Return to Splendid

Chapter 081 Got the approval

Back at the hotel, Qin Xiaozhen called and told Xing Yi that the irrigation station project had entered the approval process. There should be no problem and he would get the approval tomorrow afternoon.

"The main reason is that your materials are well written. The section chief in charge of the review said that this is the first time he has seen such standardized materials. I also feel that it is just like what the typewriter prints out. How did you practice the kung fu? ah."

"Actually, it's the old saying, practice in winter and practice in summer."

"The section chief said that he had sent back several pieces of materials before, but those people just couldn't find the key. Two of them were sent back twice. I'm just worried that it won't work the third time. The section chief asked me to ask you. , can you help them?"

"Don't say it's the section chief's will, just listen to you. If you ask me to take action, I will take action."

"Then thank you first. When you come to get the approval, I will give it to you. You will be paid."

"It's my honor to be able to help you, and the reward is waived."

"Thinking about you being so generous, no wonder Hu Yanli is so jealous."

"Why is she jealous?"

"Just say that Ni Shuzhen did a lot of good deeds in her previous life and was blessed to meet such a good man like you. She is so jealous."

"She was joking. Xiao Qin, I still want to ask you something."

"You ask."

"What I'm saying is, if there is a second project, can I apply for it?"

"What kind of project?"

"When I was surveying the irrigation station, because I wanted to trace the source of the river, I found that the mountain was completely empty and the volume was not small. It was completely possible to build an underground reservoir."

"Underground reservoir? This is a completely new term, okay. Do you have the materials?"

"I haven't started yet. It's all in my head. I haven't started writing it yet. Please consult me ​​first. If possible, I will start."

"Tell me first how much the total investment is."

"About 50."

"This number is relatively large. I want to tell the director first."

"Yes, thank you."

"You can get started first. I'll say hello and I'll just send you the materials in time."

"Okay. Thanks again."

Dong Huashan received a notice from the Development Office to get the approval.

Dong Huashan told Qi Guisheng.Qi Guisheng said: "I never imagined that Xing Yi, who looks like a scholar, can really accomplish great things."

Dong Huashan hummed: "Is there anyone so capable? Did he tell you before?"

Qi Guisheng said: "Before? I didn't know anything. I only know it now that you tell me."

Dong Huashan called Xia Chunsheng and drove him into the city on his motorcycle, directly to the entrance of the development office.

Qin Xiaozhen received him.

Dong Huashan said: "This thing is a bit strange. Although we were born as farmers, we still understand some laws and regulations. Let me ask first, does this irrigation station belong to our Shangyan Village?"

"It's your project in Menshangyan Village."

"But everything has a beginning and a tail. As the person in charge of the village management committee, I don't even know about this matter. You informed me, and I don't even know what's going on. No idea."

"You're saying this project hasn't gone through, right?"

"That's Nien's rub. Why are we here with the Phantom Thieves? If that's the case, if you say so, then you should express your attitude whether you want it or not. If you don't want it, we will make other arrangements immediately and wait for the project. There are dozens of villages.”

"Section Chief, you misunderstood, that's not what I meant."

"Please don't call me section chief. I'm not a section chief."

"That's the director. I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now. Adults don't remember the faults of villains."

Qin Xiaozhen couldn't laugh or cry, and his screams became even more irrelevant. He pursed his lips and said: "Don't be anxious. This is the first time we have heard of the situation you responded to. But this has passed. Now the project is in your hands. Can you do it?" It's up to you. If you say you don't need the project without your approval, then I'll take it back and write it off according to the procedures."

"What should I write off? It's a project of our village, so no one can take it away."

"So, someone came forward to help you come up with a plan. Without using your brain and effort, you can easily get a project worth 10,000+. This is simply a dream in other villages. I don't know if this person is out of his mind. Hundreds of villages in the county won't help, but they have to help Shangyan Village. Is he a relative of your village?"

"Hey, no matter where we invest to help with development, we are very welcome. I have never heard of any bad opinions. If you have differences of opinion internally and cannot unify, that is easy to handle. Then we will inform the plan and The designer comes here and you can verify it in person. If we really can't agree on the same opinions, then the project will have to be postponed or we will withdraw the approval. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Dong Huashan touched his mouth, frowned and thought for a while, and said: "There is no need for this, there is no need to postpone it, and there is no need to withdraw it. This is a project for our village. Please just transfer the money into our village account first. Everything can be discussed easily."

Qin Xiaozhen shook his head slightly: "There are regulations. We have to supervise the progress of the construction. We need to do as much as we need to do. We need to compare the progress of the project. The inspectors and the person in charge of the construction must sign and take responsibility. If something goes wrong, someone should take responsibility."

Dong Huashan said: "Can't you be flexible?"

"The rules are like iron plates. They are placed there and no one dares to bend them."

"Well, I'll just follow your instructions."

Qin Xiaozhen sent him out, pointing to the people coming and going and said: "There are many places that want to get projects, either because they don't have designers or because they can't find a construction unit. And your village is lacking in both, so it's okay."

Dong Huashan came to the hotel.

He wanted to wait for Xing Yi to speak first to confirm his analysis.

Xing Yi did not mention the irrigation station, but handed him the annual review procedures for the gravel pit.

Dong Huashan's eyes widened: "So fast? In previous years, it would have taken at least half a month, sometimes forty or fifty days. How did you do it?"

Xing Yi pursed his lips: "Just spend the money."

"Spending money? How much?"

"How much did it cost if you did it in previous years?"

"Eight hundred in the first year, and a little more every year thereafter. Last year it was one thousand and two."

"It's much higher this year, one thousand and fifty."

"Mom, you're robbing people alive."

"Why are you in a hurry? I didn't ask you for it."

"You mean, you're not busy asking for this money, right?"

He patted his chest pocket and said, "I have money now, so I'm not in a hurry to ask for it from the village. I know that the village is temporarily in trouble, so I'm not in a hurry to ask for it from you. Give it to me when things get a little better."

"Actually, the money will be available soon. In a few days, the money will come from the village."

"What, Hongda Company started using sand and gravel?"

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