Even if Lieutenant Jiang was unhappy with his group, Yan Yu was not worried that the other party would do bad things because of personal grudges.

The reason is very simple: the discipline, obedience and ideological awareness of the soldiers of the Lu State are the best among human beings on this planet, and there is absolutely no false pretense.

No matter how unhappy I am with you, my mission will always come first, and I will never abandon public service for personal reasons.

Sure enough, everyone didn't wait long when they saw Colonel Jiang returning with two other military monks, and gave him a rough "Follow me" gesture.

It has the decisive and capable temperament unique to soldiers, but also has the meaning of "I don't want to talk to you anymore".

Yanyu waved without saying a word, signaling the girls to follow him quickly.

The scenic spots outside Wuyi Mountain are highly developed. The deeper you go, the more "natural and original" they become, and the roads become rough and rugged.

Deep in the valley with dense jungles and gurgling streams, everyone finally saw the entrance to the secret realm that was heavily guarded:

It is a lilac space crack, like a huge vertical scar, radiating twisted scars in the torn void, but it is not ugly - on the contrary, it is as colorful as an aurora, full of strange and strange things. Weird, indescribable charm.

This kind of entrance to a different space is not unique to the mainland, but has appeared all over the world with the progress of spiritual energy recovery. It's just that the entrances to other countries' territories don't lead to the world of immortality with the characteristics of the mainland.

The British call it the "Devil's Kiss", while the Chongying people call it the "God's Hidden Gap" in awe. From the name, you know that it is definitely not a kind place.

The three officers stared at the entrance to the secret realm with serious expressions. This thing swallowed up the first group of military monks who went in to explore, and also put Captain Jiang and others who were commanding the scene onto the fire.

The first group of monks did not send back any news, so sending a rescue team in was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth; but if they did not go to the rescue, the chance of survival of the missing monks inside would inevitably plummet, which was completely unacceptable to them.

Lieutenant Jiang turned his head calmly and secretly observed the expressions of these college students and monks.

Su Yunjin grabbed Yan Yu's sleeve from behind, obviously frightened by the weird and terrifying appearance of the entrance to the secret realm.

Lin Ning was not much better, but she could barely maintain her composure at this time, but her face was a little pale due to nervousness.

Chen Lingyun suppressed her smile, but there was not much fear on her face, but some complex emotions mixed with curiosity and deep thought.

As for Zhao Yuanzhen's reaction, it was completely opposite to that of the other three girls. His eagerness to try seemed to be mixed with a little bit of... greed?

If Colonel Jiang were to judge, none of these four people were in good condition before the battle.

Fear can limit rational thinking, and excessive tension can easily affect performance. Curiosity and deep thinking are signs of underestimating the enemy, not to mention eagerness to try and greed, which to some extent can be directly equated with recklessness.

People who have not received long-term military training are like this. Even if you stuff a rifle into her, she may not be able to aim at the enemy and shoot steadily... I really don't know why Jinling sent a group of college students over, demanding that it be completed as soon as possible. Secret exploration and personnel rescue require unconditional cooperation with these young people. Don’t they realize that these two orders are contradictory to each other?

However, among these five people, only Yan Yu could not fault him - because he had no expression on his face at all, and he was almost exactly the same as the three captains.

While maintaining concentration, the attention is also highly concentrated, but not to the point of excessive tension. This state is a qualified pre-war performance and is also the level that professional soldiers should possess.

Jiang Xiaowei silently made a conclusion in his heart, only to hear Yan Yu turn his head and say:

"Don't have too high expectations. The secret realm that will appear at this time is basically not difficult. I emphasize again, just use your usual training level."

Damn it! Captain Jiang immediately overturned the conclusion he just concluded. This man is the next biggest unstable factor!

He turned his head with a livid face and winked at the two lieutenants, Lao Wei and Lao Feng.

When you enter the secret realm later, you must first keep an eye on this stupid young man. Don't let him charge without permission and then take the lead and die instantly. By then, you won't even have a chance to save him.

"Still not leaving?" Yan Yu urged again, but the person speaking was changed to Captain Jiang.

Jiang Xiaowei Quan pretended not to hear, turned around and said:

"Lao Wei, go in first with me. Lao Feng, you follow them and are responsible for cutting off the rear."

"Okay." Feng Haiping agreed immediately.

Since the two military monks were willing to take the lead in clearing the way, Yan Yu certainly had no objection. He silently watched them walk towards the entrance of the secret realm. After his body was swallowed up by the distorted space scar, he made arrangements and said:

"Me, Lin Ning, Chen Lingyun, Su Yunjin, and Zhao Yuanzhen, go in in this order."

Then, he walked towards the entrance of the secret realm.

His vision was distorted for a moment, and then returned to normal.

Yan Yu entered the secret realm and looked around calmly.

All you can see is green water and green mountains, infinitely beautiful scenery, and nothing sinister at all.

According to the memories of previous lives, this cave-heaven blessed land should be called "Zhen Sheng Hua Xuantian", which was opened by a certain true monarch named Liu in ancient times.

The reason why it came out first in the early stage of spiritual energy recovery is because the concentration of spiritual energy inside is indeed low, and the average cultivation level of monsters is not high... If I remember correctly, it seems to be some kind of Otomu Chunsheng Realm?

Among the five elements, metal and fire are the most ferocious, followed by water and earth. Wood is the gentlest, and Yi wood is gentler than Jia wood. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a kindergarten.

As for why the military monks were trapped inside, it may be because they lack experience in exploring the secret realm. Knowing what you do is easy, not knowing how to do it is difficult. This has been the same throughout the ages.

Yan Yu looked back at the entrance. It wasn't until Brother Feng Haiping followed Zhao Yuanzhen in and all the team members arrived that he turned around and asked Chen Lingyun:

"How about it?"

Since Chen Lingyun entered the secret realm, she began to quickly observe the surrounding terrain, and at this time she had already come to a conclusion:

"Let's go there first."

She was pointing to the cliff in front of everyone on the right. First of all, it was relatively close, and secondly, the terrain was also high. If you use the cloud climbing technique to climb to the top, you can easily observe the surrounding environment further away.

"No." Lieutenant Jiang immediately objected, "Don't you see the woods over there? We want to go down the river."

The only way to the cliff ahead on the right is a large dense forest. Without any intelligence, it is obviously not a wise move to rush into the dense forest. What if there is an enemy ambushing in it?

On the contrary, if you follow the river to the rear and right, you can reach the hills with sparse trees in the distance. Although the height is far less than the cliff, the view along the way is good enough, and there is no need to worry about encountering an ambush.

Yan Yu did not comment on his order, and just asked lightly:

"In an unfamiliar environment, isn't it common sense in military operations to first find the commanding heights to survey the surrounding terrain?"

"The premise is that the commanding heights are easy to reach." Captain Jiang said coldly, "But the risks of entering that dense forest are obvious."

"Since we can't reach a consensus, let's act separately." Yan Yu smiled nonchalantly, "How about we head towards the cliff and you guys walk along the river?"

Break up! The military order above requires us to cooperate with you unconditionally!

Lieutenant Jiang suddenly looked extremely ugly and asked him coldly:

"Separate actions? What a good idea. What if you are ambushed in the dense forest and we are too late to support your troops?"

"Since you are worried that you will be ambushed if we separate." Yan Yu showed an expression of "you know it" and asked in surprise, "Then you shouldn't leave the large army and act alone. Isn't this the truth?"

Jiang Weiming immediately widened his eyes and took a deep breath of cold air, as if he was going to explode at any moment - Wei Yun and Feng Haiping next to him saw that something was not going well, and quickly held his arms on the left and right to act as peacemakers. He repeatedly advised:

"Forget it, Lao Jiang! Let's move together! Mission first! Just follow them!"

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