Bug Rescue Team

107. Goodbye Constantine

Laboratory, hospital bed, Constantine with various monitoring instruments inserted into his body.

Fifth Yue's mental power found Constantine almost as soon as he knew he was not online, but the Divine Prison Organization was faster. The Fifth Yue was one day behind the Divine Prison Organization, and it was already like this when we saw Constantine again.

"Constantine, Constantine, Constantine..." She used her spiritual power to awaken the dead Constantine.

"Queen, are you here? I thought I could sleep like this forever. Are you using your mental power to talk to me?"

"The people arranged by Tong Lu are already on the way. They will take you back to the empire. Remember to follow my instructions later."

"Queen, is your spiritual power protecting me?"

"Yes, as long as your brain is still there, you will not truly die."

"That's great. Can I still choose a younger body?"


"Queen, do you know? I have studied pharmacology with Lahar for a long time, and I know which medicines will produce wonderful reactions when combined together. Every time I go offline, I will ask Daisy to leave the family doctor. I hid a few pills secretly. As time went by, I had many, many pills..."

When Constantine said this, his tone was extremely proud, like a child hiding candy.

"Why are you hiding the medicine?" Fifth Yue guessed the reason, but she couldn't help but want to ask.

"Once I am targeted by the Divine Prison, this day will come sooner or later. In order to avoid being discovered by them, I decided to kill the brain and contaminate it. In this way, even if they take out the brain, they will not know what I have done... …”

Fifth Yue was almost angry to death by Constantine's behavior, "You are crazy. As long as your mental power is still there, no one in this world can kill you except me. Why bother?"

"Queen, did you really come to save me, or did Ian go and beg you?"

Fifth Yue was silent for a while and suddenly asked: "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Constantine smiled, "I know you like to listen to lies, because your life has just begun. But I have lived for too long, and I know very well how the world will weigh the pros and cons. You are willing to save me, that's because Ian is worth it. .”

"Proud Ian will also beg for help, which is a very rare scene. You should survive and continue to watch him, right?"

"The universe is beautiful, but I still want to stay on Planet Aquamarine. I love this planet more than my own life... Queen, can I ask you something?"

"Don't embarrass me." Fifth Yue was afraid of hearing words like taking care of Ian, and she was even more unwilling to refuse Constantine at this time.

"I would like to invite you to take a look at the house I have guarded all my life. There is a large field of pink roses on the outer wall there. Every summer, the roses climb all over the outer wall. It is so beautiful!"

"it is good."

Hearing this answer, Constantine suddenly began to murmur to himself: Many people ask me why I want to be a housekeeper. It is not difficult to find a decent job with my knowledge.

I also asked my father, why do you want to be a housekeeper?

The Somerhalders were not easy to get along with. Ian's mother is stupid and naive, and his father is a cunning pretty boy... The couple has no ability to make money, but is first-rate in causing trouble.

My father said: Don’t treat them as human beings, they are just indispensable protagonists in the game. Provide them with food when they are hungry, help them make decisions when they are confused, and help them finish things off when they are in trouble. The butler is the god in the game.

The perspective is interesting, but I don't like it. I still want to know why my father wants me to become a housekeeper.

My father said: What I want to protect is not this family, but a piece of history. Every family has a history. Countless family histories merge into the history of a country's rise and fall. Countless countries' rise and fall histories merge into the history of human civilization.

The Somerhalder family is just a very small note in the grand chapter of history. What I want to do is to let this note exist until the death of history.

This is a great mission, but I will eventually disappear into Somerhead's family history with regret.

After talking to himself, Constantine asked tiredly: "Queen, can you let me go?"

"A friend wants to give you a ride." As early as Constantine murmured to himself, she had pulled Adela into the mental network.

Constantine: "Really? That's great."

Ade: "Friend in my heart, you are the bright star. You are the beautiful poetry, which is like fine wine sprinkled in my heart, dispelling all worries and allowing me to pursue my dreams persistently. Friend in my heart, we have not been together for a long time, but The trust between us is indescribable, and the tacit understanding between us has long been formed. In countless days and nights, your poems can accompany me. Thank you fate for letting me know each other, and thank you for time for witnessing my friendship. Let's go , friends, we can still meet at the end of the universe."

"Thank you, Ade, this poem is really beautiful!"

"Goodbye, Constantine."

Fifth Yue did not know what medicine Constantine took. When his mental power stopped repairing, his brain became corrupted and diseased at an extremely fast rate. In this situation, not even Fifth Yue can do anything, and it is even less possible for Aquamarine people to obtain useful information from it.

This was the first person to die protecting the day, she noted.


There is a very large screen in the combat command room. Each time a mission is performed, the executor's helmet will transmit the entire execution process to the combat command room in real time, allowing the commander to adjust tactics at any time.

The plan to rescue Constantine was quite hasty. The rescue teams were all improvised and it was almost impossible to know the progress of the mission. That's what Yu Nan thought, but the facts were a bit different from what he thought.

When 1001 stayed in Bairi, Lu Tong said that he was a demigod because there was no civilization for him to iterate in Bairi. When 1001 came to Aquamarine, the Internet world was enough to make him a god instantly.

After the rescue mission begins, the rescuers are like puppets and do not need to think about anything, as long as they can act as required. Every move they make can be smoothly transmitted to the combat command room whenever they pass by a camera.

Seeing many smart brain users who were still sleeping, suddenly walked to the window like sleepwalking, opened their eyes, and provided line support for the command room... Yu Nan felt goosebumps all over her body, and she wanted to turn off her smart brain right away. Throw it away.

"how did you do it?"

"Previous generations of smart brains are fine, but the socket generation is more troublesome. If you feel scared, just learn from Lin Shen and use a mobile phone."

"Can you let me do this?"

"Yes, but no. I will not violate any behavior that is prohibited in the contract."

Yu Nan feels a bit ridiculous about artificial intelligence that abides by the contract. But I couldn't help but wonder, "Your developer stipulates that you must abide by the contract?"

"There is no such article in my code of ethics. I abide by the contract because I have an interest relationship with you, nothing more."

Yunan said to herself: You don’t have to comply, no one will know anyway.

"There is no need to test me verbally. I have nothing to fear from Aquamarine. I abide by the contract because I am willing to abide by it."

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