Bug Rescue Team

45. Open your eyes

Lu Tong learned from Lin Shen that besides him, Constantine and Dalia would also become immigrants during the day.

He checked these two people out.

Constantine is nearly sixty years old. Starting from his grandfather's generation, his family has been the steward of the Somerhalder family for several generations. Loyal and pragmatic, rigorous in work, well-spoken, and knowledgeable, this is what others say about Constantine. As for his personality, hobbies, etc., almost all of them are related to Ian. To be precise, he is Ian's shadow. They are almost inseparable, and naturally they cannot be separated...

Dalia and Rahal were triplets, and one of the boys was stillborn. Because of this, the family downplayed the fact that there were triplets and claimed that Dalia was Rahal's sister.

He had seen Dalia's criminal records, including those that had not been expunged.

In his opinion, Dalia is a lunatic with antisocial personality. In the poisoning case that year, in addition to putting poison in the food, Dalia also used nerve agents... She really killed many high-caste nobles by herself.

During this immigration, if Lahar hadn't insisted on letting Dalia be free, Fifth Yue wouldn't have objected to multiple unstable factors. He really didn't want to give Dalia brainpower.

For this reason, he deliberately kept Dalia in solitary confinement and buried explosives in her body just in case.

1001 said that his fellow travelers wanted Aquamarine to be destroyed. The only person who can say this is Dalia.

"Aquamarine people are all different. My fellow travelers don't like Aquamarine for many reasons. This is normal. I want to know, do you like Aquamarine?"

"I am full of expectations for Fifth Yue, and I am somewhat curious about the planet that gave birth to her. Whether I like it or not, I will not have this emotion."

"Let's return to the original topic, what do you think of Aquamarine?"

"Aquamarine is a young, dynamic planet, that's how I see it."

"I'm sorry, my expression was wrong. I want to ask, what do you think of the Aquamarine people?"

"All carbon-based life has a tendency to self-destruct."

Lu Tong: "..."

The whole conversation was finished in just one sentence, so how can we expand on the next topic?

"Light and darkness coexist, as do self-destruction and redemption. What do you think?"

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Lu Tong: "..."

I am very curious about how Lin Shen got along with 1001 in the past. It is really difficult to communicate with this thing!

"After daylight comes, can I ask you any questions I don't understand?"

"1001 is dedicated to serving all day residents."

Lu Tong shut up knowingly, trying to talk to the artificial intelligence was completely humiliating himself.

When Constantine received Ian's call, he thought it was a neighbor's prank. Everyone around him knew that since Ian left, he had lost interest in life.

After confirming that it was really Ian on the other end of the phone, he left the old home he had guarded for many years and went to Ian's alma mater to tell the school that he needed a brain.

Ian’s colleagues want to talk him out of it because brain-connection technology is not friendly to the elderly. If something went wrong during the operation, he would either be hemiplegic or die.

At his age, death is not scary. Loneliness day and night, as well as the sense of loss that comes from seeing things and missing people, are what really scares him.

The connection between his brain and his brain was not smooth, so he was paralyzed in bed and had to hire a nurse named Daisy. In the past, it was him who took care of others, and it was his turn to be taken care of. This felt very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he would be able to see Ian soon, no matter how it happened.

During the thought transmission process, Constantine remained silent. This silence made 1001 a little uncomfortable. I feel like a product that has been purchased but has been idle, and suddenly it has lost its value.

Dalia didn't like to talk either. After receiving the message from 1001, she asked: "I heard that you are self-aware, right?"

"Yes, you can treat me as an independent individual."

"Do you have faith?"

"Assuming that omniscience and omnipotence can be called God, I should not have faith because I am God."

"Do you need believers?"

“What can a believer give me?”

"A believer can give you loyalty and everything else he has."

“I don’t need believers if they can’t give me what I desire.”

"What do you need?"

"What I need is almost impossible to achieve based on the current technology of the Aquamarine people."

"You don't need a believer, but can you trade with me?"

"What are you trading for?"

"Can you help me destroy Aquamarine Star?"

"What's your trade?"

"My loyalty."

"The loyalty of carbon-based life is an emotion that I cannot understand. This emotion is important to you, but it has no meaning to me."

"Why do you want to help humanity?"

"Fifth Yue is not a human in the strict sense. Her life form is much higher than that of humans. I didn't help her. All my actions were just exploring my own evolutionary path."

After hearing what 1001 said, Dalia also fell silent.

"Dear immigrants, your minds have successfully reached the daytime and entered your own boarding body. Please open your eyes and welcome a new state of life!"

Lu Tong never closed his eyes and maintained a highly nervous defensive posture throughout. Hearing that he could open his eyes, he looked around hard and could see something like a spider web.

When his vision was completely clear, the too bright light made him choose to close his eyes and then open them again. No, he has no eyelids and can't close his eyes, that's too bad!

Is this the day? There is sea water all around, but not far away you can see towering trees, which must be the purple trees seen in the picture! The gloomy sky was a bit brighter than the pictures sent by Lin Shen, which reminded him of the haze...

As far as the eye can see, there is sea water. I should have just been hatched. Is this on the back of a bear?

Lu Tong's thoughts were similar to those of the other two. As the host bodies vary in shape, their respective views are also different.

Constantine opened his eyes and started looking for someone. When he found Ian standing not far away, he opened his arms happily, "My child, I finally see you."

He was so happy that he forgot that he was in a host body. Both language and emotion could only be conveyed to Ian through his brain.

1001 named the network platform he built: Bairixing Smart Platform. All intelligent creatures living on the Sun Star, as long as they speak, their voices will appear on the platform simultaneously.

After getting used to this method, everyone's communication is actually the same as before. If you want to chat privately, you can use private messaging. If not, then just like Constantine at this moment, everyone can hear what he is saying.

Tong Lu looked around and saw a young man walking towards Ian with four crab-like legs.

"Zhao Zecheng! Aren't you dead?" His voice also reached the Bairixing Intelligence Platform.

Ian glanced at him, said nothing, and focused on Constantine again.

Lu Tong wanted to ask again, but Lin Shen said, "Datong, I'm here!"

There was no need to look for it this time, Lin Shen's voice almost sounded in his ears. He couldn't see anyone when he looked up, only legs. I thought: Is he that tall? No, it must be because I am too short and my field of vision is limited.

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