Fifth Yue thought that her Chunqiu brushwork was pretty good. Compared with Ian, she was just a novice who couldn't speak.

Look at Ian, almost every crime is better than the one he originally said. But people can avoid the serious and take the easy, and throw in a seemingly shocking crime to attract attention, but in fact they reduce their harmfulness and make people mistakenly think that he is just a scientist with some ideas...

Fifth Yue no longer knew how to evaluate Ian, and only listened to Constantine continue: "Ian's mother comes from the Somerhalder family, which is also known as the Earl family. Although Ian's mother has passed away, through Salman With the power of the Moorhead family, I finally found the Divine Prison, or a certain member of the organization, X.”

"X told me that Ian is the one least affected by drugs among all the members. Because of this, it shows that he lacks normal human emotions and has no mercy or sympathy for the experimental subjects participating in the experiment. In order to convince me, he not only showed I learned some of Ian’s test records, and also showed me how the test objects were sent to the laboratory..."

"Queen, it is meaningless to discuss the morality and laws of Planet Aquamarine here. But on Planet Aquamarine, morality is something that no one can get around."

"After watching those videos about the experimental subjects, I knew that Ian was finished...Those people were ordinary people. They walked onto the streets as usual...and when they woke up, they were already lying in the laboratory."

"Once these videos are exposed, no reason can save Ian. The worst thing is that Ian does not know where these experimental subjects came from. I am worried that he will not be able to withstand the condemnation from all sides and become more extreme."

"Queen, when it comes to this, you should be able to guess that Conditionally, X needs me to convince Ian to undergo an operation."

Mr. X asked Ian to undergo surgery? Hearing this, Wuyue, no matter how stupid she was, could guess how Mr.

She even thought that Maria had not thought of revenge for her daughter for so many years, so why did she suddenly think of revenge against Ian? The Divine Prison Organization should have been targeting Ian very early, and with the help of Maria, Ian stepped into their trap step by step...

To confirm her guess, she asked: "5X is his condition?"

"Yes, he was the one who implanted 5X into Ian's brain. He told the lawyer how to persuade the judge to reduce Ian's charges, and then used various reasons to let Ian become a pioneer crew member... When the brain was connected, He personally implanted Aquamarine’s most promising artificial intelligence into Ian’s brain.”

"Wait for me to figure it out." Fifth Yue interrupted Constantine. She could guess some things that Ian might not be able to guess. The top priority was to figure out why Ian thought he was mediocre.

"You were worried that Ian would be harmed, so you hid the fact from him that he was not greatly affected by drugs, and made him mistakenly believe that all his achievements were inseparable from the effects of drugs?"

"Yes, I want to apologize to you. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have refused your request."

Fifth Yue finally understood the whole thing. I'm afraid Ian still doesn't understand that he was deceived by the person he trusted the most.

Now that things have come to this point, Fifth Yue doesn't mind getting to know Ian better.

She asked: "Why do you think Ian will be harmed? Since he didn't ask where the test subjects came from, he certainly won't blame himself for the unknown origin of the test subjects."

1001 has said before that if Ian lacks emotion for human beings and lacks reverence for life, then he will definitely not feel guilty because of his so-called sense of morality.

Hearing this, Constantine suddenly said excitedly: "He is not a monster, nor is he an antisocial personality disorder. He just can't express his emotions, and all his inner emotions are more restrained than normal people."

Fifth Yue: "..."

I really didn’t see this, it’s whatever you say! There are not many normal people left here anyway.

"Let's continue the previous topic. Under the deliberate guidance of you and the lawyer, Ian had a wrong understanding of his abilities. X used this opportunity to make a deal with you, and you convinced Ian to lie on the operating table willingly. I want to know, is 5X the OPAI that the Western Federation has been using?”

"5X is not OPAI. It was developed earlier than OPAI. Because of certain signs, the engineers decided to prevent the growth of 5X and declared the project a failure. Mr. Other planets.”

"Does Ian know this?"

"I didn't hide any information about 5X from him. Mr. X promised me that as long as Ian is alive, the core functions of 5X will remain dormant..."

"According to your statement, Mr.

The fact is that it seems like this, but when Fifth Yue said it in such a sarcastic tone, the fact seems to be different.

Constantine hesitated for a while and said, "I'll ask Mr. X after I log off."

"Pioneer has been flying away for so long, and if you ask him now, what do you think he thinks?"

"Queen, I will not tell anything about Bai Ri."

"Lin Shen and the others are on their way back, and Bai Ri's existence will be known to the world sooner or later. Since you care about Ian, you should think more about how to talk to Mr. X."

After Constantine left, Wuyue continued to learn how to disguise mental power as data to invade mechanical and electronic devices that can receive signals.

It was difficult at first. After countless failures, Wuyue could only keep hinting to herself that there was no reason why she couldn't control what Lin Shen could do. But no matter how hard she tried, her always obedient spirit seemed unable to understand.

This made her couldn't help but recall the psychological process of being an imposter... The Fifth Kongsuke said that as long as she could enter the base, the rest of the links would be cleared, but she was stuck on entering the base. She looked nothing like Gao Shu, and she had no idea how to enter the base gate with Gao Shu's ID.

The Fifth Air Officer told her that the soldiers guarding the gate only looked at the documents and not the person. In their understanding, no one would fake the pioneer crew. Even if they did, they would not be able to pass the subsequent re-inspection process. That is to say, the soldiers guarding the gate transferred their responsibilities to the person in charge of the subsequent links.

She understood how to pass this level, but how to pass the subsequent retest?

The fifth agency also said that when it comes to the re-inspection, as long as you insist that you are Gao Shu, the person in charge of the re-inspection will report the information. At this point, brain-brain connection has become the only criterion for testing the pioneer crew. As long as the fifth Yue can connect through the brain, she will be Gaoshu.

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