it for me and switch with me. I will compensate you. Just tell me how much you want.

"I don't want to give it to him. My mother is lying in the hospital bed now, and I need this number even more."

Seeing that Xing Yi was suddenly not breathing and his eyes were frozen, Yang Linxiang stopped, grabbed his shoulders and shook him twice: "Teacher Xing, what's the matter with you?"

Xing Yi rubbed his eyes and said, "My eyelids are sore and my forehead feels uncomfortable, but I don't understand. That aunt said she wanted to exchange with you and compensate you. Why didn't you agree?"

"I didn't agree to him, but her next move scared me."

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