Early the next morning, everyone got up and went out one after another.Everyone was refreshed and there was no trace of yesterday's battle. "Comrades, let's have breakfast." Tang San took Xiao Wu and sat down, and the others also sat down one after another. "Fat man, go and bring Shen Xing here later. We need him to take us to Fengjian Sect." Before the battle started yesterday, Tang San placed Shen Xing in another room to ensure his safety. If Zuo Xuan and Qiao Xing were to let Zuo Xuan and Qiao Xing If he saw him staying with the Shrek Seven Devils, he would definitely die.

After the meal, Ma Hongjun and Shen Xing rushed back quickly.Shen Xing looked back and forth at the eight people for a long time, and couldn't help but sigh, "Idols, you are really amazing." He had never seen anyone come out alive from his uncle's kingdom of death. "Okay, I know we are very powerful. You don't have to say anything anymore. Shen Xing, listen, we need you to take us to Fengjian Sect." Tang San originally thought that Shen Xing would refuse or hesitate, but he didn't expect that he would agree immediately. . "Okay, shall we set off now?" Seeing Shen Xing's answer so simply, Tang San and the others didn't know what to say. Is this child innocent or stupid?Shen Xing obviously saw the other party's suspicion, so he immediately said sincerely, "I told you that you are my idols. Besides, I also believe that you are all good people and will not take action against our sect, right?" Tang San smiled. He said, "Yes, we are all good people. In that case, let's set off." "Okay, idols please go first." Shen Xing had a smile in his eyes and a look of piety on his face. For Tang San and the others, He really felt sincere respect, and... thinking of the news he received last night, he had to bring Tang San to Fengjian Sect to meet that person.

Tang San and the others did not shirk, and strode ahead. When passing by Shen Xing, Tang San suddenly stopped and looked at him, patted his shoulder, and said in a deep tone, "I hope you can always be like this." Shen Xing was a little ambiguous, I don't understand the meaning of Tang San's words.But Tang San just smiled faintly and didn't say much.In this world where people are treacherous, I hope you can always maintain this innocent heart, always be simple and kind, and always stick to yourself.

The Shrek Seven Monsters did not expect that the Wind Sword Sect in Nebula City would be so close to where they lived.Just 500 meters behind the Nebula City Hotel, Shen Xing led eight people through several alleys and finally arrived in front of a five-story mansion. "Is this here?" Dai Mubai looked up at the plaque at the door, which had the word "Wind Sword" written vigorously on it.It seems that it is the realm of Fengjian Sect, but as the first sect in Xingluo, it would be a bit desolate to stay in such a place. "Most of the people and affairs of the sect are in the imperial city of the Star Luo Empire. This is just the place where Wind Sword Douluo settled in Nebula City." In fact, the Wind Sword Sect has offices in various towns and cities in the Star Luo Empire. There is one branch, and only Nebula City has two special branches. There is no other reason, except that when Wind Sword Douluo returned to the sect 12 years ago, he said that he would live in the place closest to the Tiandou Empire, otherwise he would have to live in the place closest to the Tiandou Empire. After leaving the sect, the sect leader and elders of Fengjian Sect at that time were not willing to give up a level 97 titled Douluo just because of a housing issue, so they quickly agreed.

"Wind Sword Douluo is inside. Xiaosan, you and Xiaowu, please go in. We will wait for you outside the door. After all, it is your aunt's business." Even though the Shrek Seven Monsters have long been indistinguishable from each other, they should be careful. Everyone knows how to measure.Tang San directly hugged Dai Mubai, "Hey, come on, Mubai, let's go in together. Besides, don't you also know about my aunt? Don't talk to me about all this, let's go quickly." After hooking the hand around Dai Mubai's neck with a little force, he directly dragged Dai Mubai in.There were only two guards at the door. They must have received the order. After seeing Tang San and the others, they didn't stop them and just let them go.

Everyone followed Shen Xing to the door of a room, which was the same room where Qiao Xing came to see Xue Feng. "Idols, according to the sect's rules, non-direct disciples of mine cannot meet the elders, so I have to send them here." After saying that, Shen Xing took a step back and retreated to the bottom of the steps.Several people frowned, this was breaking the rules. In fact, the rules of various sects in the mainland had always been like this, but Tang San and the others had stayed in the Tang Sect for too long.The door of the house was ajar, and it was pitch black inside. As Tang San and others pushed open the door and entered, large swaths of sunlight from outside the house shone into the house, and the painting on the wall was the first thing to be illuminated.The moment he saw the painting, Tang San was stunned. The person in the painting was very familiar to him. It was his aunt Tang Yuehua. The identity of the man in front of him was self-evident. Tang San's anger suddenly surged into his heart. He has become a Titled Douluo. It is clear that his grandfather is no longer around and he can be with his aunt. Why doesn't he go back?What on earth was he thinking?

"Are you Tang San?" A deep and hoarse voice sounded from the shadows. He didn't turn around but just looked up at the painting on the wall. Under the sunlight, the moon-white palace dress of the woman in the painting became particularly bright. , making Tang Yuehua become more and more ethereal.Tang San took a step forward and nodded slightly to Xue Feng, "This junior is Tang San. May I ask if your senior is Wind Sword Douluo Xue Feng?" Tang San's words were very resounding. Although Xue Feng was his senior and was once considered his uncle, But now seeing his steady determination, and seeing the woman's sweet smile and hopeful look in the painting, Tang San couldn't help but think of how desperate and collapsed his aunt was on the day Rongrong succeeded him as the head of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect. In 17 years, his aunt and others She had been with him for 17 years, and yet he could actually stand here with such high-sounding dignity and do nothing. To be honest, Tang San looked down on him!

Xue Feng sighed almost inaudibly. After living for more than 50 years, he could not hear the anger in Tang San's words, but this was what he deserved. He was indeed a person who had let Yuehua down!Xue Feng slowly turned around and walked in front of Tang San. Only then did everyone see Xue Feng's appearance clearly. The man in his 50s was still very handsome, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, especially the aura all over his body.He and Tang San looked at each other, and the seven people behind him felt that the air around them had become thinner. The two of them were already dazzling just by looking at each other.Before Tang San could speak, Xue Feng shifted his gaze first. He looked at Dai Mubai, Xiaowu and the others. Everyone was surprised by Xue Feng. "I didn't expect that you have already reached the level of Titled Douluo at such a young age." The praise from a senior Titled Douluo is naturally exciting, but the only problem is that the person in front of you is Xue Feng. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, who regarded him as their idols, also felt that they should not talk about him at this time. Couldn't he still see the purpose of Xiaosan's coming here?

"Yes, the eight of us once promised each other that we would become Titled Douluo and go to the God Realm together. I wonder if senior had promised anything to others before becoming Titled Douluo?" Tang San couldn't stand Xue Feng's words. Changing the subject, he came today to force him to tell the truth. If it was because of some misunderstanding, then for the sake of his aunt's happiness, Tang San was willing to mediate; if he really didn't want to go back, then Tang San wouldn't mind talking to him. Let’s compete and try to vent our anger for my aunt.

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