Urban Legends: The Legacy of Ancient Civilizations

Chapter 57 The Boundary between Reality and Illusion

He looked at the four people following him around, and found nothing unusual. Everyone was in a normal state of exploration, exploring around with bright flashlights. The light beams moved rapidly in the dark environment, together outlining the fragmented landscape. Dust sealed room.

Just like what Gogoli said, this underground floor is a very ordinary Soviet-style building with nothing special about it.

Common offices, occasionally dormitories and large laboratories can be seen. Most of the things inside are damaged and covered with dust, giving people a sense of long-term dilapidation.

This is the smell of dusty history, and ordinary people can't feel any danger.

If they explore at this pace, their team of five seems to be able to find the entrance to the second underground floor very quickly.

Where is the maze of illusions that Gogol mentioned?

Or in other words, where is the trigger point of the illusion in this area? In what way will it be triggered?

On such a critical issue, Gogol seems to be incapable of lying and has no need to lie.

Could it be that I am already in an illusion, but my self-awareness cannot distinguish it clearly?

The doubts in his heart disappeared in a flash, and the scene in front of him seemed to fluctuate for a moment, just like the ripples of water waves rippling in the space, making the scene components at this time unreal.

Is it because of my own doubts that I have corresponding hallucinations?

He immediately strengthened his thoughts and tried to expel this strange scene. Then he touched the wall beside him, and the feeling of water waves seemed to have really disappeared.

Bai Ning was determined, because of the language barrier, Bai Ning could not pass on this experience to the desperadoes on the side.

I just hope that they will gain basic beliefs by following and will not have any doubts about what is here.

After walking forward for a while, Bai Ning suddenly stood still, because he found that this section seemed very familiar. He looked around with the help of a strong flashlight, and cold sweat dripped down Bai Ning's back.

A dark cave was standing quietly behind Bai Ning, as if he had just walked out of this tunnel and installed a signal repeater at the corner.

When did you fall into hallucination again?

Bai Ning thought about it carefully, and the feeling of confusion seemed to be more serious, making people unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

Forcing himself to calm down and look at the current situation from a third perspective, Bai Ning also had a certain understanding of the cause of the doubts.

The first time he had doubts, Bai Ning strengthened his belief, but then he touched the wall to confirm the illusion. This in itself was an external manifestation of a doubtful mentality.

A person with a truly determined mind will never doubt whether the environment he is in is real.

For a person who is good at doubting, once such doubts arise out of thin air, doubts will multiply infinitely in his mind, creating a series of doubts that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Once a group of doubts arise, they will form an illusion together, leaving people confused forever.

The so-called "Dream of Zhouzhuang Butterfly" means that when a person cannot distinguish between reality and dreams, he cannot distinguish between the external and internal relationship between the butterfly and Zhouzhuang.

A person who is deeply in doubt has no ability to prove or deny, because all the basis for verification can become doubt itself.

At this moment, the boundary between reality and illusion will become blurred, and you will never be able to get out of this illusion again.

In this way, reality is surrounded by falsehood, and falsehood is surrounded by falsehood modified by reality. This outpost research base has become what Gogol called a maze of illusions.

Based on this reasoning, it seems that a very simple conclusion can be drawn:

This illusory maze can only confuse people who are confused in their hearts. For those with simple nature, or simply some young children and mentally retarded patients, this illusory maze is just a virtual shell with only a superficial appearance.

This also seems to further prove that a being like Gogol, who is good at backstabbing, is not qualified to go deep into this illusion maze because he is so suspicious. All his knowledge of this place is obtained through external observation.

No wonder Gogol had been so limited before, it turned out that he didn't understand this place at all.

As for the so-called three underground floors, there is really doubt whether Gogol has been there.

There were countless thoughts in his mind, but Bai Ning quickly wiped them out completely. The chaotic thoughts were even more susceptible to the influence of the illusion maze.

The more confusion there is, the richer the illusion here will be, and the harder it will be for people to get out of here.

Bai Ning was a little curious. Now that he was in the illusion, what kind of state was his body in?

Is it in a still state, or is it making all kinds of incredible movements following the feedback from the fantasy world.

In addition, the four desperadoes in his fantasy world feel extremely real to people. Is this just because Bai Ning has an extremely rich imagination?

In this chaotic thought, Bai Ning was shocked again, because he found that he seemed to be unable to truly concentrate and meditate!

Even though Bai Ning has tried to calm himself down, his thoughts are like living on a small boat. You can make your emotions very calm on the small boat, but your body can only drift with the flow and can never truly be still. Come down.

Is the real power of this illusion maze lies in this never-ending illusion corridor?

As Bai Ning speculated before, once the heart is confused, it will never stop being lost in confusion!

Do you regret personally leading the team to test an unknown danger?

Because of the suspicion of Gogol and the desire to verify the authenticity of Gogol's words and deeds through actual actions, is this cruel zero-sum game demand really necessary to put oneself in danger?

If he said he regretted it, Bai Ning didn't think so.

The illusion cannot be transmitted through the camera. Now all his abnormal reactions must be transmitted back to Jiang Yingxue through the camera. Bai Ning is also willing to believe that Jiang Yingxue will take rescue measures in time.

Even if Gogol has ulterior motives, he will not get in the way of such a big issue and delay the best rescue incident.

As Bai Ning expected, the people on the other end of the video did find a lot of doubts in the surveillance footage.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but the expressions of the five people in the video seem to have become dull."

Ivan was the first to discover something unusual and quickly shared his discovery.

"They just walked out of the corner not long ago, how could it be so fast?"

After hearing this, Jiang Yingxue was also a little surprised. He felt that with Bai Ning's strength, he shouldn't be so unbearable.

“I would rather believe that something exists than something that doesn’t exist.

We need to contact them through the communication device at least. "

Ivan was eager to show off, so he had to contact Bai Ning through the walkie-talkie.

You must know that they have agreed on regular contact before, but now the time interval requirement for the first contact is not met.

Faced with this dangerous environment, Jiang Yingxue also felt that it was better to be cautious and quickly signaled Aaron to contact Bai Ning.

The contact signal has been sent, but there is no response from Bai Ning. The seriousness of the matter is self-evident.

"Pull the safety rope."

Without hesitation, Jiang Yingxue directly ordered the desperadoes guarding the entrance of the tunnel to quickly retrieve the safety rope.

As the safety rope tightened, all five people in the video fell to the ground. The four desperadoes seemed motionless as if they were in a coma. Only Bai Ning tried to get up from the ground again.

Bai Ning, who was stunned by the fall, suddenly saw darkness in his eyes, and all the previous illusions in his mind disappeared. He picked up the flashlight on the side and looked around, and found that he was being pulled back.

The safety rope was activated. It seemed that as long as the brain was hit hard by an external force and the brain temporarily lost the ability to think due to concussion, it would be able to wake up briefly.

As for why the four desperadoes failed to wake up, it may be that the illusion they fell into was too deep, or the bump just now was too hard, causing them to fall into a coma.

When Bai Ning realized this, he was suddenly shocked again. The light in front of his eyes disappeared again, and he felt that his head seemed to be hit again.

A bright flashlight was tied to his wrist through a rope. Bai Ning raised his head and saw that he had reached the initial corridor area.

Had he been dragged so far in such a short period of time?

Obviously, after regaining consciousness just now, Bai Ning fell into the illusion again because of his random thoughts again!

Such a powerful illusion can continuously affect people's thinking so strongly.

It can be seen that even if a person who is trapped in a hallucination is awakened by some means, he will fall into the hallucination again after a brief period of awakening.

Until then, the so-called brief awakening is just the beginning of another dream.

Not knowing whether he was hallucinating or awake, Bai Ning naturally did not get up again, but was very obedient and was dragged back to the original underground warehouse by the safety rope.

"Come out! Come out!"

Ivan's familiar voice came from the direction where the light was projected from behind. At this moment, Bai Ning was in a trance. He seemed to be confused whether it was the content of the illusion or something real.

Is this the sequelae of repeatedly falling into illusions?

The boundary between reality and illusion has been blurred, and the boundary between Butterfly and Zhouzhuang has been illusory. Nothing can prove reality, and nothing can prove illusion.

Once the senses are completely removed from the illusion of the mind, the brain no longer has the ability to distinguish between reality and illusion.

It wasn't until someone helped him up that Bai Ning was vaguely sure that this was reality, and the colors in his eyes gradually became clearer.

"Replay the previous video content for me."

Bai Ning gave a cold command, which made everyone watching the excitement heave a sigh of relief.

Bai Ning's performance just now was too scary. His eyes were confused and full of confusion, as if he was comatose after a long nap. He was completely different from the always shrewd and calm Bai Ning.

Staring closely at the content on the screen, Bai Ning realized that he fell into the illusion earlier than expected. It seemed that no matter whether he had any doubts in his heart, he would be affected by the illusion unknowingly.

It may even be more serious. Doubts arise in people's hearts all the time. Some subconscious doubts cannot attract subjective attention, but they can lead to illusions and confuse the brain, making people fall into the illusion without knowing it.

Once the illusion begins, even if you are awakened midway, you will fall back into the illusion due to uncontrollable thoughts.

In this way, people will fall deeper and deeper into these multiple illusions.

If he had not been rescued in time and had a slightly worse state of mind, he would probably have been lost in the illusion forever, completely unable to distinguish the difference between illusion and reality.

If you think about it a little deeper, once people cannot distinguish between illusions and fall into killing each other because of the fear in their hearts, then the biggest threat in the illusion maze does not necessarily come from external terror. It is very likely that From within itself.

In other words, there are indeed many mistakes in what Gogol said before!

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