Bug Rescue Team

99: Strange disease

After Lin Shen returned home, he was not in a hurry to go out. Except for necessary interviews, he was trying to re-understand the world through the Internet. As time passed, everything about the day was gradually hidden deep in his memory.

When there were no more Zerg and purple sky in his dream, he felt it was time to integrate into society... At the first stop, he decided to go back to the company for a visit.

Empire Entertainment owns a building in the central area of ​​the Imperial Capital. The exterior walls below the th floor are all filled with photos of the stars the company touts. If you want to know who the popular stars of the Empire are, just look up at the outer wall. Whose photo is the biggest and has the longest play time?

Lin Shen knew that he was good-looking, but when he saw the news about his interview being played on the largest electronic screen on the outer wall, his face turned dark. Is this because he was afraid that he would not die quickly enough?

Tang Jingning, Lin Shen’s friend and manager of Empire Entertainment. When he saw that Lin Shen did not go through the underground parking lot, but came in through the main entrance, he couldn't help but joked: "Those reporters in the parking lot were squatting for nothing. If I had known you were going through the main entrance, I should have made a call to earn some leads for myself." Personnel fee…”

The two had talked on the phone before, and the gap between them after not seeing each other for seven years was much smaller than imagined.

Lin Shen: "How much am I worth now?" Tang Jingning pulled him enthusiastically and said casually: "Ten thousand yuan!"

"So worthless? I thought I was very popular."

"Mr. Lin, how long have you been back? The news has become old news. If you weren't so ostentatious, the reporters in the parking lot would have left long ago..."

"Who is the most popular today?"

"Mark, he posted a post on his company's dating app yesterday admitting that he is a Mars terraformer... Their company's stock price has been soaring and is about to skyrocket."

"Didn't you receive the notification that the information about me should be kept as low-key as possible?"

"I got it, but Xia Gui doesn't think it's necessary."

"If she doesn't film well, why is she messing around?" During those years when Lin Shen was managing the company, what he disliked the most was nepotism and people who used the background to cause trouble.

Xia Gui is his good friend and must know his likes and dislikes, but she provokes his bottom line again and again. What does this mean? Furthermore, without Tang Jingning's permission, Xia Gui could not do anything.

Tang Jingning hurriedly explained that Lin Shen's previous assistant went home to give birth. Since Lin Shen never came back, the position of assistant was vacant.

I learned that Lin Shen had quietly done something big in the past few years since his disappearance. They were careful when arranging assistants, and they would not dare to use them if they had dirty information. Zhao Chenxu was originally Xia Gui's assistant with a clean background. Because he couldn't find a suitable person for a while, Xia Gui asked Zhao Chenxu to come and work for a few days.

Lin Shen wanted to transfer the shares to Li Qinglu, which caused the stock price of Empire Entertainment to suddenly drop... Xia Gui didn't want Lin Shen to suffer, so she put the video of her interview with Lin Shen on the big screen before the document was officially signed. in order to enhance the confidence of investors and increase the stock price...

Tang Jingning's explanation was reasonable and Lin Shen stopped complaining for a while. People will change in seven years. As long as the changes in his friends are within the acceptable range, he doesn't care about the details at all.

When the two took the elevator straight to Lin Shen's office, Xia Gui was already waiting there. She trotted towards Lin Shen and threw herself into his arms, "Brother Xiao Lin, how could you do this and leave without saying a word. If it weren't for the accidental rescue, I...I..." She didn't say a few words. , she choked and started to cry.

Seeing this, Tang Jingning took the initiative and said, "Should I come over later?"

Lin Shen shook his head, pushed Xia Gui away and said, "We'll talk about old times later. I'll talk to Jing Ning first. You go and put on your makeup, your face is wet with tears..."

Xia Gui obviously didn't expect Lin Shen to be so disrespectful, and was more curious about what could be more important than catching up with old friends. She said nothing and silently gave up the office.

Tang Jingning: "What do you want to talk to me about? The agreement on the share transfer has not been drawn up yet. It just depends on when the shareholders will be convened for a meeting... Xia Gui knew that you were coming to the company. She just flew back from Province A at midnight last night. You Just send people away like this?"

Hearing this, Lin Shen suddenly felt a little guilty, but he quickly adjusted his mood and said: "We are not going to talk about the shares. I want to talk to you about the fifth Yue."

Tang Jingning had no idea that for Lin Shen, something more important than catching up with old friends was actually related to the "Fifth Yue". Thinking of three years ago, his old friend's assistant suddenly said that the old friend wanted to support the "Fifth Yue", and his mood at that time was similar to that now.

"Fifth Yue, according to your request, she is now the most popular star in Empire Entertainment, no one else."

Lin Shen did not let go of the shock and confusion on his old friend's face. He wanted to explain that "Fifth Yue" was not himself, but that his real name was Gao Shu... but the words came to his lips, "What do you think of 'Fifth Yue'?" 'How about it?"

"Tell the truth?"

Lin Shen pretended to punch Tang Jingning and asked, "Are you going to tell me lies?"

"She is the worst actor I have ever seen. She has an arrogant personality and a bad temper... She can't act at all. She is the kind of actor who is not even wanted by the director. But she is also very confident. She seems to be successful all by herself. Work hard, God is chasing her to feed her. I really want to say, it's not God chasing her to feed her, it's you chasing her to feed her."

Lin Shen raised his eyebrows, not surprised that Gao Shu had such a character. If he didn't have such a bad personality, how could he be numbered 1001 by the base staff during the brain connection test? The four Pioneer spaceships have a total of more than a hundred crew members. Zhi Nao can only have a crew of more than a hundred at most. She was so stupid that she made it more than a thousand. How disgusting it is!

"Is she in the company? Has she been active recently?"

"She rarely comes to the company. I don't even know where the company door opens. Didn't you know something happened to her during the recent activities?"

Huh! Lin Shen didn't expect this, so he hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

Tang Jingning glanced at the office door and whispered: "Her matter is more troublesome. I signed a confidentiality clause." After saying this, he felt happy, "You spend money to support a star, but in the end... It’s quite interesting not knowing what happened to the person you admire.”

Lin Shen knocked on the table and signaled Tang Jingning to stop talking nonsense and talk quickly!

"Six months ago, around this time, 'Fifth Yue' suddenly became fat..." According to the empire's current aesthetics, the company will almost arrange nutritionists, fitness coaches, etc. for every popular star to ensure that they stay in shape. Always within the limits of public permission.

After Gao Shu gained weight like a balloon, she fired the team assigned to her without waiting for the company's reaction. The reason was that someone was trying to harm her! Tang Jingning has long been accustomed to her operations. She can just speculate and save money for the company...

In the following time, Gao Shu was either seeking medical advice or on his way to seek medical advice. Under the guidance of professional doctors, she was able to lose weight quickly, but unfortunately she gained weight again within a few days. After countless repetitions, the doctor came to the conclusion that once she consumed more than 200 grams a day, her weight would skyrocket.

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