Bug Rescue Team

72. Her anger

Fifth Yue wanted to express her true feelings for a rare moment, but when she got to the emotional point, Ian said "congratulations" to stop her.

She asked: "Congratulations to me?"

Ian: "Aren't you talking so much just to gain my approval and make me change my mind?"

"Would you change your mind?"

"Honestly, I'm not interested in your mental journey, nor can I empathize with you. I just gave you a relative response out of politeness as a listener."

"Then I thank you for your politeness!" Wuyue's tone was very calm, but her mood had collapsed.

She suddenly began to say to herself: It has been like this since I was a child. No one is interested in me, and there will be no heroes riding on colorful clouds to save me. No matter when, I am the only one.

You think I don’t understand how troublesome this situation is? Don’t you know your abilities are limited? But I hope you lie to me, even if hope ultimately brings despair, it is better than watching yourself soberly heading towards death.

Lie to me, can't you learn?

Fortunately, I knew how to teach a person who couldn't speak to speak when I was very young. Give money, give power, or have power that others don’t have!

As Wuyue's voice continued to increase in intensity, Ian was suddenly pulled to her side by a force, and the two stood almost face to face.

They were very close to each other, but he couldn't feel Wu Yue's presence. His whole body seemed to be surrounded by sea water, falling while floating upward.

"what are you doing?"

"Teach you how to speak."

Fifth Yue's voice returned to a soft and soft tone. However, Ian knew that something was wrong, and Wuyue must have been annoyed. He shouted, "I don't want to be your dependent."

"Then beg me, just like I beg you." Geniuses have high IQs, but not necessarily emotional intelligence. Even in this situation, Ian would never bow his head, just as Wuyue guessed. He said, "Don't make me hate you."

"Hahaha," Wuyue sneered, "do you think I care?" As the conversion rate gradually increased, Ian felt that his mind was starting to get messy, and many things were no longer under his control. He suddenly shouted, "I beg you, don't let me lose myself and become your dependent."

Fifth Yue expected that he would be like this, and then asked: "Are you willing to treat me?"

Ian's originally frightened expression suddenly became particularly complicated because of these words, and the anger was faintly mixed with a bit of compassion. This expression was frozen for a few seconds, and in the end, all that was left on his face was indifference.

"I never promise anything I can't do." After saying that, he seemed to have given up struggling, from body to soul, and looked like he was doing whatever he wanted.

At this time, his conversion rate was as high as %. When the conversion rate exceeds %, he will become the fifth Yue's dependent.

Fifth Yue watched helplessly as Ian's human neural network slowly shrank, and the Zerg neural network gradually spread in his body like a sprouting seed...

Inexplicably, she recalled the feeling of despair while standing in the yo-yo arena.

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

She ended her transformation suddenly, as willfully as if she had started her transformation suddenly. Not only that, she also transformed back the parts that had been transformed. The whole process is like eating something you spit out again, and the taste is very sour.

Seeing that the rudimentary Zerg neural network gradually disappeared and the human neural network returned to its original state, she immediately ended the transformation. Looking at the degree of conversion, it is %, which is neither too much nor too little.

After losing his mental support, Ian collapsed to the ground, and his body shrank involuntarily due to pain. He hugged himself tightly and determined that even if 5X was released, he would still have the ability to think independently...

At this moment, Constantine, who didn't know what happened, asked: "Ian, what happened? Why are you like this?"

Ian was shaking all over in pain and refused to ask no matter what.

Constantine was so worried that he had to ask Fifth Yue, "Queen, can you tell me what happened?"

"I am sick."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."

"I wanted Ian to treat me, but he refused."

"He's not a doctor, so he can't agree to treat you."

"I tried to make him my dependent. Once he has the neural network of the Zerg, he will get sick just like me. He won't save me, but he has to save himself, don't you think?"

Constantine: "..."

My poor Ian, you are actually forced to become a Zerg. Doesn't this force you to die?

"Ian is very proud. He is proud of being a human being. I don't think he will save himself..." Constantine said this, but he clenched his fists, planning to give Wu Yue a slap if he disagreed.

A gentleman shouldn't touch a woman, but he couldn't just watch Ian in so much pain and remain indifferent.

"He was proud, I know, so the transformation was stopped."

Constantine watched Ian's flaxen curly hair turn into dark brown, and his eyes changed from gray-green to dark green, and asked uncertainly: "What's going on with Ian's appearance?"

"Originally I planned to make him my dependent. Since he is my dependent, he must conform to my aesthetics." Fifth Yue didn't know why Ian's appearance didn't change back. Maybe deep down in her subconscious mind, she felt that it looked good like this, and she worked hard towards this aspect during her transformation.

Constantine knelt on the ground, carefully held Ian in his arms, and said politely, "You gave up on making him your dependent. Compared with this, appearance and other things are small things, and he won't mind. .”

Ian had calmed down by this time. No matter what Constantine said, he always remained silent, for fear of irritating Fifth Yue again if he opened his mouth.

Fifth Yue glanced at Constantine's appearance of protecting the calf, and suddenly felt envious of Ian. She had never been protected like this before in her entire life.

"You are still a human neural network, and the degree of transformation has increased by % compared to before. Except that you live longer than humans and are less likely to get sick, you are almost the same as humans."

Wu Yue said these words to Ian, who stood up from Constantine's arms and followed Wu Yue without saying a word.

The jelly starship is Ade's body, which means that as long as Wuyue wants to go out, this starship can help her open any door at any time.

Fifth Yue chose a spot and walked out, and saw the nine teams hovering neatly nearby. After seeing the fifth moon, their little wings flap rapidly to show their happiness.

These dumb idiots are still cute! When Wuyue thought this way, she let her mental power blow through the bodies of the nine teams like a spring breeze, instantly replenishing the energy they had consumed during the long-distance flight.

The wings of the nine little insects flapped more and more eagerly, as if to say, come up quickly, and I will take you back to the daylight.

Fifth Yue walked in no hurry. Looking at Qijiao not far away, she suddenly closed her eyes.

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