At this moment, Bai Ning suddenly turned on the strong flashlight, and a bright beam of light tore the tunnel apart instantly. The long-term darkness made Bai Ning's eyes unable to adapt to this kind of strong light, but he still forced himself to follow the light. Explore around.

Suddenly, Bai Ning found a familiar light reflected at the top of the tunnel. Without any hesitation, Bai Ning greeted it with a hail of bullets.

In the midst of this flash of lightning, the machine at the top of the tunnel was caught off guard. A strong electric current burst out, and a familiar burnt smell spread instantly.

He stepped forward to take a look and found that it was completely different from the machine that used the illusion maze last time. It was probably a machine specially used for tracking and monitoring.

This ancient ruin is already short of resources, and one machine has been damaged and one less machine has been destroyed. With this lesson, Bai Ning estimates that the management core will not continue to send machines here in the short term.

"How is it, did it work?"

Jiang Yingxue's questioning voice came from behind, and it could be heard that she was running desperately at this time.

"It's going well."

Looking at the panting Jiang Yingxue, Bai Ning just responded lightly. He was even more looking forward to what the end of this tunnel would look like.

Seeing Bai Ning's dull expression, Jiang Yingxue would not think that this machine was a waste. Bai Ning's dullness was just because the success of the ambush was within his expectations.

Things that are expected, whether due to strength or luck, are the same to Bai Ning.

A small episode would not affect anything. The two quickly went to where Aaron was, set up Aaron and walked towards the end of the tunnel.

Things seemed to be going extremely smoothly. A few hours later, a dim light suddenly appeared in the two people's field of vision, which seemed to indicate that they had reached the end of this tunnel.

After such a long journey, they finally arrived at the core area of ​​the ancient ruins. This feeling should undoubtedly be exciting.

Turning her head to look at Bai Ning, who suddenly stopped next to her, Jiang Yingxue found that he was still frowning, wondering what he was thinking about.

"The end of the tunnel is right in front of us. Is there any illusion maze here?"

Jiang Yingxue didn't think that Bai Ning would moan for no reason and pretend to be pretentious at some critical moments, but she really couldn't figure out what other dangers there could be here.

"Remember the emotional disturbance phenomenon before?

Since the mechanism of ancient ruins is incomplete, only part of the tunnel can form an emotional interference mechanism, which is logically normal.

However, after we destroyed two machines in a row, was the subsequent journey too smooth?

There are no abnormalities of any kind, and now there is a standard scene of hope in front of me. Isn't this questionable? "

Jiang Yingxue had huge expectations for Bai Ning's idea, but his speech at this time did not make Jiang Yingxue feel anything novel.

Even overall, it sounds like a sense of unfounded absurdity.


Regarding this abnormal mood swing, the alarm bell in Jiang Yingxue's heart suddenly sounded.

Is it a normal emotional judgment or an abnormal thought fluctuation affected by emotions?

Because of Bai Ning's question, Jiang Yingxue even began to wonder if there was something wrong with her mind.

"There will indeed be some doubts about the judgment of the situation on the court, and it is even more unclear whether this doubt is due to subjective deviations or external interference.

However, the way out is right in front of us. Do we still need to figure out why we are here? "

Jiang Yingxue felt that her mind was indeed a little confused, but as the saying goes, it would be better to just rush out and cut through the knot with a quick knife. Why was she still so hesitant?

“The end of the tunnel means that we are close to the core area of ​​the ancient ruins. It is an indisputable fact that the management core has stronger control over this area.

Furthermore, the more successful the path we choose, the greater the threat to the core of management, and it is even more unlikely that it will let go of any opportunity against us.

You feel that there is a way out ahead. This is just a subjective conjecture. No one knows what lies ahead.

The confusion of subjective judgment, the original driving force to leave this tunnel, the instinctive reaction that we may not suffer a loss even if we try, and various comprehensive factors will cause us to rush out without hesitation.

However, is what is waiting for us ahead really a way out? "

Hearing Bai Ning's analysis, Jiang Yingxue felt that it made sense. People's judgments about unknown things are usually based on the summary of various past experiences and the current state of mind.

They have been here for a long time, and have had several rounds of confrontations with the core management. Their main style of behavior should have been summarized by the core management.

With this special understanding, it is not surprising that the management core specially designed a trap for them.

After thinking about it according to Bai Ning's ideas, there is no problem with Bai Ning's previous judgment.

However, this state of being suspicious and almost paranoid made Bai Ning look like a madman.

Two different senses stirred repeatedly in Jiang Yingxue's heart, which deepened her fear of the current emotional disturbance.

"What should we do? We can't go forward. We can't start to retreat, right?"

Even if Bai Ning's analysis makes sense, they can't stop moving forward because of this analysis, right?

What is the difference between this kind of behavior and being complacent?

Whether forward, backward or stopped, these three options seem to be beneficial to the management core.

Unless Bai Ning can find the exact exit from here again.

“The entrance to the tunnel was closed when we came in, there is no reason it would be permanently open at the other end when we left.

Remember the subway analogy I made earlier?

As long as the management core can hide the subway car, then we can only leave obediently on foot.

So, let’s take a quick guess, if the core management now disguises the subway car as an exit, will we be instantly sent to other unknown places? "

Bai Ning's guesses are always so whimsical. While observing the subtleties, people can also feel the big openings and closings in them.

"Is there also a fantasy maze here?"

Jiang Yingxue still had no clue about the illusion in front of her. Ethereal things always gave people a sense of elusiveness. Only people like Bai Ning, who had gone deep into the maze of illusions, would have the solution.

“If the machines used to create illusion mazes were so common, there wouldn’t be a surveillance machine serving as a backup in the hub.

Perhaps there is only one emotional disturbance that leads us to misjudgment here.

However, the environment here is indeed relatively complex, and it is difficult to accurately judge it through some simple appearances. "

Bai Ning's response was very conservative, which surprised Jiang Yingxue.

With Bai Ning's wild imagination, his judgment here will definitely not be limited to emotional interference. What makes him remain cautious may be because this is the critical moment to leave the tunnel.

"Since it is not an illusion, then what is there to be afraid of? Is there anything more difficult to deal with than a purely ideological thing like an illusion?"

As long as it was something in the material state, Jiang Yingxue had the confidence to go and have a try, even if there were many traps ahead.

Unlike Jiang Yingxue's expected decisiveness, Bai Ning didn't respond, and his silence made people feel a little uneasy.

With such caution, the only thing people can think of is extreme dilemma.

What kind of extreme dilemma can just a little emotional disturbance create?

Feeling unable to understand what Bai Ning was thinking, Jiang Yingxue did not dare to look down on the enemy. She could only follow Bai Ning's rhythm and slowly walk towards the gray spot.

The expected danger did not seem to have come, and the rest of the journey for the three of them seemed to be uneventful. There was only the sound of their footsteps in the tunnel, not even the slightest sound of wind.



It stands to reason that this is the connection between the tunnel and other spaces. Even if there is no strong cross-window, there is still a basic air pressure difference. How is it possible that there is not even a trace of wind?

The overall feeling is that the light spot in front is just an illusion, and they are still trapped in a sealed space.

As Bai Ning said before, as long as the management core disguises the carriage, they will be transported to other unknown places by this vehicle.

So, are they already in such a carriage?

Suspicion suddenly arose in Jiang Yingxue's heart, and she couldn't help but glance at Bai Ning beside her, only to find that his face was still as normal and he was walking slowly without squinting, seemingly unaware of Jiang Yingxue's observation.

With the two of them so close to each other and sharing the responsibility of Aaron, it was impossible for Bai Ning not to notice Jiang Yingxue's big move.

Therefore, Bai Ning's act of ignorance at this time was deliberate, and could even be understood as a false illusion to confuse the outside world.

With so many thoughts in his mind, Jiang Yingxue only thought that this was a side effect of emotional interference, and that Bai Ning was concentrating on dealing with emotional interference.

After continuing for a while, the size of the light spot in front seemed to have remained unchanged, which made it even more strange.

The weirdness in this area has exceeded Jiang Yingxue's expectation, but Bai Ning said that there is no illusion maze here. Is it because Bai Ning's judgment was wrong?

The multiple doubts in her heart were difficult to resolve, and the uncontrollable irritability was growing and growing. In an instant, it had a overwhelming momentum, as if it was about to break through her psychological defense line in the next moment, and this agitation began to affect nearby people. exist.

Although she knew that this was caused by emotional interference, Jiang Yingxue was trying her best to contain this abnormal emotion, but she, who had always been calm, seemed to have difficulty controlling this wild horse, as if she had been caught in the emotional turmoil.

The irritability in his heart gradually turned into a little anger, which was slowly igniting the anger in Jiang Yingxue's heart. If he was not careful, it seemed that this emotional volcano was about to explode completely.

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