His teammates expressed support for him, and Hibart detailed the dangers and difficulty of the mission.

The only thing they can do is to minimize unnecessary risks, stay vigilant, and unite as one. Only in this way can they survive in this desperate situation.

Subsequently, Hibart and others began a desperate struggle.

Each of them has experienced 007-style in-depth education and rigorous military training. The skills and knowledge learned there have now become the advantages they need to face extreme environments.

Their rugged steps left a long series of deep and shallow footprints, as if adding a brand of life to every snowy peak in this wilderness.

As the air gradually became colder, the team members' eyes began to feel numb. They raised their heads and saw layers of white mist. At this time, a thin voice passed through the air. They were very quiet, only His own breathing and inner thoughts.

Suddenly, a ball of snowflakes exploded, and the snow fell on their heads. They felt a burst of cold air, which made their hearts tremble...

"Quick, run!" Hibart shouted. At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the avalanche falling rapidly from above. At the same time, he waved his arms vigorously to remind his team members to obey the instructions and keep moving forward at a certain speed. run.

However, at this time, another large amount of snow suddenly rolled down from the side and surrounded them.

The team members tried their best to avoid, but fell into the snow. Their faces looked very frightened. "Don't move, keep breathing, I will save you!" Hibart shouted hurriedly.

He took out a tool specially designed for digging out snow and carefully began the rescue operation.

He constantly adjusted his body to find the most desperate position, placed himself in a safe position, and dug out gaps for the team members to take in oxygen and continue breathing.

Soon, the team members were found and rescued. They celebrated Hibart's courage and clever strategy and felt very lucky.

However, Hibart had no time to be happy. They had not yet arrived at Camp 4, which contained the supplies they needed to survive. If they could not arrive before the blizzard came, all their efforts would be in vain.

As the team members continued to move forward in the wilderness, they gradually approached their destination.

However, suddenly, they were blown down by a strong gust of wind and fell to the ground.

Hibbatt hurriedly grabbed the ground and hugged his teammates tightly as he began to use his skills and knowledge to build a safe haven using sand, rope, and tools.

They brought clean clothes and pure water, but the batteries had lost their effectiveness, making their movements more difficult.

Everything depends on their ingenious minds and agile skills to survive in this dangerous place.

Hibart and the others passed through a wilderness and experienced a thrilling escape, but in the end, they succeeded in reaching Camp 4 with their knowledge and skills. There, they found the items they needed, and at the same time, they also learned a lot of skills and knowledge about survival.

After Hibart and the others rested for a day, they were ready to set off for Camp 3. The sight in front of them was beyond words to describe. This snow-capped mountain was so stunning.

When they set foot on this mountain, they discovered that a huge ice sculpture appeared here. The hard snow and the terrain covered by ice and snow revealed a mysterious and unique temperament, like a kingdom of ice and snow.

"It's so beautiful here, but it's so cold!" Bob complained. He had been wrapped in several layers of thick clothes, but he still felt no warmth at all. Others also had cold expressions on their faces,

"Everyone, please come on, don't be trapped here." Hibart reminded the team from time to time.

After walking for several hours, they suddenly heard a gunshot.

"Who fired the shot?" Everyone turned to look at Mark and asked.

"I don't know, let's go and take a look!" Mark said and walked towards the direction of the sound, followed by the others.

They soon discovered the source of the gunfire. Behind the snowdrift not far away, there was a young man lying with blood all over his body.

Hibart immediately ran over to check, but the young man suddenly got up from the ground, picked up the gun and wanted to shoot Hibart and the others.

But others took advantage of themselves and quickly brought the young man under control.

The young man is obviously a member of the adventure group, but there is a scalpel-like wound on his back. What kind of horrific scene is this? Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked and confused.

In order to find out the young man's identity and the cause of the attack, Hibart and the others decided to go to Camp 3.

Before leaving, they found the body of one of the members of the adventure group in an ice cave. This man had similar wounds on his body.

"It seems that the attacker has already started inside!" Mark said, "We must increase our vigilance."

During the long journey, they continued to discover many tragic scenes.

As a result of the attack, many people died, and distrust and suspicion inevitably arose among the team members.

The situation has become very urgent and everyone is already trying to cross the river by feeling the stones.

Combined with extremely low temperatures and high snow, every step required caution.

On the third night, they finally reached Camp 3.

However, what awaited them there was a tragic massacre.

They lost all their bases, but their bottom line was bound by the government of country A, so they had to stay and fend for themselves. There were no defense facilities. The blizzard outside continued to blow, but inside they became a hunting ground for the devil.

People were holed up in tents with little medical equipment, and the situation was getting worse.

They took out their weapons to explore the situation, but unexpectedly found that the camp was filled with corpses with similar wounds, and some people had even turned into cruel beasts.

Moreover, the Hibart team had even lost contact, and they began to become very uneasy.

All mobile phone signals struggled to get through the deafening snowstorm.

"What's going on?" Mark suppressed his voice and hoped to express his feelings easily.

"Did any ghosts and gods cast a curse?" Bob stuttered, looking at the last traces of life next to him with a gloomy expression on his face.

Everyone felt the impact of this tragic scene, mutual trust became as thin as a veil, and mutual accusations and attacks continued to escalate.

But, in the darkest moment, a mysterious man appears.

He seemed to know the place well, and to know so well their numbers.

At the same time, he showed his special identity: the leader of the adventure team.

In this case, his appearance seemed to be a glimmer of hope, but soon after, he was discovered to have betrayed everyone. Since in this frozen place, he found an unknown place.

His ultimate goal was to find a lost artifact, and many people died in the hunt.

On the one hand, the Hibart team needs to stay away from this saboteur, on the other hand, they also need to find out the truth and meaning of this artifact.

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