Bug Rescue Team

109. Big Eye Star

After Wu Yue made up her mind, her super execution ability made her busy instantly.

The strength of the Ninth Team was insufficient, so she strengthened the Ninth Team and took away the No. 97 heavy-duty soldier. She gave all the remaining eight insect soldiers to Dalia's command and deployment. He also told Dalia that insect soldiers can die, but people must survive.

On the day she left, she said to Ade: "If the enemy is too strong, just take the Marisanni and leave."

"Queen, are you sure you don't need me to do anything?"

Fifth Yue shook her head, Ade was not her dependent, the relationship between them was a transaction. Since it is a transaction, it will be executed as per the transaction. Ade is not good at fighting. If his magic does not deceive the Black Eyed Stars, the next battle will not be easily solved by him.


The universe is as silent as ever, and there are countless creatures like Wu Yue lurking in the boundless darkness.

Heavy Soldier No. 97 became her temporary spaceship. In order to make the flight more comfortable, she transformed No. 97 again.

In the past, if you wanted to own a bug soldier, you had to either leave the task to a bear or use your own abdominal cavity to hatch it.

It was different now, she could manifest the insect weapon she wanted directly through her mental power. As long as she has enough mental strength, even giant insect soldiers like Qijiao will be within her reach.

The brand new No. 97 heavy-duty soldier looks like an F16 fighter jet from a distance. The position that belonged to the cockpit was now a groove, just big enough for the fifth Yue to lie down in. The wings are elytra, and a pair of membrane wings are added below the elytra. The latter is mainly used to deal with cosmic meteorites, and can also be used to decorate things.

When she was still an insect, she didn't care much about her appearance. Scary and terrifying was enough. After using the human body, in order to look more like a human race, she prepared several sets of clothes and brought some seemingly useless supplies such as water cups...

Bai Ri is not very far from the Haitu Galaxy. As long as she has the coordinates, she can teleport there like Ade did. Being stingy has become a habit, and she doesn't like teleporting. If she hadn't been concerned about the safety of the day, she would definitely fly over slowly.

The first time I used teleportation, I also brought a huge number 97 with me. Like a meteorite, she penetrated directly through the atmosphere of Big Eye and fell into a valley.

Fire, smoke, and loud noises. The moment Wuyue fell to the ground, she was completely heartbroken. She had obviously planned to sneak over here, but why did it become like this...

That idiot Ade, why didn't he tell her that teleportation also requires technical skills? It made her mistakenly believe that teleportation is just like flying. After arriving at the designated coordinates, she still has time to descend smoothly!

Damn it! She scolded, pushing her hair away from her face. She thought to herself: Fortunately, Xiaoyue helped protect her face. It would have been so embarrassing if she had left a piece of facial makeup on the ground.


When Fifth Yue heard the sound, she was already surrounded by three people. She pretended to be frightened and shouted, "Oh my god!" Then she clung to No. 97 and looked nervously at the three besiegers.

An old man with gray hair, a strong man with scars on his face and a young man with a sickly face.

"Who are you?" the strong man asked again.

Fifth Yue tilted her head and asked in confusion: "Where is this?"

After the three people looked at each other, the strong man asked: "Can you understand what she said?"

The old man and the young man shook their heads.

Fifth Yue said again: "Wait, I have a translator." She pretended to click on the smart bracelet she got from Lahar. As the light lit up, she switched to the language of the chart galaxy and asked: "Where is this?"

During this period, the strong man with the weapon kept a close eye on her behavior. If there was any problem with any of her movements, she believed that the strong man would attack her without hesitation.

Before leaving, when she handed Team Nine to Dalia, the two had a long talk. She asked Dalia, if the queen was not dead and had hidden insect soldiers in the Chart Galaxy, where would these insect soldiers be hidden?

On the Zerg network, there are light spots in the Haitu Galaxy, indicating that there are insect soldiers staying in the Haitu Galaxy. This was evidence that she believed the Queen was not dead, and it was also one of the reasons why she did not want to come to the Haitu Galaxy.

In addition to Haitu Star, there are more than ten planets in the Haitu Galaxy. It is impossible for the queen to hide the insect soldiers on the star. There are more than ten planets left. If you want to find them one by one, it will take a long time.

Dalia thought for a while and said: If she were the queen, she would hide the insect soldiers in Big Eye. Because the Big Eye Star is a desolate star and the former residence of the Four-Eyed Star people, its significance is the same as that of the abandoned city of Aquamarine Star.

Abandoned cities and desolate stars are both places with depleted resources and unfit for habitation, but with countless civilizations remaining. Here in East XZ, it’s the typical darkness under the lamp...

After Dalia's review, Wuyue decided to change the route to Damuxing. If the queen is alive, she is confident that she can persuade the queen to help. If the queen's strength is greatly reduced, I don't mind killing the queen.

In a word, she and the Queen are of the same kind, and it is better to face the Queen directly than to go to the Black Eyed Star and face the gunfire.

After bidding farewell to Dalia, she went to Axiong's place again. With their future uncertain, she left Axiong and Ian with enough mental strength. She patted Axiong's hard shell and said to herself: I'm leaving. If you never come back, this mental power is enough for you to find a way to go back!

She thought that Ian would remain silent like the previous times, but this person suddenly said the moment she left: Her neural network is completely different from that of the Zerg. She can disguise herself as other races to communicate with people from the Haitu Galaxy. touch.

What does it mean "When three people are walking together, there must be one who is my teacher."

Dalia and Ian's guidance was like a beacon in the darkness, instantly lighting up her acting talent and restoring her fearful heart to calmness and fearlessness again. She was not originally a Zerg, so pretending to be a foreign race was natural and stress-free.

"What is this place?" she asked again. Seeing that the strong man's hands holding the weapon remained motionless, he could only add, "I caught this during my interstellar travel. I thought it was very interesting, so I followed it here."

No. 97 could not speak. Fifth Yue said that it was caught flying around, so it lay down obediently, pretending to be lifeless after being caught.

After Fifth Yue explained, the young man with a morbid look said: "This is called Big Eye Star, and what you captured is the Zerg. Big Eye Star was destroyed because of the Zerg. Can you let us check it out?"

"what to check for?"

"The Zerg are very good at camouflage. We have seen many Zerg appear as humans. We have instruments that can detect the difference between the Zerg and other races."

"Is it harmful to me?" The sickly young man shook his head and motioned to the old man to take out the instrument for Wuyue to test. Realizing that the team was headed by a young man, she asked again: "Can I trust you?"

The young man smiled, "My name is Nilka, his name is Pacey, and his name is Drax."

The fifth Yue smiled at the young man, "Hello, Nilka, my name is Marissanni May." After that, she said to the old man, "Hello, Drax." She said to the strong man, "Hello. , Pacey.”

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