The Holy City of the Last Days

Chapter 38 The Expendables break!

"I'm coming!"

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, there was movement from the detector previously buried in front, and a herd of mutant beasts that was infinitely larger than before came in force.

"Why are there so many people this time! Could it be that there's going to be a decisive battle? It makes sense now, why the General and the others haven't escaped yet."

Looking at the densely packed enemy soldiers, they were also shocked, but they did not allow themselves to take a step back.

"Everyone, please give me information on how many weapons and equipment are left. I'm afraid this situation now requires a death squad..."

Li Yaoyang saw that if he wanted to defend such a large number of mutated creatures, he might have to sacrifice some people in order to win.

"Sir, there is no need to hesitate. As long as we can defend ourselves, our death will be nothing. General, please hold this front line for us humans."

This location in Area D is too important. Once it is captured, it will have a great impact on the entire battle situation. It only takes a while and the entire human layout will be affected, so this location must not be lost.

"Okay! I can't guarantee anything, but I guarantee that your sacrifice will be well deserved. I need your most powerful to form a team of a thousand people to directly penetrate the enemy's army. I will be with you."

Li Yaoyang finally discovered the leader of this beast wave on the battlefield.

"No sir, you are the commander. How can we let the commander appear and make these beasts look down on us before we are dead?"

Everyone immediately rejected this person's appearance. Secretly, the person was hoping that if someone who was not powerful and died among them, it would have a huge impact on the momentum of the entire army.

"That's right! Veterans from Area D requested to join the death squads!"

Among the crowd, a group of veterans stood up and formed a team consciously. The original 1000 people directly turned into more than tens of thousands.

"What are you old guys doing? When we young people die, it will be your turn to die."

After hearing this, the other soldiers became dissatisfied.

"It will be your young people's battlefield from now on, and you will have to rely on your young people to hold the border together. So please give this opportunity to us wounded veterans to exert our last remaining energy."

"What nonsense? We are already dying. We are just dying on the battlefield. What do you want to grab?"

Soon the team put on the strongest firepower equipment they could produce. According to the request, one by one the modified mounts appeared in sight.

"See you all in the next life!"

The veterans greeted each other and then plunged into the dense tide of beasts ahead.

Because of the innate advantages of the cavalry, tens of thousands of people quickly charged in with overwhelming force. The whole thing is like a sharp blade that drives into the enemy's critical point bit by bit.

Everyone on the fortifications saw this scene, their eyes were blood red but they couldn't hold back the tears. Everyone knew that they would definitely die if they went there.


As we entered the central part, the number of mutated creatures increased, and the soldiers faced more and more, which gradually became more difficult.

"Here we come! Take care, everyone, let's take the first step."

Some soldiers with bombs on their bodies appeared in front to clear the way for everyone. When they sacrificed their lives, the road in the middle was opened.


The remaining people had no time to feel sad and continued to reach the final position. The strength level of the mutated creatures here was much higher. If you face the situation, you will die.

Even if there was death in front of them, everyone did not retreat, because behind them was the survival of the entire human race. What they didn't know was that one of the boys had already joined them, and during the final battle, he quietly passed these monsters and sneaked into the rear.

"Got you!"

That young man was none other than Li Yaoyang, who was commanding everyone. He came this time to kill the leader of the beast tide.

There was a person accompanying the boy. If someone from Area D were here, they would definitely recognize that the person in front of him was not General Li Kong from Area D.

"Boy, you are so brave. You actually dare to come to this place."

Li Kong had long known that this little guy was commanding the entire battlefield. He originally thought that what this guy said was to comfort the soldiers, but he didn't expect it to come. Could it be that he was confident that he could defeat the powerful enemy.

"Isn't this the general? I've found out clearly. It's a general-level mutated bat that relies on sound waves to command the entire beast horde. If we don't solve it, it will put a lot of pressure on the soldiers."

Li Yaoyang was not ashamed of his status as a general but explained his findings very calmly.

"Relying on sound waves? Then our appearance has been discovered."

Li Kong's expression changed when he heard that it was a mutant bat. The guy was like a radar. Doesn't it mean that his and others' actions had been discovered in advance.

"General, you can rest assured that there is no way to avoid this kind of sound wave. As long as the frequency of the sound wave it releases is kept at the same frequency as the back-and-forth sound wave."

Li Yaoyang took out a chip-like device.

"Young people are awesome! Young people are awesome!"

Li Kong admires the young man in front of him more and more, who is decisive and calm. Take one step and see ten steps. This is a natural leader. Such a person will definitely become one of the pillars supporting the survival of mankind in the future.

"What are your plans? Let me be your subordinate, Li Yaoyang, today."

Li Kong decided to follow Li Yaoyang's command.

"General, I admire you for your deep understanding of justice. This is what I think..."

The old man and the young man really dared to speak and the other dared to listen. If the soldiers in Area D would definitely curse here, what's going on? A veteran general who has experienced many battles is actually listening to the command of a young boy.

"This is indeed a way. You are a good boy who dares to take advantage of me. I have a bright future. I will still remember you."

"This requires the general to understand the righteousness of the matter."

"Stop! Then let me see what you are capable of."

Li Kong jumped up and headed directly towards the target location.


Half a minute later there was a loud noise, and fierce battle fluctuations came from a few hundred meters away.

"I hope the people in the military region will not trick us, otherwise we will be dead."

Li Yaoyang took out five strange mechanical flags from his body and inserted them in five directions to form a huge trap. The flag blends into the ground like never before.

Half an hour later, a figure flew over and made a huge deep hole in the ground.

"Oh! Damn it! The general-level peak mutant bat is careless."

The embarrassed figure was Li Kong who went to fight.

"Boy, if you dare to tell me about this, I won't be done with you."

Li Kong stood up and fought again.

This time it was a mutant bat that flew upside down. The sword struck directly at the mutant bat's wings. Under the sharp sword light, one-third of the mutant bat's wings were cut off, making it impossible for it to fly.

Only then did Li Yaoyang see the true face of the mutant bat. It was just that the characteristics were the same as those of a bat. The exaggerated muscles made up for the bat's own weakness. In addition, he was no longer afraid of the sun and had a high IQ. This guy's evolution was perfect.

Li Kong continued to fight with the mutant bat, and its ultrasonic waves gave Li Kong a headache for a while.

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