Bug Rescue Team

2. Internal and external troubles

If Wu Yue looked at the entanglement between the Zerg Queen and the Four-Eyed Stars from the perspective of a bystander, she would definitely praise the Four-Eyed Stars.

The Four-Eyed Stars have a very outstanding leader - Prince Wells. Knowing that the planet's civilization lagged behind the Zerg civilization, he was able to bend and stretch himself, and sacrificed himself to buy the four-eyed star time to develop.

His subordinates are also very good. They hide the pride of the human race and collectively transform into Zerg believers. Whether they are mecha warriors or starship members, they all spontaneously modify their mechas or starships to look like insects in order to confuse the queen...

For a full ten years, they deceived the queen without showing any signs of the problem...until ten years later, they used facts to prove that low-level civilizations can also severely damage high-level civilizations, and it is possible to slap them in the face by leapfrogging.

When recalling this part, Wuyue found that she belonged to the camp that was slapped in the face. She put aside the perspective of a bystander and assumed the identity of the Zerg, and was suspicious of many of the queen's actions.

The Queen is obviously a career bug, so why does she fall in love with Wells who is several decades old at the age of ?

On the day of the attack, if she was willing to try her best, the worst outcome would be that both sides would be injured... Could she commit suicide?

In the universe, when it comes to individual strength, the Zerg Queen is definitely on the list. Not only can its mental power be woven into a shield to withstand starship attacks, it can also invade the enemy's mind anytime and anywhere, turning the enemy into a friendly force.

Wu Yue refused to believe that such a tyrannical being could lose. Unless the memories left behind by the Queen, the images of her sweeping across the galaxy are all false...

Daydreaming is the choice of the weak, while the strong only have foresight.

The Queen is not a weakling. Even if she is caught off guard, she should not give up so quickly.

Fifth Yue was vaguely aware that the Four-Eyed Stars may not know yet that their artificial intelligence has developed self-awareness.

After all, the strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves is just a check and balance if used well, but if used incorrectly, there will be endless trouble...

No matter what, the queen did not choose to resist. She lost and the four-eyed star won.

If the Four Eyes people really don't know, their artificial intelligence has become self-aware. Then the mess left by the queen is not easy to clean up at all, and it will probably keep the Four Eyes people busy for a long time.

The fifth Yue doesn't like to think and is very insensitive. After accepting the Queen's inheritance, she was forced to think about a huge number of things.

Think carefully, think carefully, think carefully again, and then tremble.

What she once thought was a gift from heaven might turn out to be a trap from heaven, and she was already trapped in the middle.

As mentioned before, the spacecraft she was on was shot down, and she fell to this planet along with the life-sustaining capsule. And because the life support capsule was damaged, he had to wake up from hibernation.

That is to say, there was almost no interval between the time she woke up and when she was swallowed by the "dream".

where is this?

Where am i?

what happened?

Before he even had time to think, he turned into a monster in the blink of an eye! it hurts! I'm dying!

Her eyes were dark, her nasal cavity was filled with fluid, and only 1001 kept repeating in her brain, "Warning, warning, the life value cannot be monitored, please seek medical assistance as soon as possible..."

As the saying goes: Even if the chicken dies, it still needs to kick its legs, but don't accept your fate.

It’s impossible to kick your feet…

"Dream" is two meters long and she is meters tall. "Dream" started devouring her head, barely swallowing half of it, and the remaining half fell outside, including her feet!

I can't kick my feet, and I don't want to accept my fate. When she was about to die, she decided to pull "Dream" on her back to make death somewhat worthwhile.

"1001, I need to blow myself up!"

As a poor "tinder", women's rights protection organizations specifically applied for the right to refuse for her.

That is to say, when she does not want to fulfill her responsibilities as a firebrand, she can detonate the explosives in her body and choose to terminate herself.

Rejection = self-destruction!

What a ridiculous means of protection, but at this moment, absurdity has been given a new meaning of pulling people to death.

According to the settings, once she decides to self-destruct, the brain 1001 connected to her nerves will automatically enter standby mode until it is awakened again.

The self-destruction begins.

The Queen's legacy comes from heaven.

The two couldn't tell who was first and who was last, and the result was that the legacy chose her instead of "Dream".

Fifth Yue escaped from death and was wondering what happened... 1001's mechanized greetings rang in her mind.

She was so insensitive that she only cared about why she turned into a bug. I didn't even bother to think about who woke up 1001.

After she finished reading the Queen's gift, she thought of this problem belatedly. And it is suspected that the artificial intelligence of the Four-Eyed Star has stayed in the queen's head along with her mental power.

Once suspicion arises, she no longer trusts Zhinao. After testing it several times, 1001 behaved very artificially, and it was this intelligence that confirmed her suspicions.

The fifth Yue’s home planet is called Aquamarine, and it is in the stage of a first-level civilization moving towards a second-level civilization.

The smart brain produced by Aquamarine has almost the same functions as a smartphone except for the function of connecting nerves. Even because of her limited authority, the smart brain is not as good as a mobile phone in many cases.

For this reason, when 1001 can answer questions such as "how to unlock the life-saving cabin" and "how to convert Aquamarine people into Zerg".

She was certain and certain that the artificial intelligence of the Four-Eyed Star had indeed been smuggled into her brain along the Zerg network.

The Zerg are very powerful and have very powerful gene editing capabilities and gene repair technology.

When the queen's mental power pours into the "dream" body and selects her brain to start editing and repairing, the smuggled artificial intelligence can be easily erased by mental power.

However, an accident happened...

Her brain not only has nerves, but also a chip connected to the nerves. The smuggled artificial intelligence was hidden in the chip and pretended to be Intelligent Brain 1001, successfully avoiding the fate of being erased by mental power.

In other words, out of the four candidates, she was the only one unlucky.

Think, think, think!

She not only has internal worries, but also external ones.

According to the rules, there can only be one Zerg Queen, but there are four candidates.

The "mother" closest to her was sleeping soundly on the side of the bed. The positions of the remaining "flowers" and "ministers" are clearly marked on the Zerg network.

The entire tribe is waiting for them to fight each other to determine the final winner.

It is difficult to be a human being, and it is even more difficult to be an insect than to be a human being. She had no idea whether it was insect-eating or insect-eating... just because the human brain and the insect brain were quite different, and the mental power suitable for the insect brain was a bit difficult for her to "digest".

If the queen's mental power is compared to the sea, then the brain that receives the mental power can barely be regarded as a river, and the supporting neural network can be regarded as a tributary of the river.

When a large amount of sea water flows into a river, the Zerg brain will allow the sea water to overflow the river channel, and even wash away the river channel and its tributaries... In a vast ocean, sea water will reshape the river channel, and its tributaries will also change with the change of the river channel.

Of course, when seawater enters the river, it is still seawater.

The human brain is different from the Zerg brain. The human brain has a self-protection mechanism.

When we are hurt, in order to protect us, it will directly short-circuit, causing fainting in the body.

When we encounter unbearable mental pain, it will help us hide our memories, and the effect on the brain is amnesia.

When the Queen's mental power poured into Fifth Yue's brain like sea water, its self-protection mechanism was activated. It built a dam on the river, directly blocking the sea water within the dam.

Fifth Yue calls this dam: emotional barrier.

A long time ago, when she had no mental power, she encountered something on Planet Aquamarine. Her choice of self-protection at that time was to forget.

She did not recall any painful, unpleasant, or even embarrassing emotions. And deceive yourself, as long as you don't think about it, it doesn't happen.

After possessing mental power, she could look inside her body... and was surprised to find that her brain divided herself into two areas on its own initiative.

The area she once used to store her unpleasant emotions was trapped in her brain, which would hurt her mental energy. The emotions that made her painful and uncomfortable were now like an iron wall, blocking the spiritual power that wanted to rush out.

The brain is very smart and knows that the queen's mental power is very fierce and she cannot be sleepy for a long time. It divided another area, specifically for the fifth Yue to adapt to the Queen's mental power.

Fifth Yue thought that if the Queen's mental power was used without being transformed, would it mean that other candidates could easily take it away?

In short, it is impossible to use the adaptation zone to adapt to mental power. She uses this area to transform mental power. Since the transformation process is comparable to reshaping a neural network, the pain index is very high and the transformation time will be very long.

While other candidates were able to master mental power in just one pain, she was still releasing the torrent of mental power from behind the emotional barrier bit by bit, transforming it bit by bit, and actively withstanding the impact of mental power on the neural network. of scouring.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, no matter how painful it is, you can only endure the path you have chosen!

Apart from anything else, her fine control of mental power must be better than other candidates.

Maybe it won't be long before all the mental power in the brain can be transformed. By then, she should complete the small goal she set - a showdown with 1001.

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