I am the most respected person in the last days

Chapter 595 Karl will go on a mission alone

Ling Yi's eyes widened, looking at the shining metallic luster on Karl's body and his height of seven or eight meters, and couldn't help but joke.

"Oh, Karl, if you go out for a walk in this state, you will definitely cause a sensation."

Karl smiled proudly and said with a cool pose.

"Master, this is just a form due to insufficient materials, and it is far from the standard I want.

When I upgrade in the future, I will definitely become more powerful and perfect and solve more problems for you.

At that time, I will become your most reliable assistant to help you travel through the void. "

Ling Yi was speechless, and Karl seemed a little carried away.

However, this kind of high-tech thing is really exciting in this era. "

Transformers in the science fiction world appear in the apocalyptic era?

But after thinking about it, Ling Yi didn't find anything surprising.

After all, the apocalypse has lasted for more than a year, and humans have long been accustomed to all kinds of supernatural things.

Karl appeared in front of humans even in a transformed form.

At most, it is eye-catching, but not shocking.

After getting used to his new body, Karl suddenly said solemnly.

"Master, lately I have always been able to sense the existence of other systems vaguely, and there are more than one!"

Hearing this, Ling Yi turned to look at Karl in confusion and motioned for him to continue speaking.

"Master, it's like this. I suspect that after that system was devoured by me, the King of Machines may have sent other mechanical systems to this plane.

The reason why I couldn't sense it before was probably because those systems had just arrived.

They haven't found a suitable host yet, so they have avoided my detection.

But now I am sure that they have found a host.

And they are urging the hosts to upgrade crazily to advance their own systems.

It is also because of this that I can indirectly detect their existence! "

Ling Yi frowned. He was not too worried about these new systems.

But if they are not dealt with, leaving them to develop will also become an uncertain factor.

After thinking for a moment, Ling Yi decided to take action, and he asked Karl.

"Since you can sense their existence, is it possible that your position has also been locked by the other party?"

Karl shook his head decisively in response.

"Master can rest assured about this, after breaking away from the shackles of the Machine King.

My level improvement is no longer linked to your strength, but to my own plane.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to discover me! "

After receiving Karl's affirmative answer, Ling Yi immediately made a decision.

"Very good, then your next task is to check these new systems for me one by one.

Find a way to find the exact location and devour it to improve your strength! "

If Carl's mechanical form had an expression at this time, his mouth would probably be grinning.

His big mechanical head was seen nodding and agreeing crazily.

“I will definitely keep the master’s orders in mind, and I will pay close attention to the dynamics of these systems.

Once their presence is discovered, they immediately launch an attack and engulf the system. "

As for objecting to Ling Yi's order, Carl would not dare to do so.

Even if Ling Yi doesn't let him handle it, he will still beg to carry out this task.

Just kidding, this is a shortcut to quickly improve your strength. Only a fool would refuse this rare opportunity.

"Do you need me to send someone to assist you?"

Seeing that Karl was already eager to try, Ling Yi couldn't help but ask.

Karl hesitated and then said.

"Thank you Master for your concern, but with my current strength, I can still handle it.

After all, this is my first time to complete this task independently, and I don't want to cause trouble to others. "

Ling Yi did not force him to accept his suggestion, but smiled and nodded in encouragement.

"Then I wish you all the best! If you encounter any difficulties, don't forget to contact me at any time.

Come on, I believe you can successfully complete the task! "

Carl responded confidently.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do my best! Thank you for your trust and support!"

Later, with firm belief and enthusiasm, Carl transformed into a RV and slowly embarked on a journey to perform the mission.

Ling Yi, on the other hand, silently watched him leave, hoping to bring him good news.

After Karl left, Ling Yi did not leave the Blood Moon Capital again.

After all, he promised the girls that he would accompany them until the child was born safely.

Now that you have made a promise, you must do your best to the end and spend this special time with them.

In his view, this commitment is not only a responsibility, but also a deep love for them.

Now that the surrounding area is safe and stable, Ling Yi can finally take a breath and have a good rest.

He also has to take time to guide the development of Blood Moon City to make the city more prosperous.

After all, development and peace are closely linked and cannot be taken lightly.

In these peaceful days, Ling Yi was also thinking about future plans.

In order to build a strong fortress for the people he cares about, he will continue to work hard!

On a calm afternoon, Ling Yi strolled among various departments in Blood Moon Capital.

Seeing everyone's sincere smiles and admiring eyes, Ling Yi's heart was filled with joy.

Ling Yi couldn't help but sigh, the changes in Blood Moon City were so earth-shaking, and he couldn't help but recall the scene when he first arrived.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered the figure he had teased - Mu Ranqing.

"Why haven't I seen this girl? I don't know how she is doing now."

Ever since, Ling Yi decided to look for her and treat her as a passer-by if she lived well.

If there is still friendship left, he might as well take it into the house.

After all, Mu Ranqing, a big star, is also a delicate beauty.

Unfortunately, Ling Yi never found Mu Ranqing in the Blood Moon Capital.

Finally, I got the news in her camp that she went out for training a few months ago and never came back.

After getting the news, Ling Yi couldn't help but be shocked and quickly checked the loyalty system.

After seeing Mu Ranqing's loyalty reached 90 points, he breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was still alive.

"It doesn't matter, since I went out to practice, maybe it's fate."

Ling Yi returned to his residence, looked at the empty room, and couldn't help but think of Mu Ranqing's shy smile.

"Alas, beauty is like a dream, it disappears in a blink of an eye."

Ling Yi put his hands behind his head and couldn't help but sigh.

After calming down, Ling Yi decided not to dwell on the matter anymore, after all, life would go on.

"Well, let's look forward. There will always be more interesting people and things to encounter."

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