Bug Rescue Team

15. 2 devils

Zijin was about the same size as a door. In order to let Zijin in, Ian had to dismantle the door.

When he sat in the doorless room and looked at Zijin's innocent beady eyes, his whole person was in a mess, and he felt that everything would become strange as long as he met Wu Yue.

Seeing this, Ade became very popular in poetry, "A fool wanders in the world, not caring about gains and losses in life, only caring about the joy of the moment.

A fool sees through the chaos of the world, is not troubled by fame and fortune, and has the melody of nature echoing in his ears.

The figure of the Fool is like dust, drifting and gathering in the wind, leaving behind a string of wonderful legends.

In the eyes of the world, they are fools, like ghosts written by masters, but in their hearts, free and true souls live alive.

May we all learn to be like a fool, go forward without looking back, and find our own brilliance. "

Ian suddenly smiled, Ade reminded him of Constantine. It wasn't that he didn't feel anything when he returned to Planet Aquamarine, but this feeling was too shallow. If he didn't pay attention, he would be buried in research as deep as the sea.

"Ade, if you don't mind, I'll teach you how to edit genes now!"

"Oh! It's my pleasure."

When Wuyue and Ian were hiding in the room to eat, Lin Shen was also enjoying dinner. He ate eggs, chicken breasts, and boiled vegetables with an expressionless expression. While eating, I was suspicious. Fifth Yue actually insisted on eating this kind of food for four years. How did she persist?

If you want to understand a person, he doesn't mind repeating that person's life, as long as it is useful...

When the whole city fell into darkness due to power cuts, Wuyue was called into the office by Lin Shen.

"Little Star, come here and help with lighting!"

Fifth Yue really wanted to write a book, and she had already thought of the title "After Swallowing the Star, I Became His Lighting Tool".

Unable to use her mental power, she could only accept her fate as a tool bug. Besides, she was very curious about Lin Shen's purpose of staying on Aquamarine Star.

Following Lin Shen's instructions, she flew to the desk and used it as a desk lamp, changing the intensity of the light freely. Lin Shen said gratefully, "This light is fine, keep it up, you are great!" After saying this, he did not forget to compare his feelings.

Fifth Yue: "..."

I'm actually very happy. Is this the resonance between tool bugs and tool people?

Lin Shen's work is basically done by phone. From the person he called, we can know that he has three purposes for staying on Aquamarine.

First, to solve the problem of dead mold, as long as the land can be restored to cultivation and the people of Planet Aquamarine are better off, they will be able to send more things to Bairi.

Second, promote the game "Zerg". I want to turn Dayi into a planet with civilization and become a real Maresian Ade star. It has to be the same as before, build infrastructure first, and then focus on civilization. In short, it cannot be a bare desolate star.

Third, cooperate with Dalia to train insect soldiers and prepare for the attack on the Four-Eyed Star.

The solution to the first problem lies entirely with Ian and Ade, who just bargains and collects what he deserves.

The solution to the second problem is that he is arranging tasks for the game company over the phone. When she learned that he was going to send the game warehouse to the abandoned city, Wuyue was very surprised and wanted to ask Adelaide to find out. He had already explained it to Lu Tong on the phone.

He believes that the bad people in the abandoned city are not entirely bad people. The key to their crime or innocence depends on the environment they are in.

There are some people who are naturally rebellious and don't like to be restrained by the law, but they are not the kind of heartless people who only bully the weak. For this special group of people, instead of exiling them, it is better to send them to work on infrastructure during the day. Once attacked again during the day, these people will never sit still and wait for death, but will try their best to deal with the enemy.

There was a deeper thought that Lin Shen couldn't explain to Lu Tong. People who come from the abandoned city have no sense of belonging to the country, let alone loyalty. Send them to occupy the mountain in the daytime and become the king. When Lu Tong is unwilling to provide manpower, they will be the reserves of Wuyue.

The third problem was solved by Dalia, who was responsible for cooperating and trying to coordinate the relationship between Dalia and Ian.

He and Dalia communicated through spiritual power. As long as they used spiritual power, there would be no secrets for Fifth Yue. Yue Wu heard all the conversation between the two. When Dalia learned that he was only responsible for cooperation, she suddenly said: My Goddess of May, why did you use two devils to test my loyalty!

Fifth Yue was confused. She couldn't agree more that Ian is the devil, because she is also a victim. She found it unbelievable to say that Lin Shen was a devil. Lin Shen always gave her a good feeling, except for her poor taste...

It was late at night, and when the darkness began to erode the Aquamarine people's brains with sleepiness, Fifth Yue felt that it was time to sleep. Zhong, who could not sleep originally, had a chance to breathe after her mental power and black spots fell asleep one after another.

When Lin Shen saw that her light began to become unstable, bright and dim like breathing, he suddenly asked: "Little Xingxing, do you want to sleep?"

Fifth Yue turned around in cooperation.

"Okay, I'll take you to bed!"

Fifth Yue: "..."

Why do you use such a coaxing tone? Have you forgotten that he is facing a star?

When the stars sleep, it is a natural disaster!

While she complained, she allowed Lin Shen to catch her into the bedroom.

Lin Shen's bedroom is very large, and the dressing room alone can meet the living requirements of a family of three. Fifth Yue glanced at this man's dazzling array of clothes and thought to herself: After spending so long together, she didn't realize that he was still a fashionista and loved to dress himself up so much.

"Little Xingxing, do you prefer to sleep by the window or against the wall? By the window, you can see your companions outside." Lin Shen said and put Wu Yue on the bed by the window and went to the bathroom. .

When he walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, Wuyue's light was instantly dazzling.

Lin Shen and Ian were transformed very early. When the two underwent transformation, they were both in their twenties, and were in their prime both in terms of figure and appearance.

Lin Shen's muscle lines are very beautiful, and he looks like someone who has a habit of exercising. Ian's muscles are not bad, but his muscles are the result of training after becoming a pioneer crew member. Many of his lines are not as good-looking as those produced through deliberate training.

Fifth Yue has worked as a personal trainer for so many years. If nothing else, she looks at Rourou with a very vicious look.

Logically speaking, Lin Shen does not need to take a bath, as the transformed skin has its own cleansing function. But he enjoys the feeling of hot water on his skin and likes to maintain many of the habits he had as a human. If you want to be the anchor of the fifth moon, you must first ensure that you are full of emotions and will not forget everything about Aquamarine Star.

He lay down on the bed and said good night to Fifth Yue. Then he turned his back to Fifth Yue and chose to sleep on his side. Fifth Yue looked at his back, counting his breathing rhythms, just like counting sheep, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

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