The end of the world: zombies are the end

Chapter 59 Performing their duties

It was getting dark, and there was silence in the armed police car.

Nan Yi still lowered his head.

"Captain Lin, Captain Lin, there is a situation ahead and I need you to take a look!"

As the news from the front came from Lin's intercom, the convoy slowly stopped on the side of the road.

"Old Wang, Old Wu, keep an eye on him. I'll go down and take a look!"

After Officer Lin explained the situation to the two of them, he opened the car door and jumped out.

Nan Yi in the car raised his stiff neck. The long period of thinking and confinement made him feel uncomfortable.

Both mentally and physically.

ahead of the convoy.

Officer Lin walked towards the lead car and saw clearly what was ahead.

"This is..."

A tall, heavily armed special police officer came forward and said, "The situation ahead may require you to give orders."

Officer Lin tilted his head and glanced at him, nodded without saying anything, and continued walking forward. When he came to the front, he was also stunned.

The dozens of meters long horse-rejecting roadblock lay across the road, and the countless bullet casings around it made his face turn pale.

He had been a policeman for decades, so how could he not recognize the marks on the road and the fence?

This is the country with the strictest gun ban and the highest security in the world.

Even air guns, shotguns, sporting guns, and even anesthesia injection guns must be reported to relevant departments and obtain certain qualifications before they are allowed to be used in special places.

All types of bullets are strictly controlled.

Officer Lin looked ugly. He bent down to pick up a bullet casing and looked at it carefully.

The bullet case was about the thickness of a little finger, and the material, style, and faint smell in the bullet case made his face look even more ugly.

Climbing up the sandbag in front of me, I looked towards the hospital in the bright sky.

After a moment, Officer Lin jumped down and came to the special police officer who had just reported to him.

"Captain Lin, something's not right here, even on the way here. There are too few people. Do you want to report it to your superiors?"

The special police officer seemed to be very familiar with Officer Lin and made a direct suggestion.

Officer Lin's face was stern, he frowned and thought for a few seconds before saying, "Let the team members get out of the car and wait, then walk in, and I'll pick up the suspect!"

"Yes!" The tall SWAT officer saluted and retreated, informing many team members behind him.

inside the car.

Nan Yi moved his shoulders and neck a few times, then stared blankly outside the car, as the sound of electricity rang out from the headsets of several special police officers on the opposite side.

A special police officer said: "Team Lin ordered us to walk in next."

"Okay. Get off!"

The rear door was opened, several special police officers got out of the car one after another, and the sound of neat and powerful footsteps could be heard all around.

The two special police officers who got out of the car were guarding the surroundings, and the two were staring at Nan Yi in the car.

"Get up and get out of the car."

The iron chain on Nan Yi's feet was untied from the buckle, and Officer Wang urged him.

Because everyone knows that searching at night carries many more risks than during the day.

What's more, the criminal suspect in front of him is actually a prisoner. The interrogation in the afternoon was very clear, but the key link, evidence, was still missing.

Coupled with the fact that more than one crime scene appeared later, this was naturally the attitude towards Nan Yi.

"Whoa whoa-"

With the chain dragging under his feet, Nan Yi could only walk up to [-] centimeters with each step, which was like a small step.

Not only were his hands handcuffed, but the four special police officers and two experienced old policemen around him were keeping an eye on him all the time.

Nan Yi had no expression on his face. After jumping out of the car, he raised his head and closed his eyes and exhaled.

The two-hour drive made him extremely tired.

"Nanyi, inside the hospital?"

Officer Lin walked over, followed by several special police officers.

Nan Yi slowly turned his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Yes, you can see it when you go to the hospital."

"Team [-], Team [-], go first, Team [-] stay where they are and observe the surroundings!" Upon hearing this, Officer Lin issued an order to the special police in the rear.


After the special police issued the order, the surrounding people also divided into two waves, and some police and special police stayed in place.

The two teams of SWAT officers walked on each side of the street, advancing one after the other.

"Wait!" Nan Yi looked at Officer Lin who was about to turn around and suddenly said.

Officer Lin turned around and looked at him before he could speak.

Nan Yi added: "Officer Lin, do you think it's the superiors or us ordinary people who are more important?"

The SWAT and police officers around him were a little surprised as to why he was asking such strange questions at this time.

Officer Lin hesitated for two seconds and said, "Everyone performs his duties!"

Nan Yi stopped talking after hearing this, raised his feet and followed the special police, walking towards the white street.

There is little difference between the street and the daytime street.

As he walked halfway, Nan Yu also saw the messy footsteps on the ground, as well as the car marks from when he ran away yesterday.

Nan Yi was also thinking about how to take advantage of the chaos and escape later. The police around him would definitely relax their vigilance later, but the iron chains on his feet were difficult to remove.

No matter how powerful the zombies are, they can only be found in hospitals. Once the police find something wrong, they can evacuate at any time.


Suddenly, Nan Yi seemed to have seen something, his eyes widened suddenly, and his expression quickly calmed down.

"You kid, don't play tricks. With so many people accompanying you, you are not just playing tricks." Policeman Wang stared at Nan Yi with his eagle eyes.

Nan Yi ignored him and walked forward with his head lowered, but his heart was already in turmoil.

In order to make sure that he saw it correctly, Nan Yi pretended to rub his eyes and took another look.

"Fog grass!"

Nan Yi lowered his head, his eyes full of anxiety. On the other side of the road, there was a car he was very familiar with parked.

And only Li Zong and Xu Nuo can appear here.

Now he was getting anxious. What was about to happen would be a narrow escape.

But after a second thought, Nan Yi calmed down.

Since Li Cheng and the others came here before the police, it means that he guessed what he was going to do, and he was just here to see if there was any chance of contacting him.

"Explain what he should have arranged around you!"


"It still smells like blood!"

Both he and Li Cheng have watched horror movies, and they also know that zombies are extremely sensitive to sounds and are extremely thirsty for blood.

The corners of Nan Yi's mouth were slightly raised, and his lowered eyes were clear.

Along the way, he couldn't bear it several times and hesitated repeatedly, but in the end reason prevailed over emotion.

Officer Lin is right, everyone should perform their duties.

He too, he just wants to live.


"Xiu Nuo, you are crazy. If Nan Yi is not rescued later, you will die of abortion!"

In the Mercedes-Benz on the other side of the road, Li Zong hurriedly searched for something in his backpack and educated Xu Nuo in a low voice.

Xu Nuo, who was lying in the back row, had a smile on his face and looked a little pale. He said softly: "No, I want to live well. I promised Brother Nan."

In front of her was a small bottle, half filled with blood.

Her arms couldn't stop bleeding.

Time was urgent just now, and they didn't know how long it would take for the police to arrive, so they could only come to the other side to find a solution.

Originally, Li Zong's intention was to directly honk the horn wildly to draw out the zombies inside.

But they would definitely attract the attention of the police. Just as the two of them continued to think, the police had already arrived.

Xu Nuo also remembered what happened to Nan Yi and the others in the hospital. Blood can attract zombies.

In desperation, she picked up the long knife Nan Yi gave her and cut the bite wound that had not yet healed, but she readily underestimated the sharpness of the knife.

After one cut, no blood came out after waiting for two seconds. Xu Nuo thought he hadn't been cut yet, so he prepared to cut again.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the wound was like a leaking pipe to relieve pressure, and the arm was instantly stained red.

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