Earth's catastrophe, crazy black crystals begin to wreak havoc

Chapter 67 The Man in the Iron Mask in Black

The monkey ran towards a dilapidated building. Lisa Lun followed the monkey into a dark basement. There she discovers a mysterious door with the words "No Entry" written on it.

However, this did not stop Lisa's curiosity, and she began to explore this mysterious basement. It's very dark here, with only a few lights coming out. Lun Lisa was walking cautiously. Suddenly, a mouse jumped up and scared her half to death.

She suddenly heard a cry, and following the sound, she found a figure. It was a man in black clothes with an iron mask. He was lying on the ground with a knife in his hand.

Despite her timidity, Lisa Lun walked over to check the wounds of the Man in the Iron Mask. She discovered that his hands were severely injured and he appeared to be cutting himself.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked.

The man in the iron mask looked very angry. He suddenly grabbed Lun Lisa's hand and threatened: "Little thing, why don't you give me the monkey sign?"

Lun Lisa felt like she could hardly breathe. She didn't understand why the man wanted the sign so much, but she knew she could never give it to him. She threw the golden tiger gall in her hand at him and tried to run away.

But the man in the iron mask seemed to have failed to keep up with her. He stood up, found a key, opened the door, and motioned for Lisa to go forward.

It was suddenly bright inside the door, and Lisa Lun felt like she was going blind. But when she adapted to the environment, she found herself in a huge warehouse with a large number of boxes and goods.

The man in the iron mask pointed to one of the boxes and said: "Do you want news about your father? Then go and look in that box. There should be what you are looking for."

Lun Lisa walked slowly to the box without rhetoric and opened it. Inside is an old book page, which is densely filled with content. Use ideograms to describe: Lun Lisa's hand gently touched the yellow letter paper, feeling the texture of the paper, the heavy texture. The fonts on the letter paper are vigorous and powerful, deep and simple, without any moisture.

Lisa Lun began to read, her eyes sparkling. The page read: His father has been missing for two years. The author of the letter was her father writing to her mother. Her father is a scientist, but he takes a vacation every year to hunt for treasures in various dangerous places. Two years ago, he went in search of a legendary ruby ​​and never came back.

Lisa Lun felt sad to see this. She knew her father might be dead. However, her curiosity still drove her to read on. She noticed that the letter seemed to be hesitant. It started another paragraph and said: If I can survive, I will come back to find you after finding the ruby.

This passage feels a little weirder than the rest. Lun Lisa shook her head, unable to imagine what this meant. She continued to read and found the end of the letter: If I can't come back, please stay together and don't leave this country. No matter what happens, stay strong until I come back.

Lun Lisa's tears welled up like a fountain and dripped on the letter paper. She didn't want to lose her father. Things shouldn't end like this. She decided to continue looking for traces of her father so that he could return home safe and sound.

But she didn't know where to start. She remembered that the man in the iron mask once told her that he could accept her as his apprentice to help find her father. She paused, then silently said those three words: "Yes, yes, yes."

The man in the iron mask appeared. He asked: "Who do you think I am?"

"Are you my master?" Lisa Lun asked doubtfully.

"Wrong! Look at this!" The man in the iron mask took out a photo. The person in the photo looked very unfamiliar and was obviously computer generated. He was chubby, wearing a cuckold, holding a cigar in his hand, and looked very silly. The man in the photo looks a lot like a vulgar businessman.

"Which mysterious figure am I?" the man in the iron mask asked.

Lisa Lun hesitated, then said: "Are you a bad guy?"

"It's not advisable to label people randomly." The man in the iron mask said.

"Then who are you?"

The Man in the Iron Mask threw something at Lisa Lun, and she saw her photo. In this photo, he is wearing black clothes and carrying a shoulder bag with a knife. In the photo, she is holding a golden tiger gall. This photo made Lisa Lun feel very strange. She asked: "Is this true? How could I do this?"

"You should know." The man in the iron mask said.

"Is this me?" Lisa Lun began to feel bad.

"Of course." The Man in the Iron Mask said, "You are not with me and you don't know who you are."

Lisa Lun wanted to cry, but she didn't dare to cry. She said, "Then why did you find me? What on earth are you going to do?"

"It's simple, I need you to do something."

"whats the matter?"


"Kill who?"

"I'll tell you."

"Why kill him?"

"He is my enemy."

Lun Lisa thought of her missing father and wondered if this enemy was related to her father. But tearing up the photo will never allow you to regain your memory. She thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, I'll kill him for you."

The man in the iron mask was a little surprised. He asked, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Lisa Lun wanted to lift up her clothes to see if there were anything else, but she suddenly felt at a loss.

She didn't know what the man in the iron mask was thinking, but she had a strange feeling: she had walked into a place she didn't know about.

Lenlisa left the room with the photo still etched in her mind. However, she did not want to express her uneasiness directly to the man in the iron mask. After all, she needed him to help her find her father.

She planned to take action first and look for traces of her father herself. The first step is to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get her father's household registration book and check the information recorded in the household registration book. She thought of a friend who used to work in the Civil Affairs Bureau. This friend might be able to help her get her household registration book.

So, she went to find this friend. She entered the friend's office, who had left work and seemed to be getting ready to go home. Lenlisa explained her need, and the friend enthusiastically offered to help.

The friend told Lisa that she could find out information about her father by searching the archives. Lisa Lun felt extremely grateful. With her household registration information and the address of a geographer named John, she decided to visit John.

When Lisa arrived at where John was, she found that it was a very old town. John was a very special man, he didn't like to receive people. Lenlisa asked some local residents about John, but didn't get much help.

One afternoon, Lisa saw an old man sitting in front of an old-fashioned TV. He was drinking a cup of tea and seemed to be watching TV intently.

Lisa Lun stepped forward and asked, "Are you John?"

The man paused and nodded. He asked: "What do you want from me?"

Lisa Lun took out a photo of her father and said, "I'm looking for my father, and I heard that you might know something about him."

"Well, I think I know something about him. Come with me."

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