"This matter cannot be rushed. Although Ivan's men are partially appeased now, the dangers of the fantasy labyrinth have been deeply rooted in people's hearts. If we want to smoothly carry out the follow-up expedition mission, there are still many things to deal with.

After the four awakened people have completely recovered, I still need to conduct a more thorough round of questioning on them. "

Gogol stated that most people cannot remember the contents of short-lived illusions. Although this kind of thing is very credible, Bai Ning still has to ask for it personally.

The fantasy maze is no small matter, especially from the first floor to the second floor. The safety rope will completely lose its effect. If you are not fully prepared by then, you may stay here forever.

The desperadoes had no time to care about the conversation between Bai Ning and Jiang Yingxue. The previous conversation between Gogol and Bai Ning was too shocking, which made their attention always focus on the four awakened people. On companions.

The smaller the sequelae of these four people, the greater their chances of surviving during subsequent expeditions.

All kinds of greetings and greetings came out in an endless stream, someone passed cigarettes, someone brought wine, someone rubbed his back, he was treated like a biological father.

It's a pity that the four desperadoes didn't give any feedback at all. They didn't have that stupid feeling, but every cell in their bodies was radiating a bone-deep exhaustion.

The feeling of extreme fatigue and mental exhaustion was like being numb after playing video games for several days and nights.

This extreme mental exhaustion, no one knew whether it was due to the illusion or the subsequent coma.

Bai Ning, who had also experienced the illusion, did not show any abnormal phenomena. He was neither comatose nor exuding a sense of extreme mental exhaustion.

This extreme contrast made the desperadoes puzzled, confused, and frightened. They had no ability to solve this problem and could only wait for the good news, silently hoping that the four awakened people would speak soon to resolve all the doubts in their hearts.

Or, at least, it should behave normally and be able to give normal feedback to external sensory stimulation.

Only in this way can we prove that they are not vegetative people with their eyes open.

Time passed by minute by second, and about an hour passed from the initial curiosity of the onlookers to the final indifference.

The four reawakened desperadoes were still sitting there stupidly, as if they still had not escaped the torment of the illusion.

Either total destruction or survival, this idea suddenly appeared in Bai Ning's mind.

Bai Ning previously thought this was describing the extreme outcome of the expedition team after encountering external threats, but now it seems that this is also a concentrated description of various special personnel.

As Bai Ning had reasoned before, the content of the fantasy is mainly based on one's own past experiences. The deeper the memory, the greater the probability of appearing in the fantasy.

Based on this basic logic, if the pasts of these four desperadoes were filled with violence and killing, or even their personal family and ethical experiences were very painful, then they may not be able to bear the content in the fantasy.

Even if you have escaped from the illusion, you will still fall into a state of mental disorder due to the unbearable memories of the past.

There is a limit to the capacity of the human brain. For these desperadoes who are overly dependent on alcohol and cigarettes, their nervous systems are even more fragile.

Perhaps, even if they were successfully awakened through extreme physiological pressure, since their brains were always in a high-load operating state, such a level of awakening would be meaningless.

Their nervous system must be relaxed through other stimulation.

"Ivan, give them alcohol. If they can smoke unconsciously, help them light their cigarettes."

Cigarettes and alcohol can make people excited, but for extremely nervous mental systems, they can partially relieve the excitement of the nerves.

Ivan is still very confused about such an order, but as the saying goes, it is better than nothing. Orderly attempts are always much better than disorderly waiting.

The cigarettes and alcohol themselves were placed beside the four people. Several glasses of strong liquor were quickly poured into their stomachs, and a lit cigarette was stuffed into the mouths of the four desperadoes.

The light smoke curled up, but it became second-hand smoke and was inhaled into the lungs as the four people breathed.

Bai Ning's methods have always been effective, and the desperadoes were also very curious about such a second awakening, and were waiting for the four people's reactions.

The effect of alcohol is quite benign. As the alcohol gradually spreads in the four people's bodies, the originally dull eyes of the four people gradually became lively. Although their expressions were still gloomy, at least they were no longer dull.

With the emergence of this external emotion, various extreme mood swings suddenly appeared crazily on the faces of the four people, crying and laughing, which showed the complexity and horror of the illusion they had experienced before.

Reaction is always a good thing. A group of desperadoes whistled and cheered, looking at the extreme mood swings of the four people as a joke.

A few minutes later, one of them woke up first. Looking around, he seemed to be confirming his current location and status.

After Ivan's comfort, the man recovered from his panic and completely accepted the fact that he was out of the illusion.

"What did you experience in the illusion?"

Jiang Yingxue was the first to ask, speaking very fluent Russian. It was just a routine inquiry without the slightest expectation.

"do not know.

I only remember being in great pain, as if I had a nightmare from which I could never wake up. I could probably tell that the dream was scary, but I just couldn’t remember the details.

It was such a horrible feeling that I would go crazy if I experienced it again. "

The desperado's response was very complicated, and it was clear that he was speaking from the bottom of his heart.

Not remembering the content of the fantasy, the sequelae are very serious, and it seems to be a very standard case of a person experiencing the fantasy.

“Just the ultimate feeling of fear?

Do you remember part of your experience on the basement floor? "

Bai Ning's two questions made the desperado very confused, as if entering the underground level was an accidental experience a few years ago.

“I don’t remember it very clearly. I tried to recall it but couldn’t. It was hazy and fuzzy in my mind, as if something was blocking it.

Boss, why would you ask this question? Haven't you also entered the underground floor? "

The desperado responded truthfully. He was also very curious about Bai Ning's questions. How could he, a person who had experienced it, ask these questions.

Bai Ning did not respond directly to the desperado's question. At this time, his attention had shifted to the other three desperadoes who were gradually recovering their consciousness.

After a series of subsequent inquiries, plus some temporary random questions and answers, Bai Ning still didn't get any effective information from the four people.

It's just a detailed summary of what Gogol said before, with few special features.

The most important thing is that none of the four people remember the content of the illusion, which makes their answers limited to their own subjective feelings about the illusion.

There are only so many words to describe people's negative emotions, and the vocabulary of the four desperadoes is limited. They turned over and over again, making the other desperadoes a little tired of hearing it.

If a short-term fantasy experience would only bring this level of impact, the desperadoes would no longer be so afraid of such short-term adventures.

Human nature has always been like this, only fearing the unknown, and known horrors can only be called dilemmas.

"How's it going? Did you get any useful information?"

While Bai Ning was concentrating on his thoughts, Gogol's faint voice came from behind, with a slightly boring tone, and as if he was out of energy after a short break.

After hearing the specific content of the translation, Bai Ning was not blinded. He was just more interested in the metaphor behind Gogol's move.

You can conclude that Gogol is an out-and-out madman, but you must not underestimate this madman's planning ability.

Every step of Gogol has its own core of meaning. Even if the meaning of each step is large or small, and they all reveal Gogol's very personal bad taste, but if you dare to despise these hidden meanings, you may be able to Will be swept into the abyss by this tributary at some moment.

"There's nothing special about it. I don't remember the content of the fantasy. No matter what I say, it's just nonsense without any meaning."

Bai Ning's response was very calm, and in fact it did not have any hidden meaning.

Even if everyone here can be classified as the opposite of Gogol, meaninglessly concealing such basic information will only make oneself look extremely stupid.

"Don't you remember the contents of the fantasy?

Here, perhaps you are the only one who is most qualified to analyze the illusion.

Your personal experience has great strategic value for subsequent expeditions. At certain critical moments, you may even be the key to solving all difficult crises. "

Gogol instantly raised Bai Ning's status to an unattainable level, which seemed to be a compliment in a sense, and also seemed to be a response to his previous actions.

The reason why Gogol made all the dangers clear and moved the game between the two parties to a wider area was because he valued Bai Ning's advantage of being able to remember the illusion.

This is the basis for a fresh start and a top priority for subsequent adventures.


In the underground space, once you fall into an illusion, even if you are awakened midway, you will fall into the illusion again because of the confusion in your heart.

Therefore, the exploration of fantasy is actually meaningless.

Our most important goal at the moment should be to find the core of the illusion that the Soviets put here. Only by breaking this illusion can the subsequent exploration of the final secret be meaningful. "

Bai Ning instantly changed his mind and emphasized that exploring the origin of the illusion here is the most important thing.

This suggestion resonates widely with others. If they can find the source of all illusions, they may be able to wipe them out with the weapons in their hands.

In response to Bai Ning's counterattack, Gogol once again gave a meaningful smile, as if he had been waiting for Bai Ning here.

Thinking about it, it is quite normal that Gogol led so many teams before, and some of them wanted to destroy the core of the illusion first.

Furthermore, the illusion still exists, which further proves that previous related attempts have ended in failure.

Therefore, Bai Ning's counterattack was meaningless. Instead, it made him look like a simple fool.

Of course, Bai Ning cannot be such a fool. His question is just a temptation, a foreshadowing, and a stubborn stone to attract others.

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