A rope was quickly erected across the entrance of the tunnel. Bai Ning hung his hands on the rope and slowly moved to the center of the tunnel, then decisively let go of the rope and descended quickly.

Aaron, who followed closely behind, quickly arrived at the center of the tunnel. The two people wearing headlamps and goggles turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the tunnel.

At the same time, the desperadoes who were still in the tunnel turned on their bright flashlights and shined them on the cliff opposite, indicating the height of descent for Bai Ning and Aaron.

As the two passed through the light curtains, the distance of more than 300 meters seemed to disappear in an instant. At this time, Bai Ning, who was already extremely fast, suddenly opened the parachute. With a "bang", the sound of a huge parachute opening disappeared. Sound waves surged in the vertical tunnel.

Under the guidance of the voice, Aaron, who was falling behind, immediately opened his parachute. Watching two white afterimages falling rapidly from his eyes, the desperado who fell at the bottom felt that he had been crazy for half his life. It's just a little kid's fight.

What is extreme life?

This is the ultimate life!

A ruthless person who truly dares to walk the tightrope before death.

Human beings have no wings, but they are the highest flying creatures on earth. They rely on their courage and courage to soar over high mountains and deep valleys.

The desperado always felt that carnivores were despicable, and those superior beings were nothing but trash who took advantage of the situation. But now it seems that taking advantage of the situation is just taking advantage of the situation. Whether you can grasp it still depends on your own destiny.

They are selling their lives for money, but if there is a spiritual leader who can lead the trend, they will sell their lives with enthusiasm.

People will always be touched by things that they can empathize with. Bai Ning's shocking jump earned him the admiration and admiration of many desperadoes.

The parachute caused Bai Ning's speed to decrease rapidly. The feeling of falling continuously towards the infinite dark abyss was like floating into the infinite vast dark universe.

The same unknown way back, the same inexplicable fear.

Holding a strong flashlight and shining it on the surrounding cliffs, the sultry heat and humidity here give the granite a strange look and feel. There is no sign of life, as if it is a dead place.

With such a long vertical tunnel, I don’t know how the core of the explosion was launched in the first place.

According to general logical reasoning, there should be a launching device at the lowest end of the tunnel, but it continued to descend several hundred meters, and the overall depth was nearly 2000 meters, which still gave people a sense of infinity.

The only feeling here is that of sultry heat, like being in a steamer that is gradually heating up. If they continue to fall like this, the two people who have no means of stopping are equivalent to being slow-cooked at low temperatures and dying in the endless length of the tunnel. In the corridor.

This way of dying without touching the ground seems to have the color of some fairy tales. According to legend, there is a kind of bird that only lands once in its life. When it lands, it will also usher in its ultimate death.

The hot and humid air made Bai Ning's breathing increasingly difficult, which indicated that there should be a large amount of hot water stored at the bottom of the tunnel. Even the millions of tons of lake water that had surged down previously could not cool it down at all.

Is there a volcanic lava pool beneath the tunnel?

If the final landing place was a high-temperature underground river, then this way of death would be too funny.

I don’t know if it’s because mental pollution has a stronger impact on Bai Ning, or if the overwork during this period has brought his nervous system to the edge of collapse. Bai Ning’s mind is full of random thoughts, as if he is experiencing An infinitely long lucid dream.

After landing for another unknown length of time, the hot and humid environment nearby suddenly disappeared, and a cool air flow enveloped him, making Bai Ning's mind, which was in chaos, suddenly startled.

The strong stimulation all over his body made him feel like he suddenly ran from the sauna into the ice and snow. This sincere feeling of relief made Bai Ning's mind clear. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but the nightmare-like mental pollution was also disappeared together.

He took out a strong flashlight from the zipper pocket of his jacket and looked around. The granite cliff was still the same, but there was no moisture on it, which was very strange.

It is probably more than 3000 meters deep into the ground now, and the surrounding temperature should be at least around [-] degrees. This area is so refreshing. This unusualness only shows that this area must have an internal circulation system.

Have you officially arrived at the edge of the ancient ruins?

After a while, Bai Ning felt that the wind pressure around him seemed to have increased a lot. This was caused by the air at the bottom of the tunnel being compressed by the parachute.

Under normal circumstances, this should be impossible. Since the tunnel here can accommodate millions of cubic meters of lake water, how can the bottom of the tunnel be airtight?

Could it be that the influx of lake water has completely engulfed the space at the bottom of the tunnel, and he and Aaron are about to land on the water?

The vertical tunnel of more than 3000 meters is not enough to see the ropes dropped by the transport plane. Bai Ning and Aaron will be trapped above the water for a long time in the future.

Before Bai Ning could finish feeling melancholy, a dense stream of water vapor had already hit Bai Ning's face. When he shined the flashlight downwards, it was still bottomless darkness, but it seemed that he could see some light reflected in the nearby surroundings. On top of the cliff.

It was indeed a flooded situation.

If the lake flooded the underground passage, he and Aaron might really have to stay here for who knows how long.

After using the walkie-talkie to contact Aaron in the sky, Bai Ning was ready to enter the water.

A biting cold feeling instantly enveloped his whole body. Bai Ning, who had no time to feel it, quickly swam to the side and struggled to untie the parachute bag on his body to prevent him from being trapped in the water by the parachute surface.

The sound of Aaron falling into the water followed closely. He landed directly on the parachute floating on the water. His whole body was covered between the two parachutes, and he was about to drown in this unknown depth of water. among.

Bai Ning, who surfaced, did not hear the panicked sound of struggling in the water. Aaron's calmness was obviously worthy of his strength.

Just when Bai Ning wanted to help Aaron and pull the entangled parachute surface, Aaron had already emerged from the water on the other side.

Obviously, Aaron used the knife he carried to break through the double-layer attack of the parachute.

Without panicking or blindly moving, the only things that trapped Aaron were two rags. The water was no longer an absolute restraint for Aaron, and the buoyancy also greatly reduced Aaron's pressure.

There were no endless cheers and celebrations, not even inquiries about each other's well-being. Aaron just glanced at Bai Ning, who was also floating on the water, and swam to the cliff beside him.

If they really have to wait here for several days for the follow-up team, it is obviously unrealistic for them to tread water here alone. No matter how strong the king of soldiers is, he will be exhausted here.

What's more, the water temperature here is freezing cold, and rapid hypothermia will cause those soaking in the water to die faster.

Bai Ning searched around and found no cracks on the almost smooth rock wall. It was really hard to imagine what kind of material was used to dig such a natural stone wall.

After all, the more than ten kilograms of things on his body were a burden. Soon Bai Ning felt that his physical limit was about to be reached. Just when Bai Ning was about to throw away the equipment on his body, there was a sound of hammering metal in the darkness on the opposite side. the sound of.

"Did you find the crack?"

Bai Ning asked loudly. The echo in the tunnel was not loud, with a slightly special reverberation.

"That's right. You can come over and help give it a try."

Aaron's response was still dull. It was obvious that he had found a crack-like mark and was trying to insert a sharp dagger into it.

In order to conserve his energy, Bai Ning did not respond. The sound of swimming strokes was his biggest response.

When Bai Ning came closer, he found that Aaron's face was much paler than expected. He was carrying dozens of kilograms of equipment. It was a miracle that he could persist until now.

At this time, he was still trying to knock the dagger in his hand into the stone wall. Looking at the depth of the tip of the knife, it could only give people a kind of comfort that was better than nothing.

"Throw away the useless stuff. Just keep enough food for a day or two."

Looking around the area, Aaron was stunned for a moment by Bai Ning's sudden voice.

Throw away all the current equipment, and they will lose all opportunities for self-rescue. If the personnel above cannot arrive in time, they will die miserably.

What's more, the length of this tunnel is already a bit hopeless. If the condition when rescued is too bad, they will not even have a chance to return to the ground.

"The water is slowly falling."

Not wanting to explain too much, Bai Ning was already cleaning his backpack after he finished speaking. A lot of things were thrown away, leaving only some food and emergency light sources.

Aaron didn't hesitate. Everything he could throw was thrown away. He only had an extra pistol in his hand. He hung everything on the dagger. Aaron couldn't wait to start breathing from his abdomen. His whole body was like a floating corpse. Generally floating on the water.

Looking at Aaron's slow and deep breathing, Bai Ning knew that he had lost most of his physical energy in the process of treading water.

Bai Ning also floated on the water in the same manner. The tunnel was dark and quiet, as if two thousand-year-old corpses were soaked here, waiting for the opportunity to be reopened.

More than an hour later, from Aaron's even breathing, Bai Ning could see that he was already in a state of light sleep. It seemed that he had been extremely tired from the mental pollution he had suffered in the past few days.

Although Bai Ning also wanted to catch up on some sleep, he felt that he did not have Aaron's ability, so he could only close his eyes and rest his mind as much as possible, trying to restore his already overdrawn energy.

Just when Bai Ning thought he would stay like this quietly for several days, a familiar sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from above his head, and something was thrown down.

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