"After the explosion in the Tunguska area, this area was called the Ghost Graveyard, and spontaneous combustion of animals occurred in endlessly. These things can't all be caused by a sleeping illusion core, right?"

Even if Gogol told part of the truth about the outpost research base, the secrets of the Tunguska region are definitely more than that.

Faced with Bai Ning's doubts, Gogol didn't even raise his head.

“The only thing I care about is this outpost research base.

In my opinion, if the core of the illusion can be cracked, it will be easy to pry into other secrets of the Tunguska region.

Unfortunately, the core of the illusion is not something that we mere mortals can touch.

Now it has begun to self-destruct. If you want to leave, leave quickly. "

Gogol looked uninterested and had no intention of explaining too much.

"Let's go."

Seeing that he could get nothing more from Gogol's mouth, Bai Ning turned around and left without any further delay.

Facing this Gogol who seemed to have lost all fighting spirit, Jiang Yingxue just looked at him deeply and left with Bai Ning.

"and many more.

I know that you are still very interested in the secrets of the Tunguska region. If you can, please study it carefully for my grandfather. "

Just as Bai Ning took a few steps, Gogol stopped Bai Ning again and threw out a very old booklet.

Bai Ning opened it and took a look at it. They were all diagrams, formulas and theorems, like some casually recorded research experiences. It is estimated that this is Grandpa Gogol's lifelong research experience, and it is possible that some of the research is related to the Tunguska region.

After getting what he wanted, Bai Ning would not stop and urged Jiang Yingxue to wake up Ivan and his party faster.

Ten minutes later, Ivan urged a group of desperadoes to start carrying things out of the tunnel. In the heat of the moment, Bai Ning saw Gogol still sitting there cross-legged, showing no intention of leaving together.

"Aren't you going?"

As if aware of Gogol's special state of mind, Bai Ning, who brought translator Bo Xinshan with him, approached and asked a few questions.

Even after hearing what Bexinshan translated, Gogol had no intention of opening his eyes in response. It seemed that the skinny Gogol who was meditating in the endless void was back.

Looking at Gogol who was in deep trance in front of him, Bai Ning seemed to have a faint glimpse of his state of mind, as if he was integrated with the entire underground space.

A lifelong pursuit of obsession ends in self-destruction, and part of the consciousness is trapped in the labyrinth of illusion for who knows how many years. Endless suffering results in the final death. Perhaps, the strong, Gogol, who was arrogant and selfish to the extreme, was completely wiped out in this short moment.

The so-called enlightenment is the killing of a part of self-knowledge.

Or maybe this is the feeling of a dead heart, the dusty traces of time.

Meaningless fantasy immortality may not be a good thing.

The members of the Night Demon Society who experienced the illusion together did not know what he experienced in this illusion maze.

Did he realize the limitations of the illusion of immortality in this infinite illusion, or did he see the path to immortality in this almost infinite cycle of illusions.

Suffering and hardship are always just neutral words. Some people have great enlightenment in them, while others are completely darkened in them.

More than two hours later, all personnel and materials were evacuated. It was like a final farewell, and the entire ground began to shake violently.

With a dull collapse sound, a huge depression appeared in front of everyone. The previous stony low mountain completely turned into a deep valley. Many years later, this place was a green lake.

All the secrets are buried among the piles of rocks. As the water slowly erodes, they are gradually scattered among the rings of history.

It was just a dormant illusion core that made three generations of Gogol spend their lives chasing it. How many fragments of this ancient civilization are hidden in the vast Tunguska region?

Bai Ning had a key in his hand, but he was a little confused at this time, unsure whether it could open an ancient ruin somewhere.

As this journey was completely lost in the dust, Bai Ning paid more attention to the notebook in his hand. He didn't know if there was any similar clue to spontaneous combustion mentioned in Grandpa Gogol's complicated notebook.


Camping on the edge of a huge pit can at least reduce the herd raids in one direction. The desperadoes who have been sleeping for a few days first concentrated on replenishing their physical strength, and then began to build a temporary camp.

They have done this kind of thing countless times, and the prototype of the camp has been set up in the blink of an eye.

A steel fortress guarded by heavy machine guns and a large number of buried explosives has been completed. Bai Ning, who patrolled around, returned to the center of the camp and found that Jiang Yingxue was still studying the notebook containing many secrets.

"Any major discoveries?"

Picking up a cup of new tea after the rain and sipping it slowly, Bai Ning asked casually.

"With such a heavy burden on my shoulders, you feel quite at ease."

Jiang Yingxue closed the notebook, rubbed her slightly sore temples, and waited for a long time before replying absentmindedly.

"Can such a small personal notebook record the secrets of the world?

If the things recorded here could transcend the core of the illusion, I am afraid that Gogol would have led the previous expedition team into the core area of ​​Tunguska. "

Based on general factual logic, Bai Ning did not think this booklet would be of much use, but hoped that it could record more details about the truth about the ghost grave.

If we go further and have more records about spontaneous combustion of animals, it will be more conducive to subsequent expeditions.

"If you look at it from a scientific point of view, this is indeed a complete collection of inspirations for Grandpa Gogol's profession.

As you might guess, there are not many records about Tunguska, but they are indeed useful.

For example, it also involves some investigation rumors from the Tsarist Russia period, as well as Grandpa Gogol's speculations about such rumors.

Ghost Grave is the name given to the Tunguska explosion area during the Tsarist Russia. There are records of animals that look like pigs but not pigs, and reindeer that spontaneously ignite.

The smart giant wild boar and the giant reindeer with poisonous blood. We have already seen both of these things in real life, and there is really nothing mysterious about them.

However, the scavengers that Gogol once talked about are also covered in this notebook.

This scavenger is very sensitive to blood. It is small in size but extremely ferocious in temperament. Its only drawback is that it is afraid of light.

In addition, individuals bitten by this scavenger will also be infected by bacteria in their mouths. At first, they only have a high fever, but after a few days, they will become extremely violent due to neurological lesions.

After an autopsy, no trace of bacterial infection was found for this brain lesion. Gogol's grandfather thought it was caused by prions.

As for the source of prions, they may come from scavengers, but the specifics are not clear. "

Jiang Yingxue's introduction to scavengers was very detailed. Such animals may be extremely dangerous to subsequent expeditions, especially when giant wild boars are harassing them.

If the war between them and the beast community attracts scavengers, if they are not handled properly, they may be attacked by a double attack from above and below ground.

"These are all small questions. Is there any other useful information in the notes?"

External threats are constant, and it makes no sense to pay too much attention to them. Only by finding more information related to the ancient ruins of Tunguska can we better conduct subsequent exploration.

Bai Ning's response actually made Jiang Yingxue smile. It was like a burst of some inexplicable laughter, and it seemed like he was mocking Bai Ning for not knowing anything about the Tunguska region.

"Before, you dared to enter the Tunguska region with a crystal core. Now that you have experienced so many things, why do you feel that you know less about it?"

Jiang Yingxue smiled and joked, like a slightly coercive test.

“Focusing too much on useless details will always have a subtle impact on the ultimate goal.

The Tunguska region has been bustling for more than 100 years, and there are countless traces of exploration left around it. What we have done before is just to verify the hearsay and try to collect the traces of exploration by our predecessors.

Fortunately, we had good luck and found many tangible traces and various research fragments.

However, from the Tunguska explosion to the present, it is still an unsolved mystery in the world. Do you think such a secret realm can be completely unlocked by just visiting a few traces of modern times?

Boss Jiang, our trip here is to try to focus on the exploration path based on some special clues, not to go straight to the final secret of the Tunguska area without any distractions.

Our trip may be successful or more likely to fail. It is still an unknown number. "

Bai Ning's response was very straightforward, like a eloquent sophistry, which instantly took away all his responsibilities, but it actually touched Jiang Yingxue's strange point of laughter, causing her to burst into laughter.

"Interesting. It's really interesting.

Or, to put it more mildly, we are collaborators.”

Jiang Yingxue responded with a smile, and the smile on her face was thick, which made the cold camp instantly noisy, but no one responded. It was like an untimely carnival, making the already cold place become dead.

So many people died during this trip and so much money was spent. Did it just disappear like this?

On the surface, Jiang Yingxue's unusual behavior at this time was to express dissatisfaction with Bai Ning, but this dissatisfaction obviously did not conform to Jiang Yingxue's magnanimity.

Furthermore, they are all well aware of the possibility of failure of this trip, and it is impossible for them to go to war over such a trivial matter.

The only possibility is that Jiang Yingxue's state of mind has changed to a certain extent because of the illusion maze.

If the previous spiritual riots in the secret laboratory were limited to shopping with a group of biochemical specimens, then the consciousness illusion in the outpost research base has begun to touch the most incredible spiritual illusion.

There are more and more supernatural-related things in the Tunguska area, and all of them are too much beyond Jiang Yingxue's understanding. Now it is no longer something she can avoid just because she wants to.

Perhaps, at some point in the future, Jiang Yingxue will die at a moment of failure.

For this kind of person who holds countless billions of wealth, for this kind of person who holds absolute power in her hands, once she dies, everything she owns will disappear in an instant.

Therefore, the words between them seem to be limited to victory and defeat, but in fact they are already implicitly discussing death.

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