The two people's voices became louder and louder, and they even pushed and fought with each other.

As the struggle intensified, they even forgot their mission. In this dangerous world, they felt that they could no longer survive, and all their will and courage were almost exhausted.

At this time, a young girl appeared beside them.

"What are you doing? Have you lost your original purpose?" the girl said.

The two were very surprised. They didn't know where the girl appeared from.

"Who are you? Why do you appear here?" Hibart asked.

"I am the guardian of this world, and I have been waiting for others to arrive. I can help you, I just need you to answer my questions."

"What's the problem?" Mark asked.

"What is your true purpose in this world? Why do you come here?" the guardian asked.

"We are here to rescue the princess imprisoned in the Chain Tower. This is an unforgivable mission and we must complete it." Hibart replied.

"I understand your purpose, but before completing this mission, you need to learn to survive in this unfamiliar territory and have courage." The guardian said.

A huge tree appeared in their sight. It was unique and spectacular in this desolate land. They walked under the tree and felt the life force radiating from the tree.

"This tree is the heart of the world. You need to pour your anger, fear and negative emotions on the trunk to let the world start again." The guardian told them.

The two walked to the tree and began pouring their emotions onto the trunk, all their pain, struggle, fear, and anger being absorbed into the wood.

Finally, they feel all their emotions calm down.

At this moment, they see a mirror. In the mirror, they have become different people. They have gained new ideas and lifestyles.

Back in the castle, they are no longer the Hibart and Mark of the past. They have become a stronger and more courageous team.

They began to crack the door code and entered the castle, preparing to rescue the princess imprisoned in the chain tower.

The chaotic corridors of the castle are full of traps and dangers. They came under the Chain Tower and found some clues. The tower is extremely strong and cannot be easily broken by any mechanical tool.

They decided to look for clues again, and finally found a special iron rod on the back of the castle, which could break the tower's iron chains.

They returned to the Chain Tower, and Hibart began to use the iron rod to crack, but an enemy suddenly appeared in front of them to stop them. This was a humanoid monster with mysterious powers and seemed to be able to manipulate shadows and souls.

Although the monster was incredibly powerful, Hibart did not back down from his fear.

When facing this monster, he realized that everything he had done in the past was to complete this mission in this place. This monster was the final challenge he needed to overcome. He concentrated all his strength and inserted the iron rod into the monster's body.

Mark was very surprised when he saw this scene, but he knew that it was already too late at this moment.

They managed to break the chains and the princess was rescued. The princess thanked them very much and expressed her gratitude. They returned to their city, spent an unforgettable night together, and shared stories about that strange world.

The next day, in order to thank Hibart for saving his life, the princess gave them a password box, saying that it contained the treasures they needed and the artifacts inside, but the password was forgotten. Seeing Hibart's surprised look, the princess smiled and said: Hibart Doctor, the password is in a Bible book named "Tianyuan" at Yale Notre Dame.

Hibart had no choice but to take over the lock box, bid farewell to the princess, and rented a carriage with Mark to go to Yale Notre Dame Cathedral.

Hibart and Mark looked at each other, took the lockbox, and secretly rejoiced. They knew this was a great opportunity, with the potential for unimaginable wealth and intellectual challenge. What's more, since the Bible was known, they had reason to believe that the code could probably be cracked.

So the two immediately got on the carriage and began a long journey. At this time, Hibart remembered something. He had studied theology at Yale University and was familiar with the Bible "Tianyuan". He believed that the book contained some kind of precious information, which might have some influence on the code. Helps.

On the way, Hibart kept recalling the Bible book "Tianyuan". Hibart told Mark that this Bible is the theological theory of Jesus and tells how the universe operates and is controlled. So what does the password have to do with that section?

They needed further confirmation, so they arrived at the church at Yale University to look for the Bible. Father Hopkins at Yale University Church received them. Hopkin said that he would not give them the Bible book "Tianyuan" easily. In exchange for the heretical theory of Copernicus, the sixteenth generation grandson of Copernicus must be captured.

Hopkin, gender: male, age: 50 years old. Appearance and personality traits: eerie, vicious, proficient in dark magic, weapon: dark scepter, equipment: dark robe, skills: dark magic, third-level first-level commander, mount: dark dragon.

Hibart had no choice but to go with Mark to arrest Brother Guan

They found out that Ge Laoguan was recently spotted drinking at a place called the Dark Bar, so the two decided to go there.

The Dark Bar is an ordinary bar, but it has some weird atmosphere.

The bar was filled with ashes and a strong smell of smoke.

Hibart and Mark split up to look for Brother Guan, but did not find him.

Suddenly, a mysterious man in black appeared at the door of the bar. He was secretly monitoring Hibart and Mark's every move.

Hibart and Mark felt something strange behind them. They turned around and saw a man in black.

The man in black had a gloomy face and exuded a strange aura. Hibart and Mark felt a shudder at the same time.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" the man in black asked coldly.

Hibart and Mark looked confused and said they were not following the man in black. But the man in black didn't believe it. He thought Hibart and Mark were the ones who came to trouble him.

"I know your purpose. You are here to see Brother Guan! Let me tell you, he is no longer here."

At this time, a drinker on the side suggested: "I don't know if it's Brother Guan, but I saw a ghostly figure here at noon today. He looked very strange."

Hibart and Mark suddenly felt that things were not simple. They looked at each other and decided to continue searching for the whereabouts of Brother Guan.

Outside the bar, they saw a pile of strange debris. Hibart curiously tried to lift one of them. The debris was actually very heavy, although it didn't look big. At this time, Hibart suddenly discovered a book called "The Master of Darkness".

Hibart opened the book, which contained some strange spells and symbols.

He thought of Hopkin's dark magic and felt frightened. Hibart suddenly heard Mark's scream. He turned his head and found that Mark had been surrounded by a strange black smoke.

Hibart hurried over and tried to rescue Mark. But he discovered that the black smoke had a magical power that prevented him from getting close to Mark.

Hibart couldn't help but feel fear. He realized that this was not a simple hunt, but a mysterious and dangerous conspiracy.

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