"It's just logical reasoning. Do you really have great confidence in this?"

What Bai Ning said was indeed very reasonable. Jiang Yingxue might be a little moved, but her attitude was still skeptical.

However, Bai Ning has always been so bold, and Jiang Yingxue also knows that his obsession with the world's secrets is actually deeper than anyone else's. Even if she doubts it, she still admires him more.

“Ivan, this is a person who is easy to see through, but he does have a lot of cards.

The meaning of his coming here is not just to help, but also to use the opportunity of helping to learn about the secrets that may be hidden in the Tunguska area.

Ivan is a huge variable, a variable with its own value.

The sleep deprivation experiment is not an isolated case. It is a link in the "Tsarist Russia-Former Soviet Union" research line. The researchers involved are complex and extremely extensive. You cannot deny that some of them cannot be related. to a specific person here.

If my previous reasoning is correct, then the probability of this possibility is very high and worth a try. "

Bai Ning's subsequent explanation made Jiang Yingxue's expression even more thoughtful and thoughtful, but it only took a few seconds for her to recover.

Jiang Yingxue didn't say anything. She just responded to Bai Ning with a meaningful smile.

The meaning in this smile is very obvious:

No wonder you let a slick guy like Ivan take the lead in staying in a nearby village. It turns out that everything was planned by you.

After I smiled, I was speechless.

It's just a possibility, and it's more than enough to talk about before the campfire dinner, but if it is taken too seriously and leads to certain delusions, it would be a bit ridiculous.

In response to Jiang Yingxue's statement, Bai Ning was sensible and stopped talking. He just pointed out some things and stopped there. There was no need to get a clear answer.

With the wild boar barbecue feast, today's bonfire party seemed very lively. Everyone under Ivan was drinking and reveling, like a group of old friends without restraint.

Until noon of the next day, the camp was still filled with the sound of snoring, and the hangovers made the people who got up sporadically to look for food drowsy. These did not prevent Jiang Yingxue and others from being in high spirits.

"Boss, Bai, you really know how to enjoy yourself. This big pot of bone soup is intoxicating. It must be a top-notch delicacy."

Coming back in time for dinner, Ivan yelled a few words in an excited tone, stepped out in a few steps, and held a bowl of thick soup with meat and bones in his hand. He took a sip with a satisfied look on his face.

The nearby village is not far away. Ivan returned so late, so it was obvious that he must have inquired around for information. Bai Ning hoped that he could gain something.

"Why, didn't your old friend who stayed with you overnight last night invite you to dinner?"

Jiang Yingxue also understood Ivan's little move, even if she didn't believe what Bai Ning said last night, she also made a pleading.

"There are no old friends. There are only so many mules and horses in the village. It will take some time to get enough."

Ivan sat carelessly on a simple folding stool nearby and responded nonchalantly, as if he didn't understand the temptation in Jiang Yingxue's words at all.

Judging from Ivan's usual treacherous nature, it was obvious that he was deliberately hiding something.

It's difficult to change a person's personality in a short period of time, not to mention that Ivan didn't seem to be aware of his situation, nor did he take on the identity of a collaborator, so he acted too cunningly.

"Ivan, everything in this world has its own price, and some things cannot be obtained by being clever.

In addition, there are members of the Night Demon Society lurking in your team. Compared to the existence that can use you as hypnotic cannon fodder at any time, there is no need for you to stand on our opposite side. "

Bai Ning's words were quite straightforward, which was a wake-up call. Ivan could only laugh a few times, and the soup in his hand didn't seem so sweet.

“It’s nothing, I just visited here by asking about the Tunguska explosion.

Now more than 100 years have passed, and all those who have experienced it are dead. Everyone is just following what others say, and there is no unified statement at all.

According to nearby villagers, the core area of ​​the Tunguska explosion is no longer the ghost grave it once was and has nothing special about it.

But if there is anything special about it, it is that the explosion crater is rich in fish and is their favorite place to go.

The fish in the lake are delicious, much better than the fish in nearby rivers. "

Ivan's words seemed not to elicit any useful information, but the reason why he specifically emphasized the issue of fisheries in the explosion crater was because he obviously felt that there must be a problem in this regard.

A very classic Ivan answer.

It is said that the Soviets once drained all the water from the entire explosion crater, and even after digging three feet into the lake, they could not find the fragments of the comet explosion in the mud at the bottom of the lake. This is also an important theoretical basis for the meteorite theory.

With the continuous development of science and technology, in the late 50s, scientists highly magnified the soil collected in the Tunguska explosion area and found that there were spherical silicic acid compounds and magnetite.

They are only a few millimeters in size, and some of the magnetite particles are stuck in a string, and some are even drilled into the transparent silicate particles. And these particles only stick together at extremely high temperatures.

This is a well-known thing. Ivan specifically mentioned it, and it was obvious that he had a purpose.

"The purpose of our coming here is not to inquire about wild fish breeding techniques. The Soviets drained all the water from the entire explosion crater. Are you prepared to do the same?"

There was an element of titillation in Ivan's words. Jiang Yingxue obviously didn't like this and responded with a few words in a semi-sarcastic tone, which made Ivan very boring.

I think Ivan is here to help. Although he is paid, he is not the leader of this expedition. It would be great if he can find out this kind of information.

Do you really want him, Ivan, to open the door to an ancient ruins with his own hands?

“There are many rumors about the Tunguska region, including the theory of meteorites and antimatter, but the most legendary one is Tesla’s theory of wireless energy transmission.

Tesla once stated that he had the ability to induce the energy of the earth. For a rigorous scientist like Tesla, he was not the type to talk big.

Throughout Tesla's legendary life, this ability is likely to come from Wardenclyffe Tower, which is an important device for wireless power transmission.

Wardenclyffe Tower was built in 1901 and demolished in 1912, and the Tunguska explosion occurred in 1908. The coincidence of this is indeed questionable. "

Since Bai Ning made it clear the necessity of cooperation, the only way to respond to Ivan's frankness is to be frank, or perhaps it is Ivan's own frankness. Bai Ning's discussion aroused Ivan's daydreams, but it could not Aroused Jiang Yingxue's interest.

"The power of lightning cannot be underestimated, but the explosion yield in the Tunguska region was 2000 million tons of TNT. There was no such huge power generation capacity in that era."

Ivan's rebuttal is reasonable, but he seems to have confused something. Tesla coils can create artificial lightning, and Wardenclyffe Tower is another thing.

“The detonator that ignited the high explosives didn’t seem worth mentioning.”

"Is this the fundamental reason why you think there are ancient ruins here?"

Ivan was shocked by Bai Ning's analogical response, and Ivan couldn't see how many inferences and secrets were hidden in Bai Ning's heart.

"Among the various conjectures about the Tunguska explosion, there is also the theory of an alien flying saucer explosion. Although this theory is strange, it does represent a very important hypothesis direction.

That is, the possibility of sudden detonation of an unknown huge energy body.

The so-called UFO is just a general term for unidentified flying objects in the sky. Such UFOs do not necessarily come from outer space.

Contemporary UFO rumors should have first appeared in the 20s, but they have been recorded in various ancient books in my country.

For example, "Historical Records·Zhou Benji" records that on the north bank of the Yellow River in the Shang Dynasty in the 11th century BC, the army of King Wu of Zhou saw: "There was fire from above to below. As for the king's house, the flow was like a black cloud, and its color was red. His voice is powerful."

It is also recorded in "Book of Jin·Yu Liang's Biography" that several torches came out of the city, like a cart, covered with white curtains. They left the city together with the fire, traveled northeast, and were extinguished when they reached the river.

There are countless similar records in various ancient documents, which shows that UFOs are not just an urban legend that has emerged in modern times. "

Both Ivan and Jiang Yingxue were shocked by Bai Ning's sudden idea of ​​UFOs. Jiang Yingxue was because Bai Ning had not mentioned such basic information before, while Ivan thought of the huge symbolic meaning of UFOs themselves.

The so-called UFO is a mysterious aerial vehicle that represents an unknown level of technology and an unknown way of using energy.

As Bai Ning said before, the source of this kind of technological equipment does not necessarily come from aliens, but may also come from an ancient civilization.

“Many people think that the rumors related to Feidie should come from Desan’s black technology.

According to a certain urban rumor, it is said that there is a secret German military base in the North Pole, where flying saucers often take off and land.

It's just that such sightings are too rare and cannot be verified, so they are only in the dispensable rumor stage. "

In response to Bai Ning's bold guess, Ivan gave a rumor about flying butterflies that he knew as an echo. However, because the feasibility was not very high, it was just a few words used to express his position to fill the number of words.

“Desan’s original technological level was indeed powerful, and his exploration of black magic and ancient civilizations never stopped.

Dezo once sent five SS members headed by "SA" member Heinrich Haller to Tibet to secretly search for the legendary Shambala Cave.

According to legend, there is a stone tablet hidden in this cave that records all ultimate knowledge. This knowledge can be used to turn back time and create an undead army. "

Jiang Yingxue followed Ivan's words and added some related urban legends, and her words were also very biased towards the possibility of ancient ruins.

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