As Bai Ning had guessed before, the shallow part of the physical channel was completely destroyed by the explosion.

Faced with this special case with its own logical flaws, Bai Ning could only think about the rumors related to the Tunguska explosion as a whole.

Among the explanations for the Tunguska explosion, the most popular one is the ice meteorite theory. Only the instability of ice meteorites can produce the special effects of air explosions without leaving any traces of meteorites.

However, in the relevant Soviet investigation reports, there are also investigation conclusions about the crater.

This conclusion shows that there are no meteorite remains in the most suspected crater in the Tunguska region. Even if we dig deep to search for it, and even if we focus the test size on the molecular state, no traces of the meteorite can be found.

This counter-evidence conclusion further strengthens the ice meteorite argument - even if the ice meteorite explodes and disintegrates, it is reasonable for part of the ice meteorite to fall to the ground and create a crater.

This is the basic form of argument for extraterrestrial energy bodies. If the characteristics of ancient ruins are to be added, then the investigation conclusion of ice meteorites must be reversed.

The soul energy body in the ancient ruins exploded in two times, one on the surface and one in the sky.

An explosion on the surface is to allow heavy energy devices to fly higher into the sky to prevent the powerful explosion from completely destroying the ancient ruins underground.

Therefore, the first explosion not only destroyed the shallow surface physical channels of the ancient ruins, but also created a huge explosion crater similar to an impact crater.

By analogy, under the former crater was one of the access passages to the ancient ruins.

There was some inexplicable excitement in his heart, and the look he looked at Ivan was more of a scrutinizing look.

"Since you think it is too dangerous to attract the giant wild boar alone, then return to the camp now."

Even though Bai Ning's proposal made Ivan a little confused, and even further suspected that Bai Ning's purpose of this trip was to beat him, he couldn't help but want to return to the camp, so he didn't say anything more.

The arrival was not slow, and the return was even faster. The camp was still dull, and most of the desperadoes were lying on their sides and backs in the tents, seemingly sleeping but not sleeping, and in great pain.

When Bai Ning announced that he was going to break camp, many desperadoes did not react and were still immersed in their own world. It was not until Ivan began to urge him personally that many desperadoes could stand up and start doing things.

Looking at the half-dead look of these people, it's hard to believe whether they can persist to their intended destination.

"Do you think these people can still be of great use?"

The heart-wrenching exhaustion had left dark circles on Jiang Yingxue's fair face. She watched the desperadoes in a weak state with cold eyes, and she also felt a natural sense of anxiety about Bai Ning's subsequent intentions.

Their spirits were extremely low and they were on the verge of collapse. Bai Ning's current order should be for them to evacuate in time.

"People's potential is often infinite. If you don't work hard, you won't know where their limits are."

Bai Ning's response seemed a bit taken for granted and smacked of wishful thinking.

If you are blind, you will suffer big losses. This is the only feeling in Jiang Yingxue's heart, and it is also the instinctive reaction of the overloaded brain.

"Why do you want to go to the vicinity of the crater? Is it because you found some clues in it?

Furthermore, even if you want to explore something in the crater, the lake inside is the strongest obstacle to your progress. "

No matter how strong Bai Ning's self-confidence is, if the future plan is just a meaningless toss, Jiang Yingxue feels that it is better to leave as soon as possible.

The desperadoes are on the verge of collapse. This is an ironclad fact and a fatal sign that will lead to serious hidden dangers within the team.

Furthermore, even if Jiang Yingxue believed that Bai Ning could make progress, her own physical condition did not allow her to stay here any longer.

The harm of mental pollution is hard to estimate. Perhaps the next mistake will mean death itself.

“It’s also good to go and take a look.

If there really is nothing new to discover, it will not be too late to retreat at that time. "

The conversation between the two came to an abrupt end, and the overall progress that followed was not as smooth as expected. Severe mental overwork had a great impact on the desperadoes. It took two days of walking before they could even arrive. Near the crater.

If there is any gain along the way, fatigue allows the desperado to fall asleep quickly and briefly. This may be the only good news.

After setting up the prototype of the camp in one go, the exhausted outlaws hurriedly fell asleep.

Almost in a semi-dead state, the entire camp was finally moved to the edge of the crater, Lake Checo, which is 708 meters long, 364 meters wide, and has a maximum water depth of 50 meters.

The vast lake surface is sparkling with microwaves, and the gray-blue lake surface is rippling with the unique chill of high latitudes. The tens of meters of water layer is pitch black, making it impossible to easily peek into its secrets.

Such a huge lake is intimidating, and one doesn't know how the Soviets drained it.

"Why, is it because you stayed in the forest for too long that you want to take a look at this rare lake and mountain scenery?"

Jiang Yingxue now had a splitting headache and could only try to divert her attention through some jokes.

At this time, she even had some self-doubt. Why did she have to do this? Is it really worth it?

"Can your helicopter transport some heavy diving equipment as soon as possible?"

Bai Ning seemed completely indifferent to the joke. He turned around and asked, with a businesslike tone.

"The distance is too far, and it takes time to purchase equipment. By the time the things are shipped, we will probably all be dead here."

Jiang Yingxue was not in a good mood, and her response was almost straightforward, without any soft buffer.

"How much more explosives do we have?"

As if he was settling for the next best thing or just talking nonsense, Bai Ning's question puzzled Jiang Yingxue.

“About four to five hundred kilograms.

What, do you want to blow up all the fish in the lake? "

Jiang Yingxue laughed heartlessly at her own joke, and her hoarse voice sounded like a broken bellows. Even though it was so unusual, it didn't attract the slightest attention from others.


Bai Ning just responded lightly.

When the improvised wooden raft made by the desperadoes was launched into the water and all the explosives in the camp sank into the center of the lake, Jiang Yingxue was still stunned and unable to recover.

Do we really want to blow up the lake?


A dull explosion was accompanied by a soaring water column shooting into the sky, and heavy rain poured down instantly. Along with the huge waves rushing out of the lake, the entire camp was completely chilled.

At this moment, Jiang Yingxue completely accepted the facts in front of her amid the slight tremor of the earth.

Bai Ning really used all the explosives in the camp to fry the fish.

Not caring about the subsequent offensive and defensive issues against giant creatures, it was as if Bai Ning had gone completely crazy due to the torture of mental pollution.

Will it be crazy?

He is the calmest person here!

Jiang Yingxue screamed crazily in her mind, and the deeper headache made her hold her head and cry out. The thought of regretting staying here also began to grow crazily in her heart.

At this moment, a more violent shaking came, as if some seal at the bottom of the lake had been opened.

A huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the wide lake, and the murky water of the lake disappeared crazily like a dragon sucking water.

Why, was this crater actually blown through?

Looking at the rapidly falling lake water in front of her, Jiang Yingxue's chaotic mind became even more chaotic. Some things seemed to flash through her mind, but were completely forgotten in the next moment.

Bai Ning must have discovered something during this period of time. His attempts within the limited time were almost crazy.

It’s so crazy that people don’t understand why, and the results obtained are also incredible.

"There are caves under the crater, how did you know?

According to general principles, there should be a harder impact area below the crater. Even if there is a cave, it will be exposed in advance under the bombardment of meteorite fragments. "

Jiang Yingxue glanced at Bai Ning, who remained motionless beside her, and asked what was on her mind.

"The crater is just one of many guesses. I was able to find something, but it was just luck."

Bai Ning's response was still plain, as if what he was doing at this time was nothing more than ordinary things in the world, and the progress they had made was just a matter of course in the plan.

"The Soviets once dug three feet into the ground here and found nothing. How could you conclude that a few hundred kilograms of high explosives can open up the situation?"

As if she really wanted to find out what Bai Ning was thinking, Jiang Yingxue's behavior at this time was a bit inquisitive.

"literal meaning.

The Soviets only dug here to the depth they expected. I was lucky. I used this distance to blast another distance, and finally I was able to find the final secret.

In addition, now that we have run out of explosives, please ask your people to transport some explosives as much as possible.

Perhaps, the next time we come out from here, the structure of this world has changed. "

Bai Ning's response was as bland as ever. Jiang Yingxue wanted to laugh but her face was expressionless because of the pain in her mind.

Just luck.

She is just an investor, and logically she only needs a satisfactory result. As for the strange and treacherous process, or the strange processes that are deliberately depicted, it is enough to have a certain sense of participation.

Watching the lake level slowly descending, Ivan felt that his brain was about to shrink. He thought that he might explore the secrets of this place through a strange path, but he never thought of using such an extremely violent method. .

The Soviets have always been aggressive with technology and are good at solving problems through vigorous efforts to create miracles. However, compared to what Bai Ning did at this time, it can only be said that the Soviets were still too conservative back then.

The Soviets may be good at digging giant reservoirs with kindness, but they maintain a life-for-death attitude, using explosives to destroy craters and destroy possible research data. This kind of desperate behavior can only be imagined by people like Bai Ning. Gotta come out.

Perhaps, mental pollution has the greatest impact on Bai Ning, and it has completely inspired the crazy background in his heart.

Thinking of this, Ivan looked at Bai Ning with more awe.

The lunatic is not terrible, the terrible thing is to be the enemy of the lunatic.

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