Even though the Tunguska core explosion area had been dug up three feet by the Soviets, Bai Ning still planned to patrol here. When the desperadoes, who had been idle for a long time, heard that there was such a good thing, a team of dozens of people gathered almost instantly. whole.

The basic firearms and items were fully prepared, and the team of dozens of people headed out of the camp. Even though no one knew where they were going, it was still better than sitting in the camp and getting maggots.

The morning mist has just dissipated, and some low-lying areas still have some white mist and mist remaining, hazy, making the damp woods covered with morning dew even more mysterious.

The crowds were coming out, and the chirping of insects and birds around them had long since disappeared. Except for the occasional creaking of dead wood that had been trampled, the only sound left was the boring chatter of desperadoes looking around.

After experiencing the initial excitement, the entire team gradually became silent in the strange quiet atmosphere around them. It seemed that there was something heavy weighing on everyone's hearts, so that everyone could only return to silence in the end.

The aimless walking made all the desperadoes full of doubts. From time to time they would look at the leader Bai Ning, wondering why he suddenly organized everyone to come out.

It seemed that due to the previous excitement, they did not ask Bai Ning about the specific reason for going out, let alone where the end point of the trip was.

The strange quiet atmosphere and the purposeless silent march made the desperadoes feel more and more depressed. The inexplicable hot and humid agitation all over their bodies finally made some people speak first.

Through the translator, some asked about the final destination, some asked when they would return to the camp, and some asked if they had discovered anything new.

Bai Ning still didn't answer the desperado's restlessness, and just let Bo Xinshan deal with it on his own. This great pressure made Bo Xinshan a little overwhelmed, and he hesitated and answered very perfunctorily.

It is precisely because of this external stimulation that the desperadoes' agitation suddenly became rampant, and complaints were endless, and there were even some dirty-sounding words.

Faced with this sign that was almost on the eve of a riot, how could a small translator in Boxinshan endure it? He was sweating profusely and kept reporting, not knowing what Bai Ning wanted to do.

"It's empty here, there's nothing. What on earth are you fussing about?"

Seeing that Bo Xinshan couldn't hold it down, Bai Ning shouted loudly, which instantly silenced the noise in the field. With Bai Ning's support, Bo Xinshan became more courageous, and the translator's tone also seemed very firm.

"Where exactly are you taking us?"

After suppressing it for a moment, one of the desperadoes couldn't help but question loudly.

"What, is the destination important?"

As soon as Bai Ning said this, the desperadoes looked at each other and felt a little baffled.

yes. What are they fussing about?

The camp's defenses against the beasts still exist. As long as there is no mental problem, it is impossible to leave the camp too far.

Seeing the abnormal reaction of the desperadoes, Bai Ning felt even more pressure on his heart.

The core area of ​​the explosion was once known as the "Ghost Grave". Even if the weird phenomena in this area gradually subsided decades later, and the influence of the Ghost Grave was also weakening, it was obvious that it was not as simple as imagined.

The effective information that Bo Xinshan had just deciphered came to Bai Ning's mind again. Somewhere in this area, a confusing anomaly had briefly appeared.

Bai Ning previously understood it as a one-time item for controlling giant beasts, but now it seems that there may be other reasons for it.

The most likely one is that although the overall anomaly in the ghost graveyard has gradually subsided, the anomalies in some areas still exist.

Once a creature passes through this abnormal area, it will begin to affect the creature subtly.

Bai Ning took out his binoculars and looked around. Sure enough, he found that there were dense bird nests on the trees in some places, but there were not even a single bird's nest in some areas.

It seems that the secret of this explosion core area is far from being solved!

Even if the Soviets once dug three feet into the ground here, it seems that they were only limited to physical destruction and excavation, and they did not make a good summary and induction of the abnormal phenomena that occurred here.

Thinking about it, the abnormal plots in the core area of ​​the explosion are discontinuous. If the workers have some abnormalities today, they may just move to another place tomorrow.

Even if problems arise after a long period of accumulation, it will probably only be regarded as a disease caused by overwork, and it will probably be better to take a rest somewhere else.

Based on this observation, Bai Ning directed everyone to rest in a place with a bird's nest, and the overall abnormality gradually disappeared.

Some areas are abnormal, and some areas are completely normal. What is the underlying operating logic that exists in this area?

If it is as Bai Ning expected, ancient ruins exist in underground caves thousands of meters deep. The different distribution of cave depths leads to the abnormal differences on the surface.

This idea itself is very weird. It seems to indicate that the entire ancient ruins are shrouded in a mysterious energy field. This energy field does not radiate in the usual circular manner. Instead, it will appear irregular due to the overall shape of the ancient ruins. status.

It's obviously unreasonable, but it makes it impossible to clearly deny it.

After a short rest, Bai Ning was about to urge the desperadoes to move forward, when bursts of rustling sounds suddenly came from the dense forest in all directions, with an overwhelming momentum.

The experienced desperadoes have become accustomed to strange things along the way, and they have taken up arms and been on guard.

The beast herd has never launched an offensive during the day. Moreover, the overall movement of the beast herd cannot be like this. If you look carefully, it seems that there are a large number of small reptiles moving quickly nearby.

The thickness of the pine needles here is moderate. If there are reptiles shuttled among them, they will definitely be unusually obvious. There are not many low shrubs within the visual range. Where do those sparse sounds come from?

Thinking of this, Bai Ning was startled. He quickly looked up and found something that seemed to be moving quickly between the crowns of the pine trees.

As Bai Ning raised his head, many desperadoes also subconsciously followed suit. Frightened, they immediately opened fire crazily. During the loud sound of gunfire, a large number of broken branches and fallen leaves were scattered, but they did not find any living things coming from the treetops. fall.

No matter how bad the outlaws' marksmanship is, some unlucky ones will be shot down in the face of probabilistic events.

Bai Ning picked up the telescope and carefully observed the movement on the treetops, and found that there were indeed things moving quickly, but most of them disappeared in a flash, and their movement tracks did not repeat. It was as if something on the top of these pine trees suddenly came to life. .

It's too weird!

Such an abnormal phenomenon does not appear in the relevant records of Grandpa Gogol, which is obviously abnormal.

Could it be that these anomalies in the core explosion area suddenly appeared recently?

In other words, the sudden self-destruction of the core of the illusion caused certain changes in the ancient ruins in the core area of ​​Tunguska, so that the ghost grave phenomenon reappeared in this area.

This is not a benign change. The reason why the ghost grave is called a ghost grave is because of the joint efforts of a large number of living beings.

Whether a large number of abnormal creatures suddenly emerged from ancient ruins or mutated under the influence of ghost graves, these are extremely dangerous signals.

What's more, the already frightened wild boars may become even more manic due to this change, and they may start attacking during the day.

Before the overall safety could be guaranteed, it was unwise to continue to stay here alone. Bai Ning quickly urged the team to quickly retreat towards the camp.

The desperadoes were already frightened. When they received the order to retreat, they immediately dispersed and ran faster than the other. If Bai Ning hadn't been physically strong, they might have been left far behind.

During the hasty retreat, the rustling sound nearby became even stronger, as if the entire forest was repelling them.

The sounds coming from all directions were still heard, but no organic lifeforms appeared in their path.

The overall feeling is like being driven away ruthlessly by a group of ghosts.

If Bai Ning hadn't escaped from the maze of illusions, he would have wondered if this was another form of collective hallucination.

Ten minutes later, everyone returned to the camp out of breath. The embarrassed appearance of abandoning their helmets and armor scared the other desperadoes who stayed in the camp and ran to the heavy machine gun position, trying to guard against the possible incoming threat.

Strangely enough, as if this temporary camp was established at a special location, as soon as you step into the camp, the weird rustling sounds all around you will suddenly stop.

In order to verify some speculations, Bai Ning stepped back midway, but the rustling sound that had been lingering in his ears for a long time did not appear again.

But looking at the desperadoes behind who were still running desperately, Bai Ning knew that there was still that unshakable rustling sound in their ears.

This is very strange. Could it be that we are really in a collective illusion?

"What's going on? Did you encounter any danger as soon as you went out?"

Jiang Yingxue, who hurried over, asked directly, then raised her eyes to look at the dense forest in the distance, and couldn't help but look even more confused.

"Time is the biggest variable in the world. This area may have undergone earth-shaking changes."

Bai Ning's response surprised Jiang Yingxue even more. Could it be that there was another hidden crisis that they had encountered?

"What are you being chased by? Why didn't I meet any wounded among the team?"

Jiang Yingxue's thinking was always limited to the threat of the herd, which made it impossible for her to escape from her current directional thinking.

"The threat from the herd is always secondary. The secrets in the ancient ruins of Tunguska are the biggest threat before us.

Not long after we went out, the team members fell into a state of uncontrollable mental agitation, and then the whole forest seemed to come alive, emitting the agitation of a large-scale invasion of reptiles.

The area at the core of the explosion was once known as the Haunted Tomb, and this old terror may have returned. "

Bai Ning's response made Jiang Yingxue completely fall into silence. The ghost grave was the mysterious period of turmoil after the Tunguska explosion. If it reappears again, it means that the ancient ruins of Tunguska are in an active state.

As the risk increases, it also means that their probability of unlocking the core secrets of Tunguska also increases infinitely.

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