Bug Rescue Team

439. Jun 1 hair

After the inhibitor researchers in the dungeon were stolen, the managers believed that the Radiant Man had the ability to independently develop inhibitors. Their demand on the dungeon has been far less than the threat they pose to the dungeon.

In addition, the Radiant Man has been destroying the communication network within the underground city and the high wall, causing information lag in the two places for a time. The managers suspected that the radioactive people were already preparing to break into the dungeons and high walls...

In order to ensure the safety of the dungeon, the administrator not only put a small amount of undetectable toxins into the inhibitor, but also planned to unite with the people inside the wall to fight against the radioactive people.

The administrator is worried that there are spies of radioactive people in the dungeon, and the level of this mission is particularly high. Simon's ability to successfully replace others requires not only his own efforts, but also the help of his fellow Aquamarine Stars.

Thinking of the batch of toxin-added inhibitors in the car, he felt that the relationship between normal people and radioactive people had reached a critical moment. If you are not careful, the two sides are very likely to break out into a war. I don't know which side has a greater chance of winning when the radioactive people with superpowers face off against the thermal weapons in the dungeon.

The two armored vehicles that cleared the way left the underground city and headed for a radioactive settlement closest to the empire's territory. Behind the armored vehicle are many small vehicles. The owners of these vehicles are called gold diggers. They rely on the edge of the radiation zone to search for supplies to obtain living resources.

Simon and his colleagues did not ride in an armored car, but hid in a gold digger's car according to the arrangements of the managers. Inhibitor researchers are treasures for radiation people, and managers don't want anything to happen to them.

As the vehicle got further and further away from the underground city, Simon took the initiative to strike up a conversation with the driver and asked him what he thought of the Radiant Man.

Drivers say they like to call radioactive people "defective." Because in order to ensure product quality, manufacturers will destroy defective products in accordance with regulations. The Radiant People are defective products. They should have disappeared long ago. If the dungeon hadn't been providing them with inhibitors, how could they have developed into what they are now, and how dare they compete with normal people for resources...

Simon could understand the driver's attitude. For gold diggers looking for resources in radiation areas, radiation people are their competitors. Naturally, the fewer such competitors, the better.

But he didn't quite understand the driver's desire to completely eliminate the radioactive people. The radioactive people were originally normal people, but they became what they are now because of the war. We are all of the same kind, is it necessary to get rid of them quickly?

He tentatively expressed some of his thoughts, but not only was he not recognized by the driver, but he was defined by the driver as: the Holy Father in the ivory tower!

The driver said that Planet Aquamarine has limited resources and it is very difficult to feed so many people in the underground city. In his opinion, radioactive people should not be alive. Their existence will only drag down the normal people in the dungeon.

The victims of that war have long since died, and the radioactive people now are all monsters. They have grown up together with the mutated creatures in the radiation zone since childhood. They can do nothing but continue to reproduce and ask for things from normal people. The so-called mutant radiation humans are just like animals, with well-developed limbs and simple minds, and have no idea what civilization is...

Simon wanted to reason with the driver. Human beings' innate reproductive instinct should not be criticized. As war victims, the radiated people are already miserable. How can normal people deprive them of their right to reproduce?

The Radiant Man has never simply asked for inhibitors from within the walls and dungeons. The behavior of both parties has long been defined as assistance.

Normal people do their best to provide medicine to the irradiated people to reduce their pain and allow them to live like normal people. Radiated people go deep into the radiation zone to find resources for normal people, and act as living test subjects for inhibitors. Without the various physical data provided by the radiation people, they would not have dared to leave the dungeon and be exposed to the radiation zone.

After thinking about it carefully, Simon said nothing. The two sides had long-standing grievances, and it was by no means something he could resolve with just a few words. He believed that there must be someone in the underground city who was deliberately leading normal people to hate radiation people. How could racial sentiments outweigh vested interests?

Seeing that the driver was getting more and more aggressive in scolding, he glanced at his two companions with a headache. According to his observation, these two people should also be from Aquamarine, otherwise they would not have allowed him to discuss such a sensitive topic with the pilot.

The three people looked at each other for confirmation. The person sitting in the passenger seat who was responsible for repairing the communicator suddenly got up and knocked the driver unconscious with two "snaps" and dragged him to the passenger seat.

To show his sincerity, Simon took the initiative to introduce himself as a government worker. The man who did it was unambiguous and said he was a special police officer. The man sitting next to Simon, after repeatedly confirming that the driver was unconscious, said that he worked for the National Grid.

After a brief introduction, the power grid worker added: His main task is to monitor and protect the special police and Simon...According to the plan, their vehicle will part ways with the armored vehicle sooner or later. It is better to take the opportunity to break away from the convoy and shift the responsibility to the gold diggers...

The SWAT officer said it didn't matter and said he had quietly prepared a lot of weapons.

Simon quickly formulated an escape plan, and the three people successfully left the convoy and headed to a certain communication base station.

On the way, they met Lu Xukun who was wandering around. The latter was originally going to the settlement where Fred was. After walking a few hundred meters, he thought that the settlement would not run away. Finding his companions would give him information, but it would not solve the problem. Instead of wasting time searching, it is better to take a closer look at the radiation zone and see if this devastated land can be saved.

Lu Xukun had never played any role, but Simon recognized him at a glance and hurriedly asked the special police to stop the car.

"What's going on with you?"

Lu Xukun stared at Simon curiously, "You are someone I know." The latter was silent, and he continued: "We met before the trial." The latter blinked, and he continued to analyze, "You didn't wear a A helmet means you have been treated with an inhibitor and you are from a dungeon, not a wall."

Simon gave a thumbs up.


"how do you know?"

"The way you stand betrays you." What Lu Xukun said before the trial actually meant the time of the concert. As long as the time was right, he didn't know many people at that time.

Fred and he were both military cadets, and their posture was completely different from ordinary people... Simon also received professional training, but special work required him to disguise himself as if he had not been trained... His disguise was useful to ordinary people, but it was useful to Lu Xu Kun is useless.

"Kimura, inhibitor researchers, they are my companions. Our trip is to find the base station near the wall...to repair the communication between the wall and the underground city." Simon said everything that needed to be said in just a few words. . But this information was not enough for Lu Xukun, who was eager to understand the world.

"System, can I chat with them openly?"

"Yes, but you have to promise not to use mechas in the following activities."

"No problem!" Lu Xukun answered very easily, but he thought in his heart: What can I do if I use you?

1005 seemed to guess that he would break his promise, and then said: "If you use mecha, I don't mind restarting the world."

Lu Xukun: "..."

This is 5X! She has a completely different style of behavior from Yarina, and she actually learned to threaten!

Afraid that he was not clear enough, 1005 continued: "The Queen uses the Flower of Time to make the flow of time here different from that in the real world. In order to maintain the virtual world, the energy she consumes every day is no less than what she obtains from Aka."

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