Bug Rescue Team

64. The curse brought by power

After Fifth Yue was hit by the Queen's inheritance, the first thing she studied was her body. A good person suddenly turns into a worm. If you don't study the body, what else can you study...

Discovering that her mental power could enable inner vision, she studied her new body over and over again. According to research, it was found that the most important thing in the body is the neural network of the Zerg. It is like a tree trunk. With its existence, the rest can be produced through gene editing.

For example: what kind of branches and leaves need to grow on the trunk, whether there need to be flowers, what color flowers, etc.

After her body was pricked by the scarlet cutie, she thought there was toxin or something in the prick, which caused her body problems. Otherwise, there is no reason to need mental power to heal the wound multiple times.

A closer look revealed that the problem was with the neural network. Still using the tree trunk as an analogy, black spots suddenly appeared on the trunk that was supposed to transport nutrients to the branches and leaves. This kind of dark spot is not painful or itchy, but it keeps spreading along the nerve network.

She tried to use her mental power to cure the dark spots, but found that it was better not to use her mental power. Once she used her mental power, it would accelerate the spread of the dark spots.

Considering that previous wounds could only be healed after repeated attempts, she carefully controlled her mental power, used the patience to peel off stickers, and began to remove the dark spots bit by bit.

As soon as a dark spot was removed, a light black mark appeared in another place in a blink of an eye. If you choose the light black one first, the dark black one will quickly become two pieces. If she continued to remove the dark black ones, by the time she was done, the light black ones would have turned into dark black.

Facts have proven that mental power can indeed transform dark spots. But you have to bear the pressure of transforming one dark spot into two.

At the same time, she realized that the dark spots and mental power seemed to have the same origin... This reminded her of cancer. Cancer cells were once normal cells before they mutated.

Why do dark spots appear? Did she do something, or were the dark spots always there but just not showing up?

When Ian told her that spiritual power was a gift from higher civilization to the Zerg. She suddenly remembered a question that had been bothering her for a long time - what was the Queen looking for.

If nothing else, the Queen left her home planet and has been traveling through the stars. Her purpose is to find a way to cure dark spots.

The four-eyed star can easily kill the queen, not because the queen doesn't resist, but because resisting will only lead to faster death...

If the frequency of use of mental power is directly proportional to the spread speed of black spots. "Flower" will die, probably because she hatched so many scarlet cuties in a short period of time.

Axiong didn't get sick. It was most likely that his mental power had been taken away before he even got sick.

She has never hatched insect soldiers, and has always been very restrained in her use of mental power. The only mistake was that he was too greedy and insisted on transforming the seven-legged and jelly bugs into his dependents. This behavior brought her into contact with too much of the queen's spiritual power. Perhaps when those spiritual powers were transformed, the black spots were already lurking in her body.

No wonder "Flower" will leave her mental power until her death, because she is aware of the problem of mental power. She even took back the mental power she had given away from Little Cutie. She didn't want Little Cutie to be like her.

This is also when Fifth Yue used the spiritual power of "flowers" to attack the little cuties, not only did she not cause any harm to them, but her spiritual power was absorbed by them...

Power is like candy. Little cuties who have tasted the wonderful taste cannot understand the painstaking efforts of "flowers". They just want to get back what they lost, which is why they desperately attack Wuyue.

Everything that happened to Scarlet seemed to be explained. The only thing I can't figure out is why Ade threw away the body of "Huahua".

"Ade, Ade!" When the sound cannot wake up the creature pretending to be asleep, mental power can be used.

"Dear Queen, it is very impolite to disturb others' rest."

"This is your territory. Apart from me, who else can wake you up. If I'm not mistaken, the reason you pretend to be asleep is to wait for me to wake you up."

Ade didn't feel any guilty about having his purpose revealed. He said calmly, "I know what you want to ask. In exchange, you have to place my people in the daytime."

Fifth Yue: "Is daytime suitable for you to live in?"

Ade: "Without strong sunlight and thick clouds...you only need to transform me a little, and my people can survive in the daytime."

Fifth Yue: "..."

This is coming prepared! Knowing that the Zerg can transform living things, knowing that the daytime environment is barely suitable for Marissanni, he even guessed that he wanted something from him...

Facing such a smart creature, there seemed to be no other choice but to agree to the deal.

"I promise you. Now you can tell me why you should throw away the body of 'Flower'."

"Dear Queen, where do you think power comes from?"

Fifth Yue: "..."

There's really no answer to this question.

The way humans obtain power is completely different from that of the Zerg.

"You want to say that power does not arise out of thin air?"

"Power can be generated out of thin air, but there is a corresponding price. I threw it away because it paid for the power with its life."

"No living thing can escape this law?"

"Maybe there is, but I have never encountered him."

Fifth Yue would like to ask how Ade found out that the death of "flower" was related to the backlash of spiritual power. In addition to the Zerg, are there any other races that also use mental power or have encountered the same thing?

After thinking about it carefully, she gave up the idea. Ade is an existence that she cannot control. In this case, she cannot guarantee that what Ade said is the truth. If Ade gave her wrong guidance, it would be better to agree to Ade's request and find time to inquire carefully after they get used to daytime life.

"Ade, you should know that I am not the real queen. Since you have met the real queen, why don't you ask her for help and ask her to transform you?"

Hearing this, Ade, who had always thought of himself as an elder, suddenly lowered his posture and whispered: "The queen will not negotiate terms with any creature. She will either be transformed into a dependent or be devoured. If it hadn't been for Marisanni Xiaode She will not let us go easily if she disguises herself as me and is transformed into a dependent."

In just two sentences, a wealth of information is revealed. First of all, if Ade doesn't want to, his mimicry can deceive the queen. Secondly, he thought Wuyue was easy to bully, so he dared to negotiate terms. Finally, the jelly bug has a name, and it's called Marissian Druid.

Fifth Yue: "So, you think I'm kind and can be bullied? That's why you want to negotiate terms with me?"

Ade: "Dear Queen, you obviously misunderstood me. I am willing to give up mimicry and appear in front of you, just because you smell good, and you all smell good."

"Do you know why I pretend to be asleep? Because I hate mechanical life and this kind of existence that has no smell but can bring us harm..."

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