"Baha, Baha"

Sitting in the taxi, Nan Yi also took out beef jerky and gave it to Li Zhong. The two of them ate in silence like zombies doing rice, without speaking, tilting their heads and looking out the window.

Some movie plots tell Nan Yi that he should replenish his energy when he has time, so that he can have the strength to solve problems when he encounters them.

"What's wrong with you two brothers? You have something on your mind."

The taxi driver is an uncle. Generally, those in the service industry are talkative. If you are lucky enough to meet the right customer, you can become a regular customer and you can come and go freely with just one phone call, which is equivalent to having one more stable customer.

Seeing the two young men working silently and motionless, the uncle spoke again: "You are still young, there is nothing in this world that you cannot overcome."

Seeing that the two of them still didn't speak, the uncle also came up with some truth.

"It's true..." Nan Yi whispered a few words subconsciously, his voice was so low that no one heard it.

"Would you like to listen to some songs? I usually listen to some songs when my wife scolds me, and I will feel better." Seeing that he was carrying two mummies, the uncle stopped trying to persuade him, and just put the ones he brought in the car with him. Music is on.

"Forgive me for this life. I have been uninhibited and indulgent and loved freedom. I will be afraid..." A classic old song sounded in the car. It seemed to be sung by that person. Nanyi didn't know who sang it, although this The song was very popular, and he would hum a few lines when he was being wild, but he was neither star-struck nor interested.

Think about the rest of your life, just like this song, love is free, completely free.

Hearing the bohemian song in his ears, he was shouting unconsciously in his heart. Nan Yi couldn't help but sigh at the magic of music. When he was about to ask Li Cheng, he found that he had already fallen asleep with his head tilted.

It was obviously not lunch yet, and it had only been five minutes since he came downstairs in the morning. Looking at him, Nan Yi felt a little tired for some reason.

I didn't want to be okay, but I suddenly remembered the scene of the zombie's black brains emerging from the hole in my mind. My face turned pale for a moment, and I pressed the window.

"Master, please put us down in front. How much does it cost?"

Nan Yi glanced out the window as the cool breeze blew, as if he had seen something. He turned to the driver and said, "Uncle, prepare more food to go home after get off work. I heard that the flu has been very serious recently. It's best." It’s better not to go out.”

While listening to the song just now, Nan Yi saw the photo hanging in front of the driver's car. It showed a very loving family. A little girl stood happily in the middle, holding ice cream in her hand. The uncle's wife also had love in her eyes. Looking at his well-behaved daughter, the uncle looked at his wife and daughter. The expression on his face was a happiness that cannot be described in words.

After waking up Li Cheng, Nan Yi scanned the QR code and paid the fare amidst the uncle's hearty thank you. Before leaving, the uncle shouted: "You are still young. No matter what happens to you, live well and everything will be fine."

"Xiao Yi, isn't this a commercial street? I remember your home is not here."

Li Cheng seemed to never get enough sleep, so he asked him sleepily.

Nan Yi pointed to a large supermarket on one side, and Li Cheng instantly understood that if he wanted to survive in the last days, he must accumulate food widely.

With that said, the two of them walked to the supermarket side by side. They first found a temporary storage spot to store the big bag behind them. They each carried daggers in their boots, otherwise they would not even be able to enter the supermarket door.

"Xiao Yi, there's a signal."

Just as the two of them were walking towards the inside, Li Cheng held up his mobile phone and said. Nan Yi also patted his head after hearing this. He had just taken out his mobile phone to pay, so why didn't he think of this.

Walking aside, he quickly took out his cell phone and tried to contact his family.

"Du-du-du, hey, it's Xiao Yi."

After five or six beeps, her mother's voice rang. Nan Yi's heart slowly dropped as the phone sounded. Tears flowed from his eyes uncontrollably, and his mouth pursed slightly.

"Xiao Yi, what's wrong? Why did you feel wronged outside?"

His mother seemed to have heard his silent cry. Her words showed concern and concern: "If you have anything to do, tell mom, rest when you are tired from work. Your health comes first. I have no money. Mom will give it to you." beat......"

Hearing this, Nan Yi, who was still trying to suppress the emotions in his heart, burst out crying, but subconsciously took the phone away, covering his mouth with his other hand, and tears gushed out and slid down the back of his hand.

On the one hand, I was worried about my mother, and on the other hand, I blamed myself for being careless. I forgot to call home when I came out.

He took a few deep breaths, tried his best to suppress the emotions in his heart, and said slowly: "Mom, it's okay. I was praised by the company today, and the boss also rewarded me with a set of collector's edition props. I was just happy."

"That's good. You damn kid, you scared me. I thought something had happened to you. Of course my son is excellent..."

My mother was also relieved, and her voice changed from anxious to relieved, with a hint of pride.

Mothers worry when their children travel thousands of miles. Parents all over the world hope from the bottom of their hearts that their children can be happy every day and live a good life.

Nan Yi also calmed down his emotions, straightened his thoughts and said: "Mom, the virus you mentioned last time is real. We have news here. It is quite troublesome after the infection. I will buy some from the Internet for home delivery." You and Dad should pay attention to the food and supplies that come to your door."

"You should pay more attention outside and don't get infected. Or you can go home and rest. You don't have to spend this money. It's not easy to make money. Don't spend it randomly when you have some money. Your dad and I are fine at home. We can grow our own crops." Vegetables, food and drink. We haven’t farmed in recent years. A few hundred yuan of rice can feed two people for a year..."

His mother still cared about his health first, and then seriously taught him to save money and get up early to start a family.

I'm really obsessed with the authorities. Why didn't I think of going home first? That's right. I bought my things and took the time to go back.

"Okay, Mom, let's buy some things. I'll have a lot to eat when I get home. You and Dad should be careful and don't go out too much recently. I bought some food to tell you. I won't say more. I'll start with Look at the tickets.”

Nan Yi was woken up by his mother, and then he quickly finished explaining and hung up the phone. Li Chong on the other side was jumping up and down while talking on the phone, indicating that his family was still safe.

I opened the ticket purchasing app on my phone, only to find that it couldn't be used. I felt chilled, so I changed to a large APP. What was displayed on the screen was still temporarily unavailable. A few big characters on a gray background made Nanyi feel like going home. Cool down.

Then he quickly opened the shopping website and found that the shopping mall was still available, so he quickly selected it at a large supermarket near his home.

Rice, salt, oil, sugar, flour, instant noodles, compressed biscuits, various canned meats, and various daily necessities. Medicines are okay. Under the influence of Nanyi, parents still pay attention to their health, and medicines are always available at home. Some.

I selected tens of thousands of supplies and chose the default address. Nanyi often buys things for the family. Her parents have been diligent and frugal over the years, and they save money on food and drink. Nanyi can't do anything to them.

As they get older, they sometimes take them for physical examinations. The doctor tells them to take more supplements and let them eat by themselves. They must be reluctant to buy them. He can only buy them online, and then tell his parents that he has bought them and returns them. After knowing how to deduct money, his parents gradually accepted it, but they always taught him not to spend money frivolously, as the family had enough to eat.

After placing the order, Nan Yi thought about it and dialed his mother's number again.

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