You continue to roll! I'm going to learn to catch ghosts

Chapter 16 The trail behind the library

"Security uncle, is there anything weird happening in the four dormitories?"

Mu Jiu raised his eyebrows, adjusted his hair, and waited for his uncle to tell him about the woman from ten years ago.

But the uncle glanced deep into the library and suddenly stopped talking.

"'s nothing, just small things. I have something to do. You can go to class!"

Immediately, the security uncle fled the place, which once again made Mu Jiu feel that something was fishy.

"Young man, I heard that you are inquiring about the four teaching buildings?"

Mu Jiu walked past an octogenarian sweeping the floor, dressed very simply.

I don't feel the old atmosphere at all, but instead have a return to nature.

"Well... Grandpa, do you know?"

The old man nodded and did not speak, but looked at the supermarket with his eyes.

"Um...Makino, go buy a pack of good cigarettes for the old man and come over."

Hearing Mu Jiu's words, the old man's eyes flashed with understanding.

"Since you are so sensible, then listen to the old man and let me say it for now, ahem..."

The old man said something and then stopped, and Mu Jiu immediately shouted towards Makino.

"Makino buy another bottle of water."

"Brother Ninth, please remember to reimburse me!"

Next, the old man began to tell the story of the four dormitory buildings in the school again.

It is almost completely different from what Wu Taobo’s girlfriend Li Fang told him. They are basically two versions.

I learned from the old man that a girl did die in the four dormitories ten years ago.

But what happened to that girl was not due to a broken relationship, but was caused by man-made events.

At that time, the school rushed to renovate the dormitories to facilitate better enrollment and expand the size of the school.

Taking advantage of the school holidays, we hired a construction group to renovate all the dormitories and teaching buildings in the school.

But when the construction group renovated the fourth building, something strange happened.

General construction workers basically live next to the construction site, and they will be woken up every night.

They could always hear someone singing nearby, but when they followed the voice and walked over, they found that there was no one there at all.

The old man went out to use the toilet once before and heard that sound.

However, he thought the sound was caused by the wind blowing leaves, so he didn't take it seriously at that time.

Later, after everyone became familiar with this sound, they discovered that the sound in the middle of the night had changed its pitch.

Listening from a distance, it always makes people feel inexplicably sad, which some people who know music will definitely say after hearing it.

This is a kind of sorrow!

The old man didn't know what the sound was exactly. He only knew that after that incident, the construction site was suspended for several days.

Later, they invited a master named Mu. After several days of operation and casting spells, it seemed to be back to normal.

At night, the music was indeed no longer heard.

But the weird things still didn't stop, and the construction workers started working again after that.

It was still night, and when one of the construction workers went out to use the toilet, he saw a woman outside.

Since it was already very late, he couldn't see clearly what it looked like.

She could only see the style of the Republic of China from his clothes, which made her take a few steps back and hurriedly ran back to the dormitory.

Since that incident, many people have claimed to have seen the woman.

Since everyone is a man, even ghosts do not dare to be easily provoked when they gather together.

Later, when they went to the toilet at night, they all teamed up together, and sure enough, they never saw the Republic of China woman again.

Until the renovation of the dormitory building was almost completed, nothing unusual happened, and everyone felt that the incident was over.

But on this day, the girlfriend of one of the decoration workers came to the construction site.

I don’t know what happened, but she died on the construction site the next day.

And he died very strangely, without any signs or any wounds on his body.

After this incident happened, the construction company directly paid to cover up the incident.

But the strange thing is that the capping process, which originally only took two or three days to complete, did not make any progress for a week after the woman's death.

Every time they sealed the roof, it would return to its original appearance the next day. After two or three days, someone finally discovered that something was wrong.

So, they invited the master to come over and cast a spell. The master buried the woman near the dormitory building, and after a few operations, the roof was sealed directly.

This incident caused quite a stir at the time, and the construction company spent a lot of money to have all the construction workers hide the information and not mention it.

Finally, Master Mu seriously warned the school leaders that girls cannot live in this dormitory from now on, only boys can suppress the things below...

After the old man finished telling this story, he stared at Mu Jiu and asked, "Having said so much, let me ask you a question, old man, do you believe in ghosts?"

Mu Jiu was stunned for a moment. He had actually seen it now. It was obvious that this old man was not just guessing, he must have been in contact with it.

"Grandpa, I don't know what to say?"

"Hahaha... you are still pretending to me! I can feel a strange fragrance from your body, and it is exactly the same as the smell of the woman before."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Mu Jiu suddenly felt that the surrounding area was much quieter.

What I had originally guessed was a strange feeling that suddenly and obviously surged around me.

Who is the old man...

At this moment, the truth hidden behind the scenes revealed the tip of the iceberg, and Mu Jiu had to follow the final result.

"Yes, I can see ghosts! And I can also catch ghosts."

Mu Jiu said calmly that since he learned his grandfather's book on Tianshan Tricks, he could see ghosts.

"Sure enough, I read it right. The person that Master Mu was talking about before is you! Young man, hurry up and follow me!"

"What? Master Mu? What is the specific name of the Master Mu you are talking about?"

"I don't know his specific name, but I know he is a coffin seller!"


Mu Jiu suddenly felt that his father was so mysterious. He had been doing these unconventional things behind his back as early as ten years ago.

The old man didn't wait for Mu Jiu to hesitate, and took his hand towards a trail, with Makino following closely.

Mu Jiu had been in college for four years, and this trail was a place he had never been before.

This trail is sealed with an iron gate, and the rusty iron rope seals the inside tightly, entering the iron gate.

On both sides of the trail were towering trees tens of meters high, which completely covered the sky above. Only a few rays of sunlight could occasionally shine through the gaps in the leaves.

There are no street lights around the path, so you can't see your fingers.

Passing through a forest, there turned out to be a large open space. There was no grass growing in the open space, and some old tools were placed next to it.

These tools are used to decorate buildings, and they seem to have been there for a while.

In front of the open space, there is almost no obstruction. Looking from a distance, there is only a small temporary house.

The door of the small house is black and sealed with several charms.

Looking at the dark door, there was a vague sound of music coming from the surroundings, and Mu Jiu felt a faint uneasiness in his heart.

Is there a ghost here?

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