After lunch, Bai Yanchen received a video from Han Jun.

In the video, Zhou Tianming and seven or eight men maliciously smashed the door of Youranju.

Then, something unexpected happened.

The men holding tools in their hands suddenly flew towards their companions without knowing what kind of evil spell they were under.

The group of people struggled in a chaotic manner, and the scene fell into chaos.

The noise in the video continued to play, and Bai Yanchen was no longer interested in watching it.

He asked Xiang Han Jun, "What's going on?"

Han Jun's expression was also complicated, "The old house that Master Qi wants to buy from the Zhou family was transferred to Miss Jiang's name not long ago."

"Miss Zhou found out the secret of the house through some method, and she and her father tried their best to take the house back from Miss Jiang."

"The video Master Qi saw was taken from the surveillance camera near Youranju."

"I have carefully studied this piece of surveillance, and the mental state of Zhou Tianming and his party was quite normal before they smashed the door."

"When they smashed the door, they seemed to be possessed by evil spirits and instantly started fighting each other."

Bai Yanchen never expected that the owner of the old house he missed so much would be Jiang Yin.

The two even discussed this topic while having breakfast.

What was her reaction?

I wish his family a great career and a prosperous descendants?

Thinking of this, Bai Yanchen couldn't help laughing.

This Jiang Yin is not only a annoying goblin, but also a little fox who only knows how to act.

Thinking that he was interested in that house, she stayed out of the incident and deliberately teased him.

Han Jun didn't know what Bai Yanchen was laughing at, "Master Qi, would you like to find a suitable opportunity to chat with Miss Jiang?"

"She is a sensible girl. As long as the price given by Master Qi is right, maybe she will sell the house to you."

Bai Yanchen glanced at Han Jun and said, "Is it necessary for husband and wife to be so clearly distinguished?"

He originally had little interest in that house, but since the owner was Jiang Yin, Bai Yanchen had no interest in competing with her.

"Huh?" Han Jun was suddenly confused.

It took a while to realize that Master Qi was right.

Since the two of us are husband and wife, what is yours and mine? This is much more straightforward than making a deal with the Zhou family.

Although this situation is more beneficial to Master Qi, Han Jun couldn't help but ask one more question: "Listening to Master Qi, are you ready to spend your life with Miss Jiang?"

Anyone who works around Bai Yanchen is not a fool.

Since the accident on the cruise ship, Han Jun clearly felt that his seventh master's attitude towards Miss Jiang had changed.

If you want to know more about her past world, you will always care about her every move.

Even the emotions on Miss Jiang's face were more colorful than before.

He boldly concluded in his heart that Master Qi had fallen in love with Miss Jiang without even knowing it.


After typing the last set of experimental data, Jiang Yin stretched out his arms and stretched his waist.

He raised his head and glanced in the direction of the monitor, and the image of Youranju in front of the door appeared in front of him.

Zhou Tianming and his party had already left.

There was a car parked at the door, and the window was open. You could clearly see that the man sitting in the passenger seat was Bai Yanchen.

Jiang Yin frowned slightly, wondering why Bai Yanchen appeared at the door of Youranju?

Looking through the surveillance on his mobile phone, he discovered that Bai Yanchen's car had parked at the door two hours ago.

He didn't move for two hours?

Jiang Yin pressed the loudspeaker and said, "I'm here at my humble home. Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea?"

Bai Yanchen, who was waiting outside the door, heard the voice coming from the loudspeaker.

He glanced in the direction of the surveillance camera and smiled at Jiang Yin, "Your invitation is my honor."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two closed doors opened, as if sending an invitation to Bai Yanchen to enter.

He asked Wen Ye to wait in the car and entered the house alone.

In order to make the old house more lively, Jiang Yin planted many green plants in the courtyard.

What makes Bai Yanchen strange is that he has never seen any of these varieties of green plants.

It was said to be a green plant, but it was more like a weed or some kind of Chinese herbal medicine that he couldn't name.

In addition to green plants, Bai Yanchen also discovered many interesting places.

There are many Feng Shui formations in the yard, and a unique Bagua mirror hangs in the main house.

Bai Yanchen has no research on Feng Shui, so he recognizes these formations, which is also due to his background.

Lanwan is just his temporary destination, and the Bai family's old house is where he really grew up.

Since it is an old house, Feng Shui cannot be careless.

The people who were invited to Baijia to set up the Feng Shui array were all big shots in the Xuanmen world, and they also gave him some advice when setting up the array.

Bai Yanchen has been exposed to it since he was a child, so he naturally has a superficial understanding of Feng Shui.

This was the first time he saw Jiang Yin wearing a white coat.

Her long hair was tied behind her head, with only a few naughty strands falling from her forehead. She had her hands in her pockets, her posture relaxed.

An adjective came to Bai Yanchen's mind inadvertently: cold and cold sister.

This Jiang Yin indeed has too many unknown facets.

Bai Yanchen took the initiative to break the tranquility in the courtyard, "Do you want to ask why my car stopped at your door?"

Jiang Yin made a gesture to her to enter, "Do you also want to ask why I appear here?"

Bai Yanchen: "You are the landlord, which surprised me a little."

Jiang Yin smiled and said, "I was a little surprised that you wanted to buy this house at a high price."

After entering the door, I discovered that on the other end of the floor-to-ceiling glass wall was an extremely spacious laboratory.

All kinds of experimental equipment are available, which is more professional than the several laboratories established under his name.

The laboratory has been sterilely treated, and looking through the floor-to-ceiling glass walls, it has been cleaned and spotless.

Bai Yanchen sat down on the sofa prepared for him by Jiang Yin, "So during breakfast, you were deliberately laughing at me?"

Jiang Yin poured him a cup of scented tea, a hint of teasing leaked from his eyes, "Yes, watching other people have fun is one of my major hobbies in life."

Such Jiang Yin actually made Bai Yanchen angry.

It seems that if you like someone, they will bring their own filters.


Yes, he might, really have a crush on her.

After taking the cup and sipping the tea, Bai Yanchen explained his purpose.

"To celebrate your move, I have someone prepare a housewarming gift. If you don't mind, I'll ask Wen Ye to deliver it to you."

Jiang Yin was surprised, "Are you sure this is a housewarming gift for me?"

"How do you say that?"

Jiang Yin shrugged, "I took advantage of the house you dreamed of buying. Don't you hate me in your heart?"

Bai Yanchen laughed, "I'm not so stingy, not to mention we are still husband and wife."

Jiang Yin interrupted him, "What's yours is yours, and what's mine is mine."

Bai Yanchen corrected: "What's yours is yours, and what's mine is also yours."

The sudden love words caught Jiang Yin off guard.

"Bai Yanchen, I don't like others playing sugar-coated bullets with me."

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