After thinking about it, it seems that they are not that close to each other yet. They each have their own space and their emotions need to be digested by themselves.

Meng Yan went in and didn't come out again for a long time.

Gan Qi quickly cleaned the entire house, went downstairs to take out the trash, and wiped the sweat from her forehead when she came back.

Today's task is successfully completed.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly and nothing went wrong when the two families met.

Feeling a little sleepy, Gan Qi took a quick shower and put on her newly bought pajamas after washing up.

The pajamas were very comfortable and had a cute little bear printed on them. Gan Qi stopped in the living room while wearing them. Her attention was attracted by a funny video on her phone, where she was sitting on the sofa and giggling.

Are you like her?Every time I watch videos, I am attracted to my mobile phone, and time flies by.

When I looked up, half an hour had passed. Gan Qi got up and was about to go back to his second bedroom.

Meng Yan's master bedroom door suddenly opened. He was also wearing pajamas and came into the living room with a gloomy face.

"Good night, Mr. Meng." Gan Qi said with a smile on her face.

Meng Yan said coldly: "Wait a minute."

Gan Qi thought his tone was cold and felt strange in her heart.

"what happened?"

"Something happened."

Meng Yan sat down on the sofa very seriously and put two pages of paper on the coffee table.

Gan Qi sat down opposite him obediently, with curiosity on her face, "Excuse me, is this...?"

The expression on Meng Yan's face never relaxed. He pushed the paper toward her with two fingers and motioned for her to read it for herself.

Gan Qi moved his head forward, and a few lines of words on the paper came into view.

The handwriting was neat and domineering, and it was obvious that it had just been written.

Gan Qi held two pieces of paper in his hands. They contained the same content. It turned out to be an agreement, one for each person!

"Excuse me?"

"Notarized materials."


Gan Qi squinted at the content and looked at the "material" carefully.

It turns out that he was tinkering with this thing in the room for so long.

I have a pretty strong sense of law!

"Trial Marriage Agreement", followed by several agreement contents, is not complicated, just 5 simple ones.

1. Both parties are currently only in the trial marriage stage and are husband and wife in name only. Neither party is allowed to interfere with the privacy of the other party.

2. Both parties are financially independent. One party is not allowed to covet the property of the other party. Consumption during the trial marriage must be completely voluntary.

3. Before developing a relationship, resolutely not break through the last line of defense, avoid overly intimate contact, and do not sexually harass/suggest the other person!

4. Keep to yourself and do not have ambiguities with other members of the opposite sex during the trial marriage!

5. The trial marriage period is from six months to one year. During this period, if both parties cannot develop feelings, they will divorce peacefully.


Gan Qi looked at them one by one, and her originally innocent and hot heart gradually cooled down.

She didn't know why he suddenly gave such an agreement and was so obviously defensive about her.

Meng Yan: "Do you agree to the agreement?"

"Of course, this time will not be in vain for you. After the divorce, I will compensate you 60 in cash, plus the new car I bought as a gift to you."

Just when Gan Qi was about to say something, Meng Yan said again: "Don't expect to get something you shouldn't get through marriage. Don't use your brain. During the agreement, you are not allowed to have sex with other men."

The tone is full of warning.

Gan Qi didn't expect that in his heart, she would be such a thoughtful woman.

Without saying much, he said, "Okay!"

Meng Yan was stunned when she saw her answer so simply.

I thought she would cry and fuss, or become angry and reveal her true nature.

Unexpectedly, she smiled: "Although we have received the certificate, we have no emotional basis after all. We really should sign such an agreement."

She stood up to find a pen and said, "Mr. Meng, don't worry, I will strictly abide by the content of the agreement."

"It's just that I have to explain one thing. I have never thought about getting money through marriage. I have the hands and feet to support myself, and I have no intention of relying on anyone in this life."

Speaking of which, the red envelope Meng Yan gave Lele today was worth a lot of money.

"Lele's red envelope will be returned to you when I receive the payment."

Meng Yan refused: "That's not necessary. It is normal etiquette to give children a greeting gift."

In Gan Qi's eyes, Meng Yan is just an ordinary company employee. Although he works in a big company, big companies often mean working overtime and being busy.

She never expected the other person to be a rich man. After all, the men and women who were reduced to the stage of blind date had ordinary family backgrounds, and no one was nobler than the other.

Meng Yan had a flash marriage because she couldn't wait to change her oppressive life, she wanted to escape the moral kidnapping of her uncle and aunt's family, and she wanted to live a life without regrets as an older girl!

Meng Yan: "I have a pen here."

"No, Mr. Meng, I have one that I use frequently."

Gan Qi finally found her cute little bear pen, lowered her head and signed her name without hesitation.

Two agreements, one signature on each.

He still sighed with emotion: "Mr. Meng has a high level of legal awareness and is worthy of being an elite in modern society."

Meng Yan's face sank, but regardless of whether this sentence was a compliment or a insult, she was very concerned about Gan Qi's purpose of getting married happily.

I saw Gan Qi looking Meng Yan up and down, and suddenly said: "Actually, I never expected to marry such an outstanding person as Mr. Meng. Mr. Meng is superior in every aspect, with handsome features, tall and well-proportioned figure, and his temperament stands out among the crowd. It’s also unique.”

"When I saw you in the coffee shop, I was shocked. I didn't expect such a handsome man to come on a blind date."

"Although it's just a trial marriage now, even if there is no physical intimacy, for an ordinary me, I still make money."

Isn't that what life is like? It doesn't matter how long it lasts, it only matters what you once had.

She handed the signed agreement back to him, "Mr. Meng, don't worry too much. My goal in life is to make money and enjoy life. I will not easily fall in love with Mr. Meng, let alone be greedy for your body."

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